Thursday, February 10, 2022

In which the pond includes one reptile to maintain its credibility as a school for herpetological studies and Murdochian journalism ...



Today is a light day for the pond, because though it has abandoned its freedbumb to return to herpetological studies - and strangely seen its hits fall - there seems no reason to lift the pond's ban on petulant Peta, out and about on a Thursday and keeping dire company ...





A couple of talking points arise from that hideous pairing ... first the pond should note that the savvy Savva is still available behind a soft paywall, so anyone wanting to read her dissing on Barners can just trot over there ...


It's jolly good fun, what with Barners copping a jolly good dunking, or a shunning, or a whatever ...



But before moving on to a token reptile appearance for the day, the pond notes that simpleton Sharri is out and about and in her EXCLUSIVE is doing the same work as petulant Peta ... no doubt because Dame Slap, as featured yesterday on the pond fired a shot heard around the world, and even in Crikey ...

Sorry, the rich links are only active in the Crikey piece... and its currently inside the paywall.

But that Sharri EXCLUSIVE - because it's incredibly EXCLUSIVE in reptile la la land to dump on Labor and Albo et al - reminded the pond of a yarn featuring simpleton Sharri that turned up in The Conversation a while ago ...

No need to go on at length, because it's all here, but how about an absurdist highlight of the kind the pond experienced when attending surrealist plays ... or contemplating a University of Melbourne panel of journalistic experts ...

What an astonishing and remarkable list. 

Good old Campbell Reid, the pond hadn't thought of him since the days he was deservedly sent up shitless for being a carpe verbatim goose ...



Sorry stray passing young' un, it was too long ago, just take your trophy and skedaddle ...

But before you go, look at the comical names on that list, including but not limited to simplistic simpleton Sharri ...

Why as the pond lives, breathes and chortles, there's bloody Joe Hildebrand, and what do you know, the St. George Standard cops a mention, and as for diversity and a range of styles and opinions? 

Forget it Jake, it's Murdoch and Google town. 

Naturally the Guardian, which also sold out to Google, chipped in here ...




Can the pond be righteous? 

Well no, because Blogger came free, and Wordpress was too bloody tedious, and so the pond displayed the same sort of moral scruples as a bunch of kowtowing, forelock tugging, supine, lazy and completely useless University of Melbourne academics without the first clue on anything, except how to sell out bigly ...

But enough of all that, because the pond feels obliged to run at least one reptile to provide a fig leaf that allows the pond to pretend that it's as big on herpetological studies as a bunch of University of Melbourne academics anxious to teach students how to sell out bigly ... or perhaps just hide behind a paywall and wank bigly ...

Come on down bromancer, and let's get on with the wanking and the wars on all fronts ...


Of course if you take your news from an alternative News Corp sauce, you get these saucy sorts of opinions, which happen to be entirely different...


How could Blinken and Biden and all the rest be so on the nose in News Corp Amerikah, and yet so celebrated down under? 

Ah, for that you need special bromancer blinkers and perhaps dwell in a walled garden, as the Chairman and son are wont to expect, and only a few shekels a week for the blinkering...



The pond will only pause to note that the reptiles have a new click bait video format ... but while the pond does screen caps, the captions are always a hoot ...



The best strategic thinkers? 

Would that be, if the pond might quote Cucker Tarlson, an hilariously inept failed rock star? (Here if you don't mind visiting the toilet without washing your paws).


And so on and on in the usual Cucker way, and it's as if the reptiles down under think no one notices what their supreme leader in the States, said Vlaid the impaler lover, Cucker, is up to ...


Um, not according to Cucker, the voice of Fox ... it's just the blinkered Biden and defence contractors and the fiendish, diabolical Ukrainians ...




Thank the long absent lord it's a screen cap, so no one can click on that link and score the Faux Noise app...

And that's enough of the reptiles for the moment, because the pond wants to set the scene for the infallible Pope and the immortal Rowe ...

First there was this comedy in Crikey ...

TFRFW ... or perhaps Too Fucking Rich For Words ...

 A Liberal Party Mardi Gras float. Does it come with baseball bats, for the bashing of poofters and trannies by fundamentalist Xians and Islamics?

And then there was this in The Conversation ...



No need to quote at length, it's only a click away ...

But if you read that, and the piece about Higgins and Tame you should be right and ready to go with the promised infallible Pope and immortal Rowe ...

And that'll about do the pond this quiet Thursday, with the bill already passed the House and off to the Senate, and a pox on the lot of them, whether they be fuckwitted Melbourne academics, or a Labor party that's almost as craven ...


  1. It seems to be ‘Tangent Thursday’, so more from pliant pollsters -

    A survey, commissioned by the ‘Cherish Life’ organisation in Queensland, claims to tell me ‘What Queenslanders Really Think About Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide’.

    The ‘results’ come from a sample of 1009 Queensland voters, ‘recruited from Australia’s leading consumer panel provider PureProfile’ and further worked up by Compass Polling.

    It was extensively cited yesterday, on ‘Quad Rant’, by one Joel Hodge, who is by way of being Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne.

    Last year we noted PureProfile as the pollster of preference of the Australian Christian Lobby, so I won’t trouble you with its clams for what Queenslanders really think. Even here, deep in Littleproud (our next, if short-term, Deputy PM???) territory, I think I could find a degree of skepticism of those ‘conclusions’.

    I suppose Compass Polling should be given a tick for honesty, in identifying their sample as being ‘recruited’ from a consumer panel.

    1. I dunno, Chad, I'd have thought that a 'Senior Lecturer in Philosophy' might have had just a few problems with 'Theology'.

      Bur anyway, Compass Polling sure seem to be doing well selling anti-philosophy groups their desired polling results.

  2. Hmmm, talking about Cucker T this item caught my eye (and mind). It's about Ian Stewart who murdered two women partners in England: " was possible for killers such as Stewart to 'coexist perfectly in the world around you' as their lack of empathy allows them to be 'very good at being a chameleon'."

    So, lack of empathy = being a good chameleon. Does that sound just a little bit like Cucker ? I always kinda thought it was the other way: lack of empathy = total failure to identify with people at all, just like the Doggy Bov.


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