That meme is currently doing the Disney rounds, and it reminded the pond of the days when there were real pirate tales told to children ...
Good pirates? WTF? Remind the pond to pirate a Disney cartoon, and let there be pirates ...
Good pirates? WTF? Remind the pond to pirate a Disney cartoon, and let there be pirates ...
The full yarn here thanks to the good folk at, because this day is Caterist day, and there needs to be some kind of distraction from the ritualised encounter, which now has all the repetitious, slow-moving solemnity of a Noh play ...
Ah, there's some jackass reinforcement to hand today as well ...
But first to the Caterist ritual ...
There it is, right from the get go ...
You see, the pond doesn't donate to Get Up! There are those who do, and they can and they are welcome to do so ... there is freedom of choice and freedom of action ...
But the pond and anyone else who pays taxes of any kind in Australia perforce donate to the Caterists, thanks to the federal department of finance.
No choice regarding the greedy recipient, no freedom of action ...
No choice regarding the greedy recipient, no freedom of action ...
This explains why the pond is so irritated by the Caterists.
Blathering on about Get Up! when really, they should hand back the