The pond gets its religion and economics from comics, and for anyone who missed out on supply side Jesus, they can gather their gospel here ... with apologies for taking the last few panels without a spoiler alert ...
Speaking of spoilers, economics, hubris, morality, and hypocrisy the pond has taken to dropping in on purse-lipped Adam of late ...

The reptiles have been hot to trot on dinkum Aussie coal for the world, oi, oi, oi, and anyone who takes a contrary view must perforce be a heretic indulging in a heresy down there with the neo-Manichaean Albigensians ...
And yet even in the reptiles' own reporting of the latest developments, there seemed to be a smidgin of confusion ...look at this unnerving juxtaposition of fake news as arranged by google ...

Hubris but no ban ...
Passing strange, so the pond checked out Adam in his garden ... and discovered what seemed to be a singular case of rampant populist bank-bashing, tinged with an awesome dose of hypocrisy and unnerving morality, where Adam was most concerned to redeem hapless, hopeless Indians, no matter what alternative energy ideas the Indians might be beavering away on at the moment ...

In the old days, banks were allowed to invest with whom they liked and on terms conducive to financial reward, within the limits of regulation of course ...
One thing the pond learned in its encounters with banks is that if you walked in the door and your opening gambit was "I've made losses in recent years", the meeting didn't get off to a good start, and wasn't inclined to go well ...
No doubt your average banker is pleased that Adam of the garden of economic eden is catering to the economists of the lizard Oz, rather than handling a banking portfolio ...
It seems something like an idle threat to say "look, I could well go broke ..." as a way of proposing a business deal ...
Around this point the pond felt the need to check out that other lizard Oz report, though in the usual way, it turned out that the hard core news came from AAP, Adam of the economic garden apparently being too busy back then scribbling his bank-bashing columns, no doubt proposing that banks wildly loan to the indigent loss-makers of India (though admittedly that's possibly a big market):

Oh wait, that undated "Breaking news" was actually run in edited form at news.com.au back in December 2015, here...
How times change when the street librarians of Newtown persuade the bank to launch an updated Climate Change Action Plan ...
Why, you'd swear in the intervening period that the bank might have actually begun to take climate science seriously, which is extremely disturbing, since everyone knows this particular theology is more heretical than the Gnostics ...
By golly, that sort of idle boasting is sure to irritate the agitated Adam, and lead to a vicious bout of populist bank-bashing ...
It's important to remember in this context just how much more the lizards of Oz contribute to the modern world by idly sitting at a keyboard pounding out their quota of words for the day than any bloody banker does ... (hmm, should the pond mention the Rothschilds and their links to the Royal Family, though it seems we'll no longer have Phil the Greek beavering away to undermine the bromancer's Anglosphere) ,,,

Yep, you have to hand it to the Americans and their sophisticated and advanced sense of financial regulation and banking ...
There's absolutely no way that 2008 economic disaster that bedevilled the world could have started in the United States. Damn you EU, it must have been all your fault ...
Ah well no doubt the media is crucial to the modern economy, printing Adam of the ancient garden's remarkable insights as it does, but the efficiency of the prevailing structure is highly questionable.
Why not break up these giant oligopolies that dominate the space? The efficiencies are certainly of a lower order than that of the world's banking institutions ... and what happens when the Chairman gets hold of Skynet in the UK? Will that signal the end of the world?
Hang on, you say, what evidence for that has the pond offered? About as much as Adam of the concrete garden offered, and that's good enough for the reptiles of Oz ... but hey the pond is always pleased to see the reptiles determined to tear down the world capitalist order, so that we can continue continue to ship dinkum coal to the world ... oi, oi, oi ...
Now speaking of the Donald's desire to break up the biggest banks, thank the long absent lord that Malware's humiliating journey to lick the arses of the Chairman and the Donald is over, and he can now return, knowing these cartoons will just be lingering painful memories, thanks to Rowe here and the Pope here...
It's an economic risk decision, you fathead Creighton. Sure they used the occasion to climb onto the moral high ground with Adani, but only after they'd already worked out they couldn't make a quid out of it
ReplyDeleteThere you go, GD, Creighton might yet make make all of us economic rationalists prone to realistic, profit-seeking decision-making ...