Thursday, February 17, 2022

In which the pond offers some prelimariny reptile reading for a 3 pm post featuring ancient reptile history ...





Today being Thursday, this is the day where the pond unveils the things it won't be covering ...

There will be only a couple of assignments, as required background reading, for a course that the pond will offer later in the day, at precisely 3 pm ... 

Reptile students in the pond's school of herpetology are advised that there will be no requirement to have seen the movie before embarking on the course ...

Meanwhile, on with things the pond won't be covering this day ...



The pond won't be looking at the crocodile tears shed over BHP anti-vaxxers and will make only passing reference to the way that the reptiles are still taking Clive's cash in the claw ...

The pond will also be ignoring simplistic Sharri, seen here at the top of the digital page ...


The pond won't be looking at the reptiles' deep fear of a full Court press, nor will it be seeing how deeply obsessed simpleton Sharri is by that drug story ...



It's true that the pond was moved to tears by petulant Peta's offer to resign from News Corp, effective immediately, and offer herself to the armed services. Ma'am, the pond thanks you in advance for your heroic service ... the pond expects no stolen valour, none at all ...

While it might be an heroic stance, proving that petulant Peta and the entire country is up for the fight, the pond must, with the deepest regrets, move on to other things it won't be covering ... and yes, the savvy Savva is one of them ...

As devotees know, the treacherous heretic, once heroically serving the reptiles in the guise of "savvy Savva" is only a click away behind a porous paywall ...

As for the commentary section, only one reptile, and a corporate shill, will survive the pond's severe cull this day ...



There's some excellent efforts, what with Simon saying and Trinca braying, but come on down bromancer, deemed by the pond to be essential course reading before the pond gets down to its 3 pm posting ...


Now diligent students will have noted that "there was a period" remark in the bromancer's piece, and that will come in handy for the pond's 3 pm posting ...


Diligent students will note other historical references -  "recall the 2013 election campaign" and "In 1964" - and an ability to parse ancient events will come in handy for the pond's afternoon wander down memory lane ...

Diligent students will note words such as "increasingly deranged, defeatist, pro-Beijing views", and that is why the bromancer's piece is important to study, as it's part of an elaborate tease for the pond's 3 pm outing ...

Finally, the pond has decided to allow the lizard Oz editorialist's intervention to intrude as part of essential background reading for the pond's  3 pm post ... because there's nothing like a corporate shill to set the right tone ...



Yes, it's all part of the pond's ploy to promote its 3 pm course ...




Some will take this as just another reptile rant, sounding increasingly shrill and desperate, much like SloMo himself, but it will come in handy as a reference point later in the day...

And so to a few other things the pond won't be covering, if only because they can't be found in the reptile pages ...


Anyone wanting to read that story can simply ignore the paywall by heading over to Yahoo News ...

How could a republic offer anything as choice? Not even BoJo's parties can match this level of in-bred self-entitlement ...

Also the pond won't be looking at this story, simply because it breaches the pond's rule about mentioning the winter Olympics or any other Olympics, let alone the Commonwealth Games landing in Victoria ...


The pond only offers this as a warning to its herpetology students. 

You will have to come up with better excuses than the dog ate my homework, or I drank my grandpappy's saliva when embarking on the pond's 3 pm course ...

And so to a final teaser, as the immortal Rowe chimes in with another tease, with more teasing Rowe always to be found here ...





  1. This is a carryover (with your indulgence, DP) but it was on re-reading Kez's contribution yesterday that (reptilitious?) properly registered with me. Mine eyes had rushed to the verse, missed the introduction.

    Great wordsmithing there Kez, with refined material.

    1. Yep, definitely a bit of a word wiz, our Kez. Way too much of a one for reptiles to be able to understand.

    2. Cheers Chadders and GB. And just for a bit of study break relief before this afternoon’s exam on Manchuria here are some fantasy @ScrotMuddlesome tweets…

      “I can’t hold a tune mate.”
      "I don’t know the words mate.”
      “I didn’t know there were dragons in NZ!”
      “Sneer all you like, but there are bad ukulele players all over Australia.”
      “Someone send that PR guy to Cuba!”

    3. A HD even before the test appears!

  2. "to his credit, he immediately withdrew it"

    The Bro's measuring bar is so low it may well be underground. The PM made a slur that went directly against the advice of DFAT, a clear attempt to continue stacks on ludicrous inferences about China on the ALP, and "to his credit"...??????

    The wheels of distraction are well and truly running out of tread here.

    1. Making a sleazy slur to then "immediately withdraw it" is a long standing tactic, especially in SloMo's world.

      Expect more of it - it's just the rabid right's form of Gish gallop: keep on with lots of the short, sharp crappy bullshit and like with Trump and QAnon, some of it always sticks.

  3. GB - an update of another economist of the ‘killer kult’ - Gigi Foster. Her book, with Paul Frijters (who has his own take on a kind of ‘libertarianism’), with the non-catchy title of ‘The Great Covid Pandemic: What Happened, Why and What to Do Next’ has been reviewed in ‘Economic Record’.

    Oh, there seems to be another author - one Michael Baker, who does not figure in this review, but seems to be a regular at the Brownstone Institute - publisher of the book with the unnecessarily long title, founded a year or so back by Jeffrey Tucker - who has his own ‘Wiki’ entry, to save my giving further background.

    The book is reviewed by Robert Breunig - from the Crawford School at ANU.

    Bruenig interpolates his own little rants about infringement on freedoms in this review, but, even though he would be hinting at sympathy with the Foster and Firjters, he does include this assessment of its content -

    ‘Frijters and Foster play loose with a lot of the facts. They embrace any and all arguments that support their point, even some that are patently insane. Some of their ‘data analysis’ would surely not pass muster at any academic economic journal.’

    OK - that is a review from a sympathiser, so - not a lot of encouragement to go to the trouble of buying the book, even if we had not seen the Gigi several times on national television essentially carrying ‘Killer’ Creighton’s warped eugenics.

    But it is well to stay up to date on these people.

    1. Yeah, Frijters was (still is ?) a regular contributor to the ClubTroppo blog. It was in one of his posts that I first encountered the term QALY. But then, he also demolished the John Howard dodge (re 'children overboard') that "it wasn't a lie, because I believed it". Gigi Foster, it appears, is a yanqui expatriate now at UNSW who apparently enjoys the Uni's defence of 'academic freedom' though her views apparently "do not represent the views of UNSW Sydney ...".

      But this whole business about "restrictions of freedom" is truly a nonsense: there are no such things as "freedoms" there is always only "consequences", which sometimes are nothing, and sometimes are deadly.

      Otherwise, Bruenig's bit about "They embrace any and all arguments that support their point, even some that are patently insane ..." is just the way things are nowadays. The whole Trump/Johnson/Morrison way is based upon it.

      Anyway, I don't think I'd have been interested in pursuing Ms Foster's exposition, but your input has confirmed that I will suffer no consequences from exercising my "freedom" to ignore her.


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