Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Aargh, me hearties it's ancient Troy versus capt'n Flint, with a serve of the Killer on the side ...




Sometimes there are things that the pond can't fathom, which is why it was drawn to ancient Troy getting agitated way after it mattered in this day's lizard Oz ...

It was worth a special late breaking edition of the pond ...




What the heck does it matter what the current GG thinks? 

Is he some kind of head of state, so that we might pay heed to his pronouncements/

Sorry, sorry, of course he is, this was all established yonks ago by our captain Flinty, aagh me hearties ... on a splendid site with great graphics ...





The Crowned Republic!

Splendid stuff, and you can visit the page here, and it's got great lengthy arguments and extensive footnotes, and it was published in Quadrant don't ya know, and so carries the mark of authenticity and truth, so forgive the pond if it cuts to the nub of it ... in very small print because they didn't rejig it for the mobile phone era...




Aagh me hearties, rum, a dead man's chest, the black spot, and if the small print made your eyes water, you could have reverted to the original and discovered ... case closed, case sorted thanks to Flinty, Jim lad ... and yet ancient Troy carries on like an unseemly, unregal pork chop ...



Flinty wrote a letter to the lizard Oz? 

Hang on, hang on, he's done more than write letters ... the reptiles love him, the reptiles love the Queen, the reptiles love the monarchy, and can't wait to have the talking tampon as the head of state, and though the latest attempt at regicide through infection seems to have faltered a little, give it time ... give it time, and give Flinty an airing in the meantime ...






And so on and so forth, and forgive the pond if it doesn't go the full hog because it's provided a link to Flinty's deepest thinking, with footnotes and an appearance in Quadrant, so how can it be wrong? Instead let us settle up with the infallibly wrong and deeply ancient Troy ... 




Oh come on ancient Troy, all you're useful for is a click bait video showing off the Union Jack in all its glory, flapping proudly in the down under breeze, together with the news that the republican movement is dead and buried already. 

Long live Flinty, long live our future King, long live 

the talking tampon ...

And as that bout might not have satisfied, why not slip in a Killer Creighton for the day ...




The pond does like its catastrophist porn. The real world provides plenty of examples of disasters - we're all gunna die - and then there are movie catastrophes of the Moonfall kind, both about a disaster while actually being a disaster ...

That's why the pond only inserts a note about the reptiles seeking to ruin the CBA's reputation by shoving a click bait video in the midst of Killer's doom and gloom ...




A rate hike in June? Well, there's the end of the world for sure, as opposed to say, runaway prices on Sydney housing ... but back to Killer, deep in the mire, full of doom and gloom, and it goes without saying that spending all that money on masks has been the complete ruination of economies world wide.

What were people thinking, why did they wear masks in some desperate attempt to stay alive? Don't they know masks are useless, and we're all gunna die ...




Did the pond detect a note of heresy in the Killer's piece? Surely he couldn't have been suggesting that high income earners should pay more in tax?

No, no, Killer himself is a member of the quaintly titled Zoom class, and there's nothing like being paid to pound a keyboard by Chairman Rupert and son to induce a sense of equanimity and entitlement ... though probably that's matched by a deep and abiding fear that some day the gravy train might come to an end ...


The next pandemic? Killer's calling for a new pandemic? But we're still dealing with the last one, as explained by the infallible Pope ... because freedumb ...and maritime flags and maritime law and join the sovict queue if there's a vote in it, and perhaps Killer should think of a name change to Quiller... and scribble a memorandum ...


  1. The only thing I remember about David Flint was a story (possibly told by Richard Ackland) about Flinty hiding himself in a large closet so as to be able to make a "dramatic entrance" to some gathering or other. Whether true or not I know not (and care less), but it did seem to sum up something about royalists.

    Anyway, Flinty rather seriously misrepresents the 1999 referendum on an Australian republic as "run on the smell of an oily rag against most politicians, the media and the vast wealth [que ?] of the ARM." In fact the referendum was sabotaged by John Howard who appointed none other than Malcolm Turnbull to insist on a parliament (ie 'politicians') appointed 'president' when the strong public preference was for an elected one.

    As the wikipedia entry states: "For some years opinion polls had suggested that a majority of the electorate favoured a republic. Nonetheless, the republic referendum was defeated, partly due to division among republicans on the method proposed for selection of the president and dissident republicans subsequently supporting the no campaign."

    I was one of those very many "dissident republicans" and since then, most Aussies have kind of lost interest in a politician controlled "republic".

    1. But isn't the monarchy (embodied in the GG) a politician's model anyway, what with the PM giving the nod to the next applicant?

    2. Indeed, Merc, but at least the pollies don't pick the members of the Royal Family.

      However, it was really about whether the pollies simply pick the 'president' as they do now with the GG or whether we the people get a vote in the matter. We "dissident republicans" wanted a vote.

  2. Killer C repeats (and repeats and ..) the bit about "...increases in debt were anything but shockingly wasteful, a transfer from future taxpayers to the current generation..." Oh my, oh my how frightful , transferring money between generations. Now personally speaking as a citizen who has paid taxes for about 60 years - mainly income tax, but also my part of the initial 'triple tax' on superannuation plus GST and sundry imposts including council rates - which has built and improved a lot of 'infrastructure' most of which will be enjoyed and used by "future taxpayers" - can I express my complete disinterest in this 'generational transfer' crap.

    And maybe Killer might like to contemplate that any "transfer" would also assist many children of "the current generation" very directly, too. But "shockingly wasteful" ? Sure was, and maybe Killer could ask some hard questions about $millions transferred to the likes of Harvey Norman that most definitely weren't required and then ask why Joshy blatantly refuses to to anything about recovering that misused money.

  3. GB - as ever I marvelled at how our ‘Killer’ slipped in reference to the Scandinavian countries, and particularly Norway, before his ‘anything but shockingly wasteful’ clarion call (OK - you have to tabulate the double negative to get to his point there, but . . )

    What ‘point’ did he think he was making about Norway? The country that had the temerity to charge large corporations full tote for the hydrocarbon assets, where we pile incentive on subsidy on special tax treatment to virtually pay the noble corporations to come and take the stuff away.

    By charging for those assets, a country with a much smaller population than ours, has a national fund worth about as much as our total debt. As they would have said to the undergraduate ‘Killer’ - discuss.

    1. Dunno that you'd ever get any acknowledgement from the reptiles for that Chad: they know, as sure as they know that night follows day, that it's only the "renewables" that get subsidised. All the good old Aussie fossil fuels are, of course, only reliant on the glories of the "free" market.

      And no, I don't think Killer has any idea about Norway and how it's got a bigger and better "Future Fund" from a GDP of $US362 billion versus Australia's $US1331 billion. Pity it's all based on those evil fossil fuels, though.


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