The pond remains besieged by bizarre images of the Donald, cartoons, and other paraphernalia, but must leave the memes and the tweets to others, as at the ABC here ...
There's no time for idle distractions, because this day the reptiles of Oz have come out with a momentous trifecta, with the onion muncher displacing the Oreo at the top of the digital opinion interface, by celebrating Ming the Merciless ...

Though moved to tears at the sight of a gnat standing on the shoulder of a giant, the pond felt the need to intrude.
Surely a better poem, one that conjures up the note of sacrifice, would have been Sir Henry's brave effort ...

But no, that doesn't quite catch the tone of a well-off parliamentary fat cat with a handsome superannuation scheme blathering on about welfare bludgers, having spent his time in parliament building a reputation as Dr No, and when in power, acting as negligent surgeon armed with a chainsaw, and now in idleness, with nothing to do but create mischief for Malware and the rest of Australia, putting his thoughts behind the paywall, so that punters must pay the Murdochian piper to hear the inspirational words of an MP supposedly paid by Australians to inspire them for free ...

What would be the point of winning the war if in the process we lose our character?
But what if our character is Catholic fundamentalist gay rights-denying, climate science refusenik onion muncher?
Ming the Merciless sounding embattled? Just like the poor old embattled onion muncher, still reliving the battles of yore?
Lordy lordy, how the well off love to navel gaze.
Naturally the lizards of Oz wanted to join the trifecta, and came out with one of their classic editorials endorsing the onion muncher's embattled sense of self-pity and retreat into the ossified past ...

Oh lordy lordy, will they never shut up about the forgotten people, when really they likely mean the long-suffering reptiles who ended up backing a failed politician now widely acknowledged to be little more than a nuisance and a gadfly on the body politic ...

And then hurrah, hooray, Moorice himself, the mighty Moorice, climate scientist extraordinaire, joined the fray ...

Usually the pond would put Moorice at the start of the show, but why not save the best for a truly dramatic climax?
Moorice doesn't pussyfoot around.
Anyone knows what the splitter onion muncher, as endorsed by the reptile editorialist of Oz, really meant. Ming the Merciless was just another sock puppet for the onion muncher's rich sense of grievance and suffering.
Thus it falls to the onion muncher to think he's the one true believer who inherited the spirit and soul of Ming the merciless, while Malware is just a false god, a debaser of all that's true and right ...
But natural instinctive modesty, of the kind which saw him very discreet in his swimwear, prevents the onion muncher from making this too obvious.
Enter the braver, bolder Moorice ...
No reason to dance around the point, so Moorice boldy comes out and denounces the craven wretch ... while praising the one true believing onion muncher ...

Ming the Merciless spinning in his grave, in a state of high anxiety about the state of the Cinque Ports ...?
And as for the tragedy of the onion muncher's budget of 2014 ...hat a loss to the country, and possibly the world, and how tragic that the young are full of all this socialist leftie nonsense, and quite possibly think climate science is actual science ...
What a trifecta. So much self-serving tosh, so little time.
No wonder the pond was over the moon, what with the onion muncher, the Oz editorialist and Moorice all in furious agreement. The fate of the furious keeps ringing in the pond's head like a really bad movie ...
Of course freedom doesn't include the freedom of furriners but it does include the freedom of the mutton Dutton to dissemble and to lie in relation to sundry Manus matters... as ably celebrated by David Rowe in his cartoon this day (with more Rowe here).
I dunno, I must be getting old or ... well, old, anyway. Three old witchlings around a magic sphere and people want to be into Harry Potter, or sundry galaxy defenders or Star Wars or summat.
ReplyDeleteMe, I immediately thought of:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Second Witch
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks!
The Menzies PR machine always stands at the ready....for the orgasmic orb(it) of the Menzies centenary. I won't be around, but I am hanging out for the Caterist contribution!
ReplyDeleteMy fave meme of the Trumpian travelogue:Bannon surrounded by brown people.