Sunday, February 27, 2022

In which the pond opts for a quiet Sunday meditation with prattling Polonius and our Gracie ...





What a relief it is - for that to be the last mention of the sociopath in this Sunday meditation - though the pond does thank Rowson for an insight into the creepily weird man ...

What a relief that prattling Polonius had other things on his mind, and so the pond could just hope that Vlad ended up with a bloody nose, while Polonius brooded about local bloody noses ...




Hmm, didn't Hawkie and the French clock man have a stoush? And what about that drover's dog? 



Ah yes, that drover's dog ...


Still, what would the pond know up against the majestic wisdom and mighty memory of Polonius, and his many sweeping assertions.

More to the point, it's all part of the pond's desire not to mention the war for its Sunday meditation ... and all the better that Polonius is prattling about internecine internal war so savage that Polonius almost seems to have forgotten about the ABC, though surely it's all the ABC's fault ...


Phew, take your breaks where you can find them ABC ...

Polonius is still banging on about the Split, as he's wont to do, and yearning for the good old days of Commie bashing, and now what's left to him?

Bloody useless greenies and that Holmes a Court chappie, and perhaps worst of all, primarily professional women, who pose a dire threat, enough to make even a strong Polonius tremble, quaver and wet his pants ... bloody activists.

Now must be the right time to note that the ABC is their natural home, because there's not a single conservative voice to be heard on the ABC, except all the times the IPA bobs up ...



The pond could barely believe it, and had to read it several times to make sure... Polonius joining in the internal feud, and not mentioning the ABC or all his other pet hates, fears and phobias.

The pond was completely mortified. How could it be a proper Polonial meditation, a proper pond Sunday meditation, without mention of either Pellism or the ABC?

To remedy the damage, the pond trawled back through the reptile archives to add a bright, cheery Sunday note ...


That's better, that's more like the feisty Polonius of old ... 

Sheesh, the stress of watching Polonius strut about on stage, and then dry up and forget his lines was too much for the pond, and as usual, the pond reverted to an infallible Pope for comfort ...





Eek, the bloody war and the sociopath, completely obliterating Polonius's valiant effort in not mentioning the bloody ABC, Pellism, and the whole damn thing ... and incidentally ruining the pond's promise not to mention the war.

How to make amends? Luckily the pond could hie off to another bright spot, because for some time the pond has been worried about our Gracie, but a flash of the old Gracie shone through this weekend, and it was a vast relief to the pond ...


Actually, that 'no one knows' line, while pure Gracie, does tend to obscure the fact that some do know, as noted in the AFR under the header The politics of the Sydney train strike that wasn't... (outside the paywall at the moment, because as noted elsewhere, occasionally the AFR wilts and lets the odd story pop out into the world).

It wasn't a strike, it was a lockout, as any goose apart from Gracie might know ... 

And so to a few samples from the AFR piece ... celebrating the wonders of the lockout in sodden Sydney ...

Uh huh, perhaps a little more gruel please, what with the singing of praises and the singing for supper ...


And so on and on, a colossal cock up, and a lock out and union bashing as the federal election looms, but our Gracie has gone back to her old ways and is in strike mode ...



Yes, yes, but if the pond might just slip in another note from the AFR ... just a quick one, spoiler alert, from the very end of the piece, with a grace note of full irony ...

Well yes, but our Gracie is off with DumDom and the Liberal pixies blathering about strikes while bunging on a lockout ... and irony of ironies, the work bans remained intact ...


And why should politicians and bureaucrats be able to bung on a lockout and throw a city into chaos? What does our Gracie propose to do about this unregulated activity?

Sorry, can't expect an answer to that one from our reverting Gracie, but here's what happens when you do absolutely nothing, keep an invisible profile, and let the clowns go about the business of throwing pies at each other ...




Of course it's not just DumDom, there's another prize loon at the centre of the storm ... speaking as Polonius does of factional idiocy ...




But that's many other prize loon stories, with many other links here ...

And now to make amends, at least the pond can finish off with a non-war cartoon, this one by Kudelka, with the Saturday Paper always worth a look here ...




  1. So, Marise Payne says of a national leader that he had: "lied, deceived, fabricated and shown no interest in genuine dialogue”. Any clues as to who that might be ? Or is it just about as widespread as Covid.

    1. When I saw that I assumed someone had released another bit of internal correspondence about Morrison.

      All of those things might be true but politicians generally have so trashed their brand that most people will just note the pomposity and hypocrisy. History suggests they will make a lot of noise but do as little as possible, especially if it affects commercial interests (aluminium, uranium etc)

  2. Polonius says: "Holt died in office". Oh no he didn't, he's still working from his office in Beijing advising Xi how to conquer Australia. Just a bright, chipper 114yo with many a summer yet to go.

    What's this that Polonius is saying: "But the days of a strong pro-communist left in the ALP have passed." Oh dear, if he says things like that, how is Morrison going to attack Albo for being soft on the left-communist Chinese ? Besides, there isn't actually a "strong pro-communist left" still in existence anywhere in the world, is there ?

  3. The intellectual arm of the Liberal Party might be missing from the Flagship this week. That quarry in the Lockyer Valley has started to pour out huge quantities of water again, and I am sure the Cater will have made his way up there to refine those couple of little observational errors he made last time.

    1. Oh yes, looking forward with bated breath for the next chapter of "Flood waters must run free". Though it might have to be without Alan Jones this time. But maybe Piers will take up the role.

  4. "It wasn't a strike, it was a lockout, as any goose apart from Gracie might know... " Well there's a big goose who's "running the country" (at least he seems to think so), who doesn't know it wasn't a strike and has no intention of ever apologising for saying so. Or, as is his usual form, ever acknowledging he got anything wrong. It seems that SloMo badly needs somebody to teach him how to show "manners and respect". Anybody ?

    But, BG, butt, our Gracie seems determined to revert to her foundational reptilism*. Si triste. So she goes on to say: "We are all bound by rules and requirements for pretty much everything. Why should going on strike be an exception to the rule, and an unregulated activity."

    Well yes, why indeed. The idea that even non-sovereign citizens may want to actually complain about the rules occasionally and therefore might just have to undertake "unregulated activity" is way beyond the comprehension of a reptile, a state of being that Gracie seems sadly to have reverted to.

    * reptilism: reptilian nature or character; especially underhandedness, baseness.

  5. Sharri may have to start work on a second edition of her book:

    1. Yeah, she'll have to slag that pseudo-science off quick smart. Imagine thinking a disease could somehow originate in nature without requiring financing from the USA - Fox would never allow it.

    2. Anonymous - thank you for that link. By happy chance, that also gave me access to excerpt from Juianne Schultz' new book, 'The Idea of Australia – A Search for the Soul of the Nation', published by Allen & Unwin. Looks interesting, in a way that almost guarantees it will not be reviewed soon in any of the Limited News publications - particularly as it was not published by Connor Court.

    3. Was this the excerpt, Chad ?

      The idea of Australia: forgotten history, power for power’s sake and the collapse of the egalitarian myth

    4. That's the one, GB. Prof.Schultz has been responsible for producing one of the better 'little magazines' - 'Griffith Review'. OK - some issues way better than others, but it is much wider in its scope, and better written, than - oh, pluck one at random - 'Quad Rant'. Having been born in NZ, Prof. Schultz seems to have that extra 'angle' on Australian culture. An advantage that the Cater seems not to have acquired from his birth and 'education' in the UK.


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