Saturday, February 26, 2022

in which the pond hits on the reptile strategy of boring the sociopathic Vlad to death ...



The reptiles' tree killer edition set the rag on the world stage, with a flashback to the horrors of the second world war ...





 Oh it was grim stuff, and the greenies were still on parade, and then suddenly a gigantic cognitive dissonance kicked in, thanks to ancient Troy, when the pond visited the digital edition...





Suddenly in the midst of war, echoes of WWII ringing in the ears like the pond's tinnitus, and we're supposed to care about Bob Hawke fucking like a rabbit way back when? 

But JFK fucked like a rabbit too, and with partners close to the Mafia, and really, so what?

Never mind, the pond knew its duty, it had to at least start the weekend by tackling sociopathic Vlad, with the sidenote that there seems to be a lot of RT viewers on Crikey ... apparently incapable of understanding that while the US might have been brazen in Iraq and Afghanistan, that's no excuse for Vlad to be brazen in his own sociopathic way ... leave that sort of both siderism to the NY Times ...

Still, the reptiles had hit on a grand strategy in their attempt to fight back ... 

Drag on nattering "Ned" and bore Vlad into submission ...



Putin's move mocks the ideals and power of the liberal democracies? Don't we have News Corp to hand to do that?




More here, with the pond still wondering how the reptiles down under have failed to notice the rat finks and white anters in their midst ... but then "Ned" has always been oblivious as well as pompous, portentous and tedious ...


Hang on, hang on, please allow the pond to go back to the opening line in that gobbet: "There is no moral confusion about this conflict".

Sez who?



And so on and so forth at Vanity Fair here ...

Back to "Ned's" natter, deep in moral confusion ...


And so we should embrace a speaker in tongues to an imaginary friend, who thinks the rapture is just around the corner?

But what about that moral confusion? Ah well, if you read the LA Times television critic, because Cucker is after all just an entertainer of the Jerry Springer kind, there's been a little change of heart ...



Ah yes, the moral confusion continued apace, but back to oblivious "Ned" ...


Meanwhile, the pond can't resist slipping in another bit of the Cucker, this time from WaPo, which might be in or out of the paywall should anyone follow the link ...



Golly gee, the entertainer finally changed his tune, and helped the pond get to the end of nattering "Ned" ...


Indeed, indeed, is Cucker Tarlson and Laura and the whole mob just a disastrous blunder by an ageing leader, deluded by his dictatorial power and likely to do untold harm to his corporation and his adopted country? Especially with that ongoing devotion to that very stable genius, the mango Mussolini ...




Yes, there was a reason that Twitter hid those tweets the pond linked to above ...





Such an unhappy, deeply divided country, and in no small part thanks to the chairman and his son, and his hacks and spivs, and their devotion to the mango Mussolini ...

And now, to continue the pond's strategy of boring sociopathic Vlad the impaler to death, here's a holdover piece from hole in the bucket man Henry ...



Ah, it's a history lesson from the hole in the bucket man, and to break it up, the reptiles flung in a click bait video ...

But if the reptiles had been following ancient Troy's notion of ancient history, they surely should have stuck in more relevant snaps ...


Not to worry, on with our Henry, turned quisling and defeatist ... 




Yes, it's a wail of woe, and at the very end our hole in the bucket man gives up the ghost ...




The pond will leave others to argue the toss with Henry about imperial and colonial days and the joys of "spheres of influence" and the way it allegedly led to the protection of national sovereignty ...





Instead the pond will rush on to the final gobbet wherein old Henry gives the game away ... because, by golly, we don't know how to do a rumble in the jungle these days ...



Marvellous really, what a time to wave the white flag, and astonishing the way the hole in the bucket man's history lesson can ignore where News Corp led the world for four long years ... Graudian away here ...




Yep, as the late night comics joked, it's just another big savvy real estate deal ...

And so to a wrap up with Rowe, showing the sharkies man offering thoughts and prayers for his own survival, with more Rowe wrap ups here ...


  1. Now let me see, Holely Henry says: "...the West's willingness to bear costs for the sake of punishing aagressions that are remote from its citizens' daily life is far slighter than its grandiose statements suggest."

    Hmmm. "Encouraged by the weak response to Italy's attack on Abyssinia, Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland on 7 March 1936. This demilitarised zone had been established under the Treaty of Versailles as a buffer between Germany and France. Britain did not see the occupation as a threat to its interests or overall security and did not respond militarily."

    Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    They say “travel broadens the mind” and it’s amazing what new skills you can pick up when increasing your “spheres of interest” and usurping European continental autocracies.


  3. GB's quote is apposite to this subject as well.

    Despite a lot of evidence that intelligence gathered using torture is unreliable at best it tends to suit the mindset of those in charge. This little tale tracks the lady who was the model for the lead character in "Zero Dark Thirty".


    2. The Spanish Inquisition syndrome always has infested the human "race", Bef.


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