Wednesday, February 16, 2022

On why the reptiles have lost their mojo and their appeal ... part two, featuring a good solid groaning ...



Continuing the pond's theme that the reptiles have lost their mojo and their appeal ...

Yes, it's Dame Groan, banging on about pesky, difficult furriners for the umpteenth time ...

The pond has only allocated the Groaner a late afternoon slot because the pond knows there are Groan devotees out there who love a good groaning, and think it almost as good as a decent shining ...



The pond has nothing to say about the old chook's groanings, though it does regret that in its morning report on reptile doings it couldn't find the room to throw in a Low cartoon celebrating gay marriage ..




By golly, that could set off Dame Slap for hours ...

But back with the Groaner, groaning away about pesky, difficult furriners and how they'll be the ruination of us all ...


Why is the Groan groaning about unskilled jobs so amusing? 

Well take a squiz at this effort from last week, and for anyone so inclined, indulge in hours of harmless fun working out the contradictions ...


And so on and so forth, and on to a more important issue ... why did the pond stop featuring First Dog cartoons?

Perhaps it's because they're freely available at the Graudian ... but dammit, the pond is in urgent need of a distraction from the endless groaning about pesky, difficult furriners ...

Perhaps just a chunk of meat on the bone?


Yes, that helps, and the pond can turn back to the final Groaning in good spirits, as the  Groaner quickly wraps up ...




Ah, but once you've endured Dame Groan groaning away about the dangers of pesky, difficult furriners, especially students, how tempting is it to snatch another slice of that meat on the bone, a handy way for all good doggies to sharpen their teeth ...


1 comment:

  1. The Great Groany (or her hed, lede and deck "editor"): "Return of high migration rate will keep wages down." Well, it sure keeps the GDP per capita down a little, but I don't think it's really the "migrants" who keep the wages down; I rather think it's the horde of major and middle and minor capitalists who do that. But I suspect Groany might be one of the "ordinary people" that Swedish economists think just don't understand basic economics ('economics' is in the Australian education curriculum, isn't it ?).

    Economics for daily life

    Everyone here understands 'risk and sunk costs' - and "opportunity cost' BOC - don't we ?


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