Friday, February 25, 2022

In which there's no way out of the depression induced by a sociopathic dictator, and fellow-traveling News Corp sycophants ...


The pond always likes to find a little grim humour when confronted by grim, deeply depressing moments, and as usual Lord Downer could be relied upon ...

Of course bonkers Clive from the deep north also helped with his Covid scare, but Lord Downer took the cake and the cherry on top ...

But then the depression set in, with the reptiles still killing trees to record a sociopathic dictator out of control ...





Dear sweet long absent lord, no Covid Clive cash in the reptile claw at the bottom of the page, but instead talk of the 100 greenie power players? How will the reptile business model work, unless perhaps beefy boofhead, prime Angus, helps out?

And that greenie bilge turned up in the triptych of terror too ...





Of course the pond is always pleased to hear reports of petulant Peta being shocked by amoral behaviour in the private energy sector, and might even be tempted in the future to include petulant Peta in the pond's surveys ... 

But for the moment, the pond will pass, just as it must pass on venerable Troy's shocking discovery that in ancient times politicians lied ... as if Bob could possibly match up to Lord Downer, and Iraq and east Timor and all that jazz ...

This day the Bromancer was inevitably at the top of the digital page, and just as inevitably the reptiles placed him beneath an image of a tank at work ...




And then there was the commentary section, confirming for the pond that there was no escaping the acts of a sociopathic dictator ...





But before beginning with the reptiles, the pond would like to cultivate its own small patch, albeit no match for the deeds of a sociopathic dictator with serious military grunt ...

There was an excellent piece in The Bulwark, by William Saletan, headed Father Carlston ...

This is how it started ...



As the pond works with screen caps, it should include that link to the Holocaust Encyclopedia's listing of Charles E. Coughlin ...

Of course the mango Mussolini has also disgraced himself yet again with his Putin worship, but as we're talking serious sanctions, when will News Corp sanction Cucker Tarlson?

When will the reptiles down under stand up to head office, and say enough already? It's bad enough being a reptile, but to be running in the same pack as a latter day Coughlin is just too much  ...

Readers of the pond will know the answer, but bear this in mind as the pond plows through its usual reading, with the hole in the bucket man first out of the gate ...



Yes, yes, all that and more, he's a sociopath, but when will Cucker Tarlson be sanctioned for being a latter-day Coughlin?

Yes, yes, all that and more, he's a sociopath, just like Uncle Joe, but when will Cucker Tarlson be sanctioned for being a latter-day Coughlin? You know, fair dibs, it's not just the dictators that should cop it, but the Lord Haw-Haws blathering away and making money for the chairman and his son ...



Let's hope that Ukraine will survive Putin's megalomaniac memories of his suffering in East Germany, but might not News Corp show it's serious by sanctioning its very own latter day Coughlin?

Yes, the pond's just indulging in an idle dream, and there's no relief from Rowe, here ...





Another bloody tank, and with odd wheel markings ...

How about a distraction? Even a little comedy? Luckily the Oz editorialist is standing by to help, pretending to give a flying fuck about being greenie...


The pond knew there was a reason to avoid the reptiles's greenie blather. It's about as greenie as Cucker is a peacemaker, what with it featuring beefy boofhead, prime Angus, spruiking that he knows the way to deliver results ...

Why not a couple of Wilcox cartoons dealing with the topics of the day?




Yes, that's about right, and so to the final gobbet of reptile greenie bullshit ...


Oh just fuck off ... that was meant to be a pleasant distraction, not a steaming pile of reptile horseshit ... (do reptiles shit like horses? In News Corp la la land, they do).

And so to the pond's final duty for the day ... come on down Bromancer...

Uh huh, but what about Cucker Coughlin? What about the cuckoo in the News Corp nest? Why all this righteous indignation about Vlad the impaler when we have Cucker Tarlson and News Corp acting like RT?

Of course the pond didn't expect an answer from the bromancer ... just more snaps to start off a gobbet ...

Sorry, the pond can't answer those questions. Perhaps Cucker Tarlson would help out?



Nope, sorry, just more lickspittle quisling fellow travelling with a sociopathic dictator, easy to google, too depressing to google ...

Never mind, bring on another snap with Bromancer gobbet ... 

