Thursday, February 10, 2022

A frivolous late afternoon slot featuring nudity and bromancer-style nuts ...



"He doesn’t scare me -- I’ve seen Donald Trump naked. Nothing Michael Avenatti can say will scare me.” (found here)


Discuss, with examples. 

Follow up question on the exam paper:

Is it wrong to make fun of nudity, as in the work featuring the emperor with no balls?




Should cartoonists have fun with a sight that scared Stormy Daniels much more than Michael Avenatti asking her about her penchant for Conan Doyle style contact with the spirit world?



 Is it wrong to labour the point?

 Yet even the toffy nosed rags aren't above a little nudity when it suits ... please show workings ...


But m'lud, surely students might argue that there are also the defences of truth and being in the public interest ...


Second thoughts, strike out public interest, and substitute public horror. Further points will be awarded for anyone able to cite the movie reference in this Crace piece ...


Top of the world, ma!?

A clue ... an image capturing the moment of Bojo's ultimate delusional madness ...


The next question on the paper concerns the transformation of a riot into legitimate political discourse...

Students will be expected to have an intimate knowledge of back flips, double pikes, belly flops and the role that Waiting for Godot played in the construction of the GOP and its acolytes ...


Students will be expected to have read the full text at The Bulwark here ...

Next question is a follow-up to the morning exam featuring Cucker Tarlson, and requires reading The Daily Beast at Yahoo News ...


Students should display an awareness of the rest of the text.

 A compare and contrast with the bromancer's piece featured earlier in the day offers the chance of a further twenty per cent upgrade in the marking ...

Students will next be asked to determine why the reptiles continue with the tree killer edition ...



Those who answer it's because it allows the reptiles to pocket oodles of Clive's cash in the reptile claw will automatically pass, so then there's a follow up question ... why did the reptiles feature a beat-up about a spy plot, when the digital edition had to fall into line and report the scandalous events in Canberra surrounding the disgraceful RDA?



Follow up question. Is Marise Payne one of the great strategic minds that will huddle together, as celebrated by the bromancer? 

Does 'no limits' mean breaking with Cucker and Faux Noise?

Please write, in no more than five hundred words, why SloMo's RDA has been a triumph ... and will continue to be a triumph, as news of religious discrimination becomes an ongoing festering sore ...

Students who can only manage ten words, or throw up their hands and their keyboards in despair, and offer no words, will automatically pass.

Finally, bonus marks will be awarded to anyone who can answer this question ... what is a death cycle, and what can Jenny do about it?

Any student who can explain why it's always up to women to save their tosser husbands will be marked down. There is no explanation.

If students are troubled this might mean an F, the pond will accept a treatise outlining how the mango Mussolin's naked body is not nearly as terrifying as a dress. A demonstrated terror of frocks will be given a HD ... or perhaps a place in the federal government ...




Well the pond only ever promised frivolity and what pleased the pond in its morning read for its late arvo slot and you can't get more frilly frivolous than all of the above, because a fundamentalist Xian mind is even weirder than Stormy looking at Donald's nude body and communing with the dead ...

And now to conclude, the pond has been noting the Clive cash in the reptile claw for some time now and would like to add this coda...



Thow 'em out because some of them think vaccines and masks are useful ways to stop a logjam on hospitals and doctors.

Lastly, the pond has never been one for cheap humour and would never run any material mocking really dumb people who can't help being born idiots ... and yet, how tempting ...


That's easy enough to google for a giggle if you like idiots making idiots of themselves, but there's an even higher level of idiocy to be found ...





Just the professionals? But everybody, including the amateurs have had a field day ...




  1. A fine exposition of political and spiritual trompe l'oeil. But then, the world really is like it is, more or less.

  2. Further points will be awarded for anyone able to cite the movie
    reference in this Crace piece ...
      "Top of the world, Ma!"                     

    White Heat (1949)


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