Tuesday, February 08, 2022

In which there's a late arvo slot at the pond for reptiles brooding about that horrible, horrible man ...



The pond isn't going to make a habit of a late afternoon posting, but there was a lot going down in this day's issue of the lizard Oz ...




The pond had already covered Clive by way of the bromancer, but there was simplistic Simon and what about the Oreo, because the reformed, recovering feminist is always a tasty treat...

It seemed easiest to segregate the pair to a late arvo slot where they might rabbit on about that truly, truly horrible man, that complete psycho, to their hearts' content ...


Meanwhile, on another planet, it seems that SloMo has finally discovered another crisis, and done what he said he wouldn't do, and the reptiles removed any reference to ABC funding to the far back pages, what with SloMo doing what the reptiles didn't want him to do, as was so ably noted in Media Watch last night ...



Oh the unseemly gloating, it was more than a reptile could bear ... but at least as a result,  they could focus on tweets and deploy inverted commas on 'crisis'..



Well played Sophie, well done 'Courtney', but now to finish with simplistic simpleton Simon ...


Before moving on, the pond was delighted to note this little update in Crikey on sundry reptiles ...


Now if only the entire reptile pack could do an Uhlmann and so be a fit target for comedy ...

Meanwhile, we have the Oreo in all her reformed, recovering feminist style, doing it for SloMo...



Meawhile on another planet not inhabited by reformed, recovering feminists ...




The pond rarely links to a news.com.au story, but at least it's free, and who can argue with free Bolter?



By golly that's making things hard for simplistic Simon and the Oreo. Of course the Bolter would go for the mutton Dutton, but where does that leave the lovers of the natural born liar and hypocrite?

Not to worry,  the reformed, recovering feminist is up for the challenge ...




Phew, tricky times for cheerleaders, but the Oreo closes out her cheerleading in good style, because reformed, recovering feminists make most excellent cheerleaders ...





And now what better way to end this late arvo slot than with a celebratory Wilcox. Sure, she's wasted, placed beneath simplistic Simon and the Oreo, but be fair, if the pond had led with this, who would have wasted time in the company of a couple of prize gherkins?



  1. Now let me see: " In 2019 he established Ullman Communications LLC, a strategic advisory firm, serving CEOs, CMOs and CCOs."

    Could that perhaps be what M. Ullman is really going off to do ?

  2. Oreo: "...the government's Prohibiting Energy Market Misconduct laws are working to pass savings down ..." Wau, now that's something I completely wot not of. How about you ? If you too are as ignorant as I am, you can read this:

    Wherein you will find that the bill does not have universal approval:
    "Industry stakeholders have raised concerns about potential adverse effects on electricity companies. These include additional compliance costs as well as the risks resulting from uncertainty about the way in which the proposed prohibitions (and their radical remedies) will be interpreted and applied. This has led some to question whether the Bill could actually have an adverse impact on electricity prices by leading to higher costs and discouraging much needed investment in the sector."

    Well that would pretty much make it a stock-standard LNP bill and as such meriting enthusiastic Oreo approval.


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