Thursday, February 17, 2022

In which the pond wanders down ancient reptile history as a keen test for keen herpetology students ...





The pond wasn't playing a trick ... there was no need to have seen the movie, nor was there any need to work out the differences between John Frankenheimer's 1962 outing,  and Jonathan Demme's wretched 2004 version ... talk about getting Streeped, with not even Lieve and Denzel able to save the day ...

All a herpetological student needs to take away from those posters are a few words, of the "everything is under control", "once unbelievable", "now unthinkable" kind ... as SloMo's chilling classic abuse of the movie title returns ...

Truth to tell, this morning the pond was just indulging in a classic reptile ploy to make its afternoon posting more interesting.

You see the pond was reading this bit of satire from the keen Keane ...



The pond's partner isn't a fan of the eclectic, some might say eccentric, keen Keane, but it sounded right down the alleyway for the pond's herpetology students ...

Shock Chinese plot! was pure simplistic, simpleton EXCLUSIVE Sharri ... and so suitable for University of Melbourne journalism students ...

 Herpetology students will be vastly relieved to discover that they don't have to go back 30 years to discover a thought crime ...

This time machine only needs to take us to 2014-2015 ... so let the keening and the studies begin ...



It was at this point that the pond realised that this was getting out of hand, this was turning into a major assignment, too big for an early morning post ...

The pond would have to do a deep dive into reptile history to discover the real Manchurian candidates, the real sycophants, the obsequious toadies, the creepy crawler flunkies and flatterers...


Oh dear, how could this be? Was nattering "Ned" a quisling, or perhaps a Manchurian candidate, or just a turncoat renegade, collaborator and sympathiser?

This would be a major test for any reptile student deep into postgraduate study ... and so the pond continued its deep dive into reptile history ...


Now the pond's students at this point might be wondering if the onion muncher himself was a quisling, or perhaps a Manchurian candidate ... or perhaps his entire government was full of fraternizers and collaborators ...toadies and creepy crawler flatterers and flunkeys ...

So the pond turned to another impeccable source, the bromancer himself. 

And that's why the pond this morning set the bromancer and the lizard editorialist as required reading for this epic post-ironic bout of post-graduate reptile study ...




Ah, "absolutely disgraceful" ...though the pond would have preferred the bromancer's preferred phrase, "this is nuts" ...

Of course reptile students will realise this explains how the pond came to refer to comrade Bill as a comrade. It had nothing to do with the usual internal Labor party old school habit of calling each other comrades, part irony, part whimsy ... it was because comrade Bill was demonic in his attitude to comrade Xi ...

Ah yes, there's plenty of irony to go around, and perhaps include with your Kellogg's breakfast sugar and salt loading ...



Yes, indeed the irony in all this is truly epic ... please bromancer, lay the irony on thick, with a trowel if you like ...




There you go, that was then, and how quickly it seems to have been forgotten, which is why the pond likes to conduct the occasional seminar in ancient reptile history.

Now the pond has scraped all the barnacles off that long forgotten reptile hull, the pond can return to the keen Keane for a final gobbet ...

It's true that it could only be found behind the paywall, unless you happened to head off to another ancient internet relic, msn, here ...

Oh dear, the wonders of aggregation ... but the pond will stick with the original formatting ...


Of course the pond has been monitoring the aftermath ... and trusts herpetology students will understand why the pond couldn't set this test in its early morning post, but instead saved this wander down memory lane for the afternoon ...

Both nattering "Ned" and bromancer Sheridan stand accused of high treason at best, or being Manchurian candidates at worst, together with the onion muncher and his entire government ...

The pond expects no less than a thousand word essay as part of post-graduate reptile course work ... mention of spoonfuls or ladles of irony will be allowed.

Some might prefer to examine the differences between the two movies, which is just as amusing as the differences between the reptiles in 2014-15 and the reptiles in 2022...

And so to an infallible Pope to bring it all together ...


  1. Self awareness ? What on Earth is that ?

    Now the big question is: what was Scotty up to while all this was going on ?
    "In a cabinet reshuffle in late December 2014, Morrison was appointed the Minister for Social Services and ceased to be Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. The appointment was criticised by Australian Greens leader Christine Milne who claimed Morrison had a lack of compassion."

    Now how can such a dab hand with a ukulele be a man with "a lack of compassion" ?

  2. "What percentage of Australians do you think know what "Manchurian candidate” is?"
    Among the replies:
    Derryn Hinch:Ironically ' Manchurian candidate' was Josh Frydenberg's nickname a few years ago.
    Lord CopOut26:A City or United signing.
    As they say in Fawlty Towers, there is a whole conference to be had about Morrison's "mind".

    1. One of the pond's favourite scenes:

      Dr. Abbot comes out. Basil leaps out of the cupboard brandishing a broom.

      Basil: Right! The game's up! (he sees who he has confronted, then looks at a point high up on the wall) Up there. Bit of game pie, got stuck up there. (he jabs at the wall with the broom; the Abbotts stare for a moment) There we are. Right. Everything back to normal. Enjoy your walk. (he starts sweeping the floor; the Abbotts move off downstairs)

      Dr Abbott (quietly, as they reach the foot of the stairs): There's enough material there for an entire conference.

    2. The link didn't work for me. If you are having trouble try

      There's a nice compilation linked at

      Whatever you see the problems as you would have to be pretty dumb to think the incumbents could find workable solutions.

  3. Hi Dorothy,

    It doesn’t seem that long ago that the Onion Muncher and Brother Stuie were happily accepting Rolexes from dodgy Chinese Businessmen.

    Surely this raises questions about Chinese influence in the Liberal Party.

    Sorry! Sorry!

    They evidently assumed that the watches were knockoffs.

    I humbly withdraw my remark.


  4. Senate estimates was very instructive today watching the chair and the minister trying to spin that Albanese is soft on China and the Labor party is in the pocket of China.
    So I very interested in your piece on the Murdoch apparatchiks it so telling.


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