Friday, February 11, 2022

In which the pond forgot to add a header, but it's just the usual reptile stew, featuring Ten reporter the oscillating fan, the lizard Oz editorialist and the hole in the bucket man ...



The pond was astonished, pleased and delighted to see late yesterday how the lesser member of the Kelly gang tried to push the blame on to others ...



Left him short of others to blame? 

No, no, it was there in the header, it was a failure of the major parties and the parliament, there were plenty of others for the reptiles to blame ... and look, there on the left was the mutton Dutton dragging out the red dragon to give people a fright ...

And so early today, what was the top of the digital edition?



The poor old bouffant one sobbing his heart out, the red dragon still frightening the bejesus out of the reptile readership, and what's that? 

Did the reptiles import someone from Ten to provide an EXCLUSIVE?

They did, they did ... could the oscillating fan somehow have returned magically to the reptile fold?




Hang on, hang on, did that Chappie from Ten just deploy the royal "we", as in The Australian understands?

Suddenly the wretched impostor has moved from being a Ten Chappie to speaking for the entire reptile brood? And what's worse, he's dropped the pretence of it being both parties, he's not sobbing crocodile tears of the bouffant one kind, he's dropping the whole scheming Machiavellian mess into the lap of the horrible, horrible person, liar and complete psycho? And with bonus pictures, including brother Fletcher ...



There he goes again. That cheeky, impudent Ten upstart imagining he's the whole kit and caboodle, with one Liberal "telling The Australian", when really they should have been "telling the upstart from Ten." Major Mitchell and Polonius must be in a state of high agitation or perhaps dudgeon ...

The pond realises it's unseemly to gloat, but what better way to start a Friday than with a Ten cuckoo in the nest dropping it all on "too tricky by half" SloMo?




And so that sorry saga ends for the moment, with that report straight from the Ten newsroom, filtered by a bloody cuckoo in the nest ...

All that deserves an infallible Pope ...




What next? Well usually the pond turns to Henry, our hole in the bucket man, for its dose of philosophy Friday, but there's a new contender in town ...




Speaking of all that, and in the spirit of reptile blather, did anyone notice this curious insert in the lizard Oz? It soon disappeared from view, but it was there for a moment ...




What on earth did the reptiles do?

Oh never mind, before moving on with the philosophy, the pond should note that the reptiles dropped in a video with two conspirators in deep and earnest discussion ...

The pond likes to observe the reptile form of things and that talk of a last shot in the locker before getting on with the philosophy ...


What has this got to do with a man who speaks in tongues to an imaginary friend, and thinks the rapture is just around the corner?

Sweet bugger all, as they used to say in Tamworth, but the pond is pleased that our Luke likes the sounds of his clacking keyboard ... because when the pond thinks of Texas, the first thing the pond thinks of isn't virtue ethics ... it's Governor Abbott ...



Come on down Texas, and the pond is sure the power is now back on so that all might read Luke celebrating virtue ethics in Texas...


Great news for that horrible, horrible man, and before turning to our Henry for a final word, an hysterical note from the reptiles on the matter of climate science ...



Oh how the reptiles stay loyal, and the pond couldn't help ignoring this frantic cry from the coal-loving anti-windmill man ... the beefy boofhead himself ...


Now back for a final word from the howling into the wind lizard Oz editorialist, naturally at one with the beefy boofhead ...


As for climate science, and climate change? Never you mind, not happening, nothing to worry about, nothing to see here, instead pleasure yourself more navel fluff-gathering by the reptiles and the beefy boofhead ...

And so to the delayed treat, not that delaying necessarily enhances the pleasure ...



Frankly Ming the Merciless said it better and shorter ...



And now, in the midst of all Henry's right royal guff, the reptiles threw in a shot of his new Queen, the royal companion to the talking tampon ... when the Queen is dead, long live the new Queen ...


Ah those pesky, difficult continental types, a stark contrast to the smooth stylings of BoJo.

The pond drifted off for a moment to recall that Ming the Merciless's favourite poem was actually this one ...


Well the pond can't say that it's hanging breathless on our Henry's words, but there's a hole in that there bucket that sure needs a good fixin' ...come on down, yer Majesty, and fix it good ... so Henry's ship of English state might sail on in strong and great BoJo fashion ...


Dear sweet long absent lord, he does go on a bit, and the going on reveals more than the pond needs to know about our Henry ... but how fitting that the reptiles should trot out a gunnery salute at the end, because surely that's only fitting for such an epic bout of craven crawling and 'umble forelock tugging ...

Well the pond can't end with that image, but thankfully there's an immortal Rowe to hand, as can always be found here ...





  1. Looking at the entry for Peevo's article in the reptile press I was once again diverted by SloMo's total inability not to smirk. He's got the grown up version of the look of a sneaky little kid who's just managed a big, silent and very stinky, fart.

  2. Not at all sure who this 'Luke Slattery' is but I'm in some agreement with this one: "We are less inclined than previous generations to see morality in religious terms." But then, maybe that's just because we - the ubiquitous "we" - are much less inclined to see anything and everything "in religious terms". Including religion.

    But then Luke goes awry: "Released from its religious catchment, morality now floods into other areas of life: culture, education and the economy." Well sure, I've noticed that, haven't you ? Just how honest and decent the wealthy are which is why none of them are getting any wealthier ?

    Yep, the 'freed from religion' morality is just flooding out in a way that would have had both Kant and Bentham/JS Mill ecstatic with moral certainty. Expect a definitive and final solution to the 'trolley problem' any day now.


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