Monday, February 21, 2022

In which the pond hasn't forgotten our very own von Clausewitz ...



The pond is deeply aware, and profoundly ashamed that it preferred the Major, the Caterist and the Oreo to the bromancer in this morning's post.

Please allow the pond to make amends.

You see, the pond has always preferred the bromancer, and routinely wonders why a special government appointment - perhaps Generalfeldmarschall - has yet to be made.

It's maddening and frustrating to see the bromancer's splendid military visions outlined regularly in the lizard Oz, and yet nothing happens. 

He's a veritable von Clausewitz, and no doubt as much a student and devotee of the Prussian military theorist as David Brooks (oh yes, the pond does Zoom book spotting, and notes what Brooks puts in a prominent position on his shelves when pontificating for PBS).

So it's on with getting ready for the war with China, which surely must come by Easter, though perhaps just before the election, to ensure SloMo's return, and the beginning of the crusade ...


You see?  The pond has yet to see a single good reason why the bromancer hasn't yet been appointed Generalfeldmarschal, in charge of everything, sorting out the dunderheads and the robust dinkum wheat from the Chamberlain appeasers ...

At this point the pond should note that the reptiles interrupted the bromancer with a bit of terrifying flag waving ...


Yes, that'll sort out dictator Xi and the pond expects a significant explanation no later than Xmas ...

Sorry, the pond fancies itself as something of a reptile record, so even while the click bait video has been screen capped and rendered harmless, still the reptiles should be honoured for their work.

Now back with our very own von Clausewitz ... banging on for the umpteenth time about tanks ...




Um, dear bromancer, wouldn't the tanks come in handy when we revive the Brisbane Line?




Nobody cares about a few toads, and heck if the pond had its way, we might toss in Brisbane, and focus on saving the beaches ...

Save the beaches would be a pretty handy slogan, and would embrace the war on the climate as well as the war on China ...

Sorry, sorry, no point fighting the old wars when the new one comes along ...

At this point the pond must pause in its strategic thinking to note another click bait video, because the reptiles know the bromancer's military theorising is a sure-fire money maker ..



And so to a final bout of top notch strategizing, topped off by another click bait video, but not before a moment where the bromancer comes up with a genius idea ...


Ah yes, another six Collins class subs, that'll fix everything. Why didn't the pond think of that?

Why with six new Collins class subs at Generalfeldmarschall Bromancer's command, terrified dictator Xi wouldn't dare show his face anywhere ...

You've possibly seen the movie ... and they only needed a bow and an arrow ...




That's why the pond fancies that the reptiles' very own von Clausewitz should immediately and without hesitation be appointed as our  Generalfeldmarschall...

Or perhaps we could just ship him off to Europe where his sharp strategic vision will sort out the chill winds that have been giving BoJo's mob such a hard time ... and alas, with a sock puppet instead of a Churchill in charge in their hour of need ... as celebrated in the Graudian here ...



Tanks? Not bloody tanks, they have no place in modern warfare! It's Collins class subs all the way, and anyway the pond talked of chilly winds ...




  1. I sincerly hate to say this, but I think this time the Bromancer is right on, even including the Collins Class. But never no mind, because none of the politicians nor "military" brass will listen to a word he's said.

    So carry on SloMo, carry on regardless.

  2. Why does the Bromancer talking about "missile trucks" remind me of Ron Burgundy talking about his "guns"?

    The Bro was only 14 when Australia stopped sending troops to Vietnam so I guess he missed a great opportunity to draw the sabre and charge into battle. If only he was born in the US of A there would have been so much more opportunity to engage in the various follies that empire keeps bubbling away.

    By the way, isn't it funny how Sheridan has always seemed much older than his biological age? It's like he jumped straight from infant to dotard.

  3. Here's an interesting situation

    It seems that the likes of Rita Panahi, Paul Murray, Chris Uhlmann and others gleefully pounced on a story that seemed to confirm their favoured narrative, but a correct reading of the ABS document shows the dead opposite to be true

    It seems like no one bothered to check the document after the initial mistake. Journalism eh?

    1. I think it's going to be forever confused as to the realities of "died from" and "died with". To get "died with" right, it would have to be shown that the death would have occurred in the same way in the same timeframe even if there was no such thing as Covid-19 and that would take a lot more doing than most places are prepared to expend.


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