One of the funniest things about the Donald - well there are perhaps many funnier things, but the pond finds this one pretty funny - is the way he keeps fighting the old war of the election, because there's bugger all to celebrate now he's in the actual job ...and it's turned out to be not so easy ...
Every day the Donald produces a new slip-up, or slip-down, of the tongue, which is seized on by the comics ... so no wonder he wants to live in the past.
What's astonishing, truly amazing and exciting, is the way that Dame Slap wants to live there with him ...
It could only happen to someone who lives above the faraway tree, or perhaps on Planet Janet, where the world looks truly different ...
And so to upside down land, or if you will, looking through the wrong end of the telescope land ... because really, why is anyone still talking about the presidential election and Hillary Clinton when we're well past the hundred days mark?
Only the Donald ... and Dame Slap ... know ...
Ah, the pond begins to get a glimmer.
Recycling the thoughts of others is a safe way to fill in column space for the relentless maw of the reptile machine, and having a bash at ancient news about the Clinton campaign - news flash, she lost the electoral college folks, way back in November - is the last refuge of the scoundrel, or the truly desperate ...
Recycling the thoughts of others is a safe way to fill in column space for the relentless maw of the reptile machine, and having a bash at ancient news about the Clinton campaign - news flash, she lost the electoral college folks, way back in November - is the last refuge of the scoundrel, or the truly desperate ...
Of course if Dame Slap wanted to talk history, she could could have looked at the latest history jokes doing the rounds ...
Sorry Donald, you can't expect Dame Slap to answer that one ...
She's still back fighting the last election campaign know, just like you ...
Never mind, the pond should let Dame Slap get on with her wandering down memory lane, where the victory was good and the wine tasted so sweet ...

A scary schoolteacher?
What, like Dame Slap?
Luckily Seth Meyers provided the pond with a crib which explained the meaninglessness of life, and incidentally of the American civil war ...

With some difficulty the pond wrenched itself out of the Civil War, to return to Dame Slap, still fighting the last war ...
Uh huh.
So how's it going for the winner?
Oh never mind ... never mind ... stay up at the top of the magic faraway tree, torturing hapless children about the American Civil War ...
And now, having used a fair portion of Seth Meyers' content, it seems only fair to link to his 'closer look' clip.
So how's it going for the winner?
Oh never mind ... never mind ... stay up at the top of the magic faraway tree, torturing hapless children about the American Civil War ...
And now, having used a fair portion of Seth Meyers' content, it seems only fair to link to his 'closer look' clip.
Admittedly it's a couple of days old, but it's still fresher than Dame Slap wandering back to November to dig over tired old ground ... because there's fuck all joy right here, right now, in the present ...
The dominatrix used to bloviate or argue like a demented pork chop that the mythological "left" used to do its politics on appeals to emotion rather than reason.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile wasnt the "mood" that enabled the election of the Orange Reptile the result of an orchestrated appeal to the emotions of the deplorables by the Reptile himself. It certainly had nothing whatsoever to do with the exercise of reason, or reasoned argument. In fact the Orange Reptile has proved that he is constitutionally incapable of any kind of reasoned argument.
Furthermore the emotions appealed to, and activated, were on the very primitive scale of possible human emotions - fear and loathing, frustration, anger, revenge. Emotions associated with the archaic reptilian brain.
As someone once said fear always trumps (that word again) hope. And of course empathy, tolerance, compassion.
The dominatrix and her fellow "conservatives" quite often prattle on about the misuse and degradation of the English language, and of history (his-story) too.
The Orange Reptile specializes in such misuse and degradation. Indeed he is a culturally illiterate barbarian.
ReplyDelete"This presumes of course, good faith on Tony Abbott's part"
um ,yeah. Rotsa ruck with that.
So Clinton lost because of the word "deplorables". Meanwhile Trump talks insane rubbish daily. Janet has no idea of her own.