Saturday, February 26, 2022

In which the pond does a cut and paste of bromancer and dog botherer for a late arvo slot and thoroughly confuses itself ...



It's a busy weekend for the reptiles, and as usual the pond has sent the dog botherer to a late arvo ghetto, but this time the pond decided to liven things up by doing a William Burroughs' style cut and paste (there will be no attempt to shoot an apple off a stray woman's head) ...

As a result, the pond will make no meaningful comments (not that the pond ever tries to be meaningful in reptile company). 

Just following the weird differences between the dog botherer and the bromancer will be enough to make any stray reader's head spin ...

So let the pond begin with the dog botherer doing his usual bothering stuff ...





And so to the first chunk of the bromancer, and it will be immediately apparent that the reptiles are deep into mind fuck territory ...




Now the pond will make one observation. This is clearly a warning to SloMo to toe the reptile line, because there's a good cop and a bad cop routine going down here, and the reptiles are hedging their bets, and who would have guessed that the bromancer would have been sent off to do the mollycoddling while the dog botherer did the usual head kicking?


Now this is going to get hard to follow, but for the record, that was the dog botherer, and this is the bromancer's second gobbet ...




Already feeling like a stunned mullet? The pond preferred a stunned catfish for that muddy bottom of the river flavour, but now back to the dog botherer for a third gobbet ...



Followed by a third gobbet from the bromancer, with bonus neutered click bait video ...




Mind fully fucked yet? No? Then you need a fourth serve of the dog botherer with an alarming snap of Xi activists in the street...




And so to the bromancer's fourth gobbet, and hold his beer on the matter of former Chairman Rudd, because first we need a snap of the French clock man, likely to induce a total freak-out in the dog botherer ...




At this point, the pond's grand game plan broke down ... because this is the last gobbet the dog botherer could muster ...


Meanwhile the bromancer was still going strong ...





Oh what to do? The bromancer still on Albo song, and the dog botherer given the game way ...

Well, the pond had promised that snap of former Chairman Rudd, so it was on with the bromancer,  and that'll teach the dog botherer to leave the field before time's up ...




Oh if only the dog botherer had hung in, how he could have vented at former chairman Rudd and fellow traveller Albo, and yet it's the bromancer and the diabolical Albo who have the last words ...



 Oh dog botherer, see what happens when you take an early mark and duck out of reptile school.

"He's come a long way, Albo ..."

Yep, it was a complete mind fuck, but worth remembering not up there with what sociopath Putin is doing to Ukraine, nor for that matter what the Poms currently tolerate, with Rowson celebrating British tolerance here ...



  1. So, the Bromancer can be just as garrulous as Neddy, and every bit as numbingly pointless. Hucoodanode.

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    Kenny is very much the one trick pony when it comes to rhetorical argument.

    He tries twice here to conflate that disagreeing with the reckless foreign policy announcements of a LNP government, that have caused actual economic and reputational damage, are somehow an attack on Australia.

    It follows in the same stance of when Morrison was accused of being a bare faced liar by Macron.

    “I’m not going to cop sledging of Australia, I’m not going to cop that on behalf of Australians.”

    Sorry you horrible, horrible man, you may want to believe “l’état, c'est moi” but it is just you who is the liar.


    1. One trick pony is right, DW. I just love the way he began his paean to Kennyism: "The overstated threat of global warming receives more attention than the understated threat of totalitarianism."

      Yep, that's our Doggy Boverer all over.


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