Thursday, February 24, 2022

In which the bromancer waves a warm lettuce leaf and immigration, and the lizard Oz editorialist doesn't realise the call is coming from inside the house ...





What hope is there when those idealistic devotees to western civilisation, the noble reptiles, persist in taking Clive's cash in the claw?

The only upside for the pond this Thursday is that it's the usual rest day, thanks to the ban on petulant Peta. 

And the pond has few regrets, because once you get past petulant Peta, look at the dregs on offer, as early this morning, the lizard Oz editorialist was sighted filling in a lot of gaps and sticking copious fingers in assorted holes in the reptile dyke... 



The pond is pleased to learn that Rowan has a direct line to dictator Xi, and knows exactly what he;'s thinking, but will pass on the catch-up. And ditto Clive, sounding like he's ust doing a mini-bromancer, so pass on that too ...

As for the top of the digital page, it was all doom and gloom ...




Oh sure Geoff and Greg were in a state of alarm, and smelting down about the smelter and dear sweet innocent clean Oz coal.

And petulant Peta was smelting down about the woke yet again - at least the pond had caught up with the latest John Oliver last night, if only petulant Peta had done the same - and of course she wanted the government to step in, like some woke greenie demanding that the government do something ... because somehow, for some reason, petulant Peta is a big government person, and incredibly woke about it ...

At this point the pond usually notes what it might once have been running, when the savvy Savva ran with the reptile pack ...


But enough of this survey, and dancing around petulant Peta doing her woke cry for government intervention, because in the current crisis, the pond turns, as always, to the bromancer for a clue as to how the wind really blows in reptile la la land...



There you go, it's all in the header, a full on Pontius Pilate act. Waiter, a little water so that the bromancer might wash his paws and urge the Ukrainians to fight, because it's all up to them ...

Sure the bromancer was all for a little adventure in Iraq, but Vlad the impaler's got some heavy shit, so tough luck Ukraine.

By the way, the pond apologises for that leaking of a Leak cartoon into the pond, and the risk to the eyes that it poses ...

And now after that opening bromancer talk of the feeble west offering a flogging with a wet lettuce, and giving the gibbering BoJo a brief flogging, the bad news for Ukraine is that the bromancer proceeded to deploy his very own wet lettuce, for assorted floggings ...

At this point, the pond should note the bromancer was heavy on the visuals this day, and the reptiles deployed an image that was on rotation at the top of the digital page ...



Well yes, we know that, or at least we know that 1991 referendum saw 92.3% of voters approve the declaration of independence, but since when has Vlad the dictator given a fig for democracy, when he might just use a fig leaf for his dictatorship?

And so back to the bromancer, and eventually to the sell-out by the bromancer himself ...



So after mocking BoJo for blathering on about soccer, what does the bromancer himself offer as a solutiion? 

"...we should offer a new home to a lot of Ukrainians. They would make excellent immigrants."

Well so do Russians fleeing Vlad the impaler, but how is this in any way better than BoJo? (And it would have to be over Dame Groan's dead body).

The pond kept getting the sense that the bromancer had given up, thrown in the towel, waved the white flag ...


But Putin already has the answer to that question, and the bromancer supplied him with it ... 

"...we should offer a new home to a lot of Ukrainians. They would make excellent immigrants."

Game set and match to the dictator, and all the rest is mere idle verbiage of the BoJo kind ... who knew that the bromancer was big on warm wet lettuce?





So even valiant fighting and vast bloodshed by the Ukrainians is pointless? Vlad will just do them slowly, and we'll all stand and watch, and the bromancer will feel a little shame at how things go, but he feels enfeebled and there's nothing to be done?

That's how it goes in the final gobbet ...




Ukraine is deeply fucked. The valiant reptile crusader in those last few lines just joined many others in giving Vlad the impaler the green light ... with pious thoughts and prayers and hopefully, and a bizarre comparison to North Vietnam allegedly winning by way of massed armoured divisions (sorry, the pond must insist that armour is yesterday's technology), and a leaving of the Ukrainians on the field alone, because no one, not even the bromancer, is going to lift a finger to help them ...