But whatever you do, please don't make it a tank. You know how the bromancer thinks tanks are so yesterday ...

Oh sheesh ...



No, really, seriously this time, really tough actions?

Oh you mean drop fellow traveling quisling sycophants from the roster. Put Cucker Couglin out to pasture?




Never mind, just a final snap  and a gobbet, and the pond will drop the last snap of trucks rolling in so it can get on with a few cartoons ...

When will News Corp sanction Cucker Tarlson? 

We'll probably never hear the question asked, nor any answers, not soon enough, not long enough, nor any explanation of why Faux Noise still keeps promoting the treacherous, treasonous, dictator-loving  mango Mussolini ...



Never mind, that's easy enough to google, but too depressing to google.

Luckily, that's it for the day ... enough with the Cuckers and all the rest of the reptile horsehit ...

Here, have a local distraction, thanks to the infallible Pope ...


And why not a couple more Wilcox, because we can't rely on Lord Downer all the time ...


Oh not more tanks ... enough already with the tanks ...


  1. More laughs to be had courtesy of Lord Downer

    1. Don't tell me you're an AFR subscriber, Bef or do you just worm your way in ?

      But yeah, the standard gormless, feckless simple-mindedness of a Lord Downer. Which Vlad never even gets near to because he's an off-headed autocrat of no integrity.

    2. A little contribution from the Guardian:

      "Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch a catastrophic new European war, combined with the sheer weirdness of his recent public appearances, has raised questions in western capitals about the mental stability of the leader of a country with 6,000 nuclear warheads."

      No, about the same level of "mental fitness" as displayed by Trump and Johnson, but with 6000 warheads to keep him company. Besides, crazy or not, there's nothing people in "western capitals" can do about him.

    3. GB You are so right.There is conflicting arguments of the agreements that were supposed to be signed by both parties in Minsk in the nineties.

    4. I haven't subscribed for many years GB, I just reverse searched part of DP's screencap to see if I could find the text, and there it was poking out of the paywall.

      One funny thing I heard this morning was this chap describing how he ended up embedded with the Russians

      "The reporter admitted that he had thought the soldiers were Ukrainian and only realised they were Russian while speaking to their commander.

      "We didn't know the Russian forces were going to be here," he said. "We assumed this was the Ukrainian forces, so I went up to speak to the and say, 'Hey, we've come from Kyiv', but it only emerged during the conversation that they were all Russians and there were no Ukrainian military forces in sight, although I can hear them because they've been shooting ferociously in the course of the past few minutes.""

      A bit like the three wise men going to the wrong stable

  2. Biggest war in Europe since ww2? What about the Balkans. Oh wait kinda brown and a bit Muslim... oh the hypocrisy...

    1. Add to that Mitt Romney's statement "Putin's Ukraine invasion is the first time in 80 years that a great power has moved to conquer a sovereign nation".

      A bit of a blind spot regarding the main offender.

  3. Apologies to Boney M. Not really; their offbeat metre was a real challenge.

    Vlad That Rat Putin

    There is a shirtless man in
    Russia we all know
    But now he’s lost his mind
    And Ukraine is all aglow
    Most people look at him
    With terror and with fear
    But to thugs like Trump
    He’s a genius to be cheered

    Trump looks up to
    Putin as a teacher
    Full of trickery and guile
    And because he
    Is the kind of creature
    Who murders as he smiles

    Vlad that rat Putin
    Has a bloody Russian dream
    He wants Ukraine to
    Be his or be gone
    Donald loves Putin
    And his Russian war machine
    Trump think it’s great how
    Vlad carries on

    Putin rules the land and the
    People like a czar
    And when he rides a horse
    He doesn’t wear a bra
    As the Prez for life he
    Does just as he pleases
    Because he’s got the dirt
    On all the West’s appeasers

    To the Donald
    Vlad’s a wheeler dealer
    Trump loves everything he's done
    But he’s glad that Putin’s not a sheila
    Or he’d have to try it on

    Vlad that rat Putin…

    1. Excellent characterisation, Kez. But then, there's a lot in common amongst the rulers of Russia. Consider this list:
      Malenkov (for a few months)

      Was there a single sane and civilised one amongst them ? Makes out lot almost tolerable, doesn't it.


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