Sunday, February 13, 2022

In which the pond slips in a couple of hard to place items ...



The pond would like to slip in a couple of entries it noted in the lizard Oz this weekend, and couldn't think of anywhere else except a late arvo slot.

Firstly they break the pond rule of only dealing with reptile columnists ... but secondly, as a justification, they act as a kind of curious coda to that HR rant by Dame Slap and as a corrective to the reptile world view in general ...

And so to a little scouting ...



The obvious question is how she got the gig in the first place, and the pond could find no answer in what followed ...



Dear sweet lord, still no answer as to how she got the gig? Just the fuss she managed to produce once in a job where she didn't read the guidelines, or if she did, decided she couldn't understand them, or if she did, decided she'd white-ant them and subvert them on the curious basis of meaningless biology?


Yes, yes, the guidelines seem clear enough, but how did she get the gig? Did anyone ask in an interview, before she was given the gig, "have you read the guidelines and do you accept and agree with them?"

The pond finished the final gobbet none the wiser ...



And so to a coda to the coda, and a reminder of what it was like in the bad old days, not that the current days are that good ...


The pond knew Armfield back in SA days, but of course no-one talked about such things, or the bashings on the beat, or the attitude of coppers, and while everyone knew who did it, and some knew the eyewitness too terrified to speak and in fear for his life, it's sad that these stories take so long to emerge ...


Indeed, indeed ... and a reminder to scouts and guides everywhere what all that useless hate and relentless bigotry produced ...





It's all good and well for the reptiles to run that story yet again, and mention the fuzz against junk, but at the time the real angle was covered in Murdoch's way to power and fortune ...



Finding open, and the bigotry and hate and failure to understand also remains open ... as you might expect from the reptiles' sympathetic coverage of a sacked CEO who couldn't read the bloody guidelines ...



  1. "...the bigotry and hate and failure to understand also remains open " Something of a widespread property of homo sapiens sapiens it would seem, DP. And it's all over the place:

    And still this, too:

    Just out of interest, does anybody remember 'Lola' and The Kinks ? That was only 50-something years ago.

    1. Ok:


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