Saturday, February 12, 2022

In which the pond has to give the dog botherer a special late arvo slot ...



The few who attend the pond will note that this morning's proceedings willfully omitted a usual pond presence, the dog botherer ...

This was not an oversight and can be simply explained ... the pond made a promise to the geekish nerd that helped the pond in the matter of the paywall that it would limit the dog botherer's exposure on the site, at least for a time.

The geekish nerd had never actually read the dog botherer and was so traumatised by a first look that it took the geekish nerd days to recover, and thus the pond's promise to limit the damage to the world was exacted.

Here's why ...



Now it goes without saying that the dog botherer is terrified at the notion of democracy ... what else would you expect from a right wing authoritarian boofhead?

So instead of focusing on the truly horrible, horrible man, the complete psycho, and the arrogant liar and hypocrite who produced the epic shambles, the dog botherer wants to attack independents ... because the one thing the dog botherer can't stand is independent thinking, especially if there's a woman in the house ... which is why the reptiles' feeble graphics department managed to dig up a demonic, threatening figure to terrify the readership ...




Fair dibs, the pond should also warn that this is a longish read by dog botherer standards, indicating the intensity of his fear and loathing ...



Eek, another woman ...and an independent woman at that. How much can a dog botherer bear, or even bare?

That's as scarifying as it gets for the dog botherer ... and no doubt the readership feels an anxiety attack coming on ...

Never mind, the pond reminds any stray reader that this was assigned a special late Saturday arvo slot, and soon will be swept into the digital void by the arrival of prattling Polonius on Sunday morn ...

Meanwhile on with climate science denialist dog botherer's standard serve in the aid of denialism ...


Ah yes, it's all red meat to a barking mad climate science denying dog botherer, and then the reptiles had to slip in a snap of another phobia ...


And so the dog botherer was off to the races again with another big gobbet ...



You can feel the visceral fear in the dog botherer's studied loathing, but the good news is that we've reached the final short gobbet ...




Some days the pond feels like asking if there's a shrink in the house, because the dog botherer exudes such hysteria, he might pass for a tightly girded woman in the Victorian era, with a little too much whale bone pushing him over the edge ... and perhaps that helps explain his deep fear and phobia about independent women ...

Meanwhile, the pond has played fair with the geekish nerd and honoured its deal, and for no particular reason, has decided the time is right to also fling in the Bjorn again one as a bonus, what with climate science denialism all the go ...



The Bjorn-again one wasn't part of the deal the pond made with the geekish nerd, but the pond is well over him, and so decided he could be flung away like a disposable mask.

Does anyone outside reptile la la land still take the Bjorn-again one seriously? Just asking for a friend ...



He really won't stop yabbering while the planet is being fucked, whether by frying or swamping or whatever ... and it's a measure of the reptiles lack of interest in his jibbering and jabbering that they flung in the next snap as a way to start off the final gobbet ... dear sweet long absent lord, how pathetic it is ..




So it's just a promotional piece plugging his latest book, perhaps already on the remaindered list ...

Oh wait, it's ancient, and already been pilloried by others ... 


Ah, those bloody fiendish windmills, is there nothing they won't do? They torture our very own beefy boofhead Angus, and they're bloody killing machines turning up all over the place, a veritable gazpacho on the loose ... quick, tear them up and flush them down a nearby toilet, and pray after ten or fifteen flushes, the toilet is up to the job ...
And now, no need to go away empty-handed, as well as empty-headed, thoughts drained out by leeches of the Bjorn-again kind. Here, have a cartoon celebrating the deeds of snowflake environmentalists ...



  1. I dunno about your geekish nerd, DP, but I do know about the Doggy Bov: so, he lectures us about "minority governments": "Until now the Gillard government - built on deals with independents and Greens that delivered broken promises and shambolic government ...:"

    Now let me see: after the 2010 election, the standing in the Reps - out of 150 seats - was Labor 72, LNP Coalition 72, Independents 4. So correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean that the LNP could only take government (requiring 76 seats) if it took up a minority government with Independents making up the numbers ? Basically exactly the same independents that joined Gillard ?

    So, what would have happened ? Given that the independents weren't exactly enamored of the LNP, an even worse government than Gillard delivered. Who, btw, I believe still holds the record for the number of acts of parliament passed per sitting day.

  2. "Does anyone outside reptile la la land still take the Bjorn-again one seriously? Just asking for a friend ..."

    Nope. Just replying for the world.


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