Of all the metaphors for government, perhaps the unwisest involves ships, or even ancient Mariners and albatrosses ...
All the same, the pond couldn't help but be compelled, and felt the need to make an expression of interest ...
No doubt it'd come as a shock to Sharri to learn that the good Senators in the Senate won their election squarely, and indeed in large part thanks to the ineptitude of Malware, who managed to muck up not just the NBN but the calling of the election ...
But the pond was pleased to see that Malware now seems to be on a roll, fluidly ready to reshuffle ... and there was the pond still stuck on the ship metaphor, imaging deck chairs and the splendid notion of reshuffling them ...

It wasn't just the pond fixating on the ship metaphor.
There was the Terrorist artist conjuring up an extraordinary vision, almost Churchillian, if it's possible to imagine Churchill shuffling the deck chairs while on the way to Gallipoli ...

By this time, the pond had lost much of its interest in the shuffle.
Who cares if Angus Taylor, having stuffed up digital, gets to stuff up infrastructure? Why worry about Barners adding to infrastructure woes? If this pair are handling Badgery's Creek, the pond will be dead before a plane lands or takes off ...
As for the mutton Dutton, of course he'd want to avoid the graveyard of Defence, while he harbours the delusion he's the man who can take over from Malware, whether he's rolled by the party or by Comrade Bill ...
The pond began to think of listening to a last tune from the band ...
(Dramatic re-enactment, no musicians harmed by this blog).
... then heading to the lifeboats. Remember it's Parkers and children first!
But wait, then matters turned surreal.
It seemed Julie Bishop almost caused World War III, with nukes flying everywhere, when all the pond thought she had to her name was killer asbestos ...

It was that touch of the "J-Bish" that made the pond feel at last it was losing its unhip status and becoming quite cool.
It might be possible to lie back and enjoy the voyage, and even enjoy the promenading ...

Yep, there's no doubting Malware has achieved political momentum in recent weeks, and has no intention of losing it ...
Why he's shifted the polling from a 53/47 split to a 53/47 split, the sort of onward rush of momentum that terrifies the pond, so swift is the uneasy motion.
Now all we need is an iceberg. Oh to think that comrade Bill might be that terrible iceberg, unless Albo arranges for a melting ...
And speaking of the Donald, as we must do, what joy to be warned about a lurch towards nationalism. The party of the mutton Dutton and the onion muncher? Who could imagine such a thing ...why next thing you know they'll be talking of border forces and doing flag waving ...
...or if you will ...
And so to a Rowe, with the good news that there's much more Rowe here ...they might grind slowly for the Donald, those wheels, but where are the wheels grinding the man behind the current NBN?
There is such a likeness