And all the pond can offer in response is a Rowe cartoon, with more Rowe here ...





Not more bloody tanks ...

...It’s not the martial aspect of tanks that is depressing. It is instead the sheer idiocy and the anachronistic frivolity of Australia acquiring tanks and similar heavy, tracked vehicles which can never be of the slightest military use to us. And our doing this at a time of acute strategic challenge in our own region, when our maritime assets are woefully inadequate to the need, reflects the kind of high-minded strategic blindness, the paradigm paralysis and inertia of the defence organisation. Australia has not used a tank in anger since the Vietnam War. Our combat troops were mainly gone by late 1971, so that’s 50 years in which we have had no use for tanks. But we’ve had them all that time.

Ah yes, and as for the F111C...

And so the pond turned to the lizard editorialist for a dose of more of the same ...



The demands of patience? Ah, it's the old wet lettuce leaf flogging, mocked by the bromancer until he too hung out the white flag and left the field ...

And so it goes and so it went ...



"A unified response from the rest of the world is what is needed"?

But reptiles, you don't have to watch the re-make of Scream to realise that the calls are coming from inside the house ...




So much for a unified response, as the reptiles are busy white-anting and celebrating Vlad the impaler, thanks to Cucker Tarlson and his mob ... inside the News Corp house of liars, cheats, frauds and tricksters ...

Why if only the pond could join Truth Social to spread the word about the perfidy and the treachery...

So is there an upside this day? 

Well Sydney-siders being a parochial lot, Sydney was atop the page elsewhere ... what with a grovelling apology and a man getting ahead of the game by doing absolutely nothing ...


And meanwhile as the pond types, the thunder sounds and a sense of sogginess fills the humid air ...

But back at the lizard Oz, simplistic Simon could see a way forward, by pretending that SloMo and the reptiles gave more than a flying fuck ...





Oh yes, it's an ill wind that blows no good when there's a wet lettuce leaf to hand ...

Luckily the pond had an infallible Pope to hand to close out the day, and put a dampener on that sort of drivel ... what with none of the reptiles, including the bromancer, willing to do a meaningful thing about national security threats ...





Ah yes, we've been there before ...





  1. "The only upside for the pond this Thursday is that it's the usual rest day..."

    It seems the reptiles are supporting you in that, DP, but hey, I haven't seen Glenda Korporaal's name on anything in yonks - 2 decades at least. But then I haven't read the Sydney papers in quite a while.

  2. "And petulant Peta was smelting down about the woke yet again" Right on DP, and so she rants that: "We are being held hostage by private energy suppliers with no obligation to the public." Well, we all just stand flabbergasted by that: "private energy suppliers" no less. Now how did that happen when once upon a time all of the "energy suppliers" were government institutions owned by the people ?

    But never no mind because she tells us that: "It's time the PM stepped in". And it sure is but in what, exactly ? And just what exactly does she think ScottyfromMarketing - who doesn't even know who runs the trains and sure as hell never freezes won't ever apologise for not knowing - could do about it ? Send in Jenny again to tell those naughty train, and energy, people that they're just not showing "manners and respect" ?

    1. Oh stop it GB, you'll make the pond go blind, or worse, indulge in a serve of petulant Peta, because that's a mighty fine comedy routine you've got going there ...

  3. So, the Bromancer has two important things to say:
    "It is a dreadful and depressing reflection, but so far Putin is easily winning this confrontation."
    "So far at least, Putin may even be making a financial profit out of his aggression."

    Well, of course he is, how could it be otherwise. Though I do wonder if Vlad would have been quite so forthright if he didn't have a note of approval from Xi - who must be looking at this with a very big smile all over his face.

    But how about this (via Jim Molan ?): "There was a sustained sequence in World War II where the allies didn't win a single major battle. But they fought in every one. They slowed the Nazis, they imposed a cost, and this made ultimate victory possible." And just imagine, the Nazis had these wonderful armoured tanks (adapted from the Russian T-34's sloped armour all round, wide track and large road wheels and long, overhanging gun -

    And yet, the Nazis lost, so it just goes to show that tanks don't win wars, even when they are suited by the terrain. Though really don't imagine that the Europeans will fight the Russkis like they fought the Nazis, and indeed how the Russkis also fought the Nazis.

    But then, the yanquis (with British and Aussies and others help) have already fought the Chinese and managed to come to a mutual standoff which is why there is two Koreas, so maybe it will come to a mutual standoff with the Russkis resulting in two Ukraines ? Which, come to think of it, it just about is already.

    1. God was definitely on the side of the big battalions in the critical battles of WWII (go to comparison of strength)

      So, lots of tanks may win wars

    2. Lots of tanks may win some battles, Bef, and they were pretty good at blitzkrieg for a while, bur they don't win wars. Gotta get those foot soldiers in to take captives and hold territory for that.

    3. Of late the trick is to get your soldiers out. Makes me wonder whether Vlad intends to occupy all of Ukraine or just defang some of the far-right (Asov Battalion etc) and withdraw to the two majority Russian majority areas.

      In truth, I have no idea, which is still better than Lord Downer.

    4. Errr - I meant areas that identify as culturally Russian

  4. I realise this appears to invoke she who should be ignored, but -

    In 21 words, the Woman from Wycheproof (don’t want to publicise the Credlin name) manages to mangle several established concepts in economics, and place herself a couple of decades behind the times. Well, that part was fairly obvious when she was onion-carrier for the Muncher.

    ‘We are being held hostage’ - by energy providers. Only if we want to be. It is quite feasible for a large proportion of Australians to be quite independent of energy providers, and has been for much of my lifetime. In the farming district into which I was born, the homestead could have much of the convenience of electricity, powered by wind (yes - wind) or diesel. OK it was at low voltage, and didn’t drive nearly as many gadgets as a home has now - but now all that can be provided from solar arrays. Oh - that handy wind stuff also brought up water for farm use.

    So almost all of us can now be our own private energy providers.

    Even with that option, many may still prefer to take electrical energy from another supplier; one with an obligation, set out in a contract, to supply at a quality and quantity specified. Presumably the W-f-W has never troubled herself to read such mundane stuff as the household electric account. No doubt, when she and he companion in life were running the country, they had minions to attend to that.

    She instructs the PM (Scott Morrison - thank you Shaun Micallef!) to ‘step in’. To those who claim to be ‘conservative’ - Governments are justified in stepping in only if there has been market failure. The W-f-W does seem to be firing a salvo or three at people who are trying to buy - not so much large generating works, but large distribution networks - in an open market - to offer consumers the same quality of electricity - much cheaper, and with much less ‘externality’ - on the climate. Yep - that’s the sort of thing this PM could easily be persuaded to oppose. It’s just a matter of getting some Getty Images of ‘hostages’ to energy providers for the reptiles to decorate the tree-killer editions. The message is too complicated to entrust it to the latest Leak.

    1. Ah, the eloquent futility of reasoned rationality, Chad, especially when wasted on reptiles.

    2. Dear sweet long absent lord Chadders, you're even worse than GB. The pond through its petulance is missing out on an enormous amount of beguiling stupidity. The pond might have to revise its stand, no thanks to you and GB proving she's a rich source of nutritional silliness, a good source of vitamins and irony ...

    3. Well she's sort of on a par with Miranda the Devine, isn't she. So just label her 'Miranda the Petulant' and all will be good.

    4. GB - I think Ms P is telling us to stay in after school, and write multiple lines.

      Here are some possibilities -

    5. Now that's one heck of a collection, Chad. But then the Simpsons are frozen in time, aren't they.

  5. Hmmm. talking about the smile on Xi's face, "China and Australia should ‘meet each other halfway’" says our new Chinese ambassador, Xiao Qian.

    Ok, which 7 of the Chinese list of 14 grievances do the Chinese want us to own up to ?

    1. Fuck Xi and fuck Putin, and the pond doesn't mind meeting half way to do the fucking ...


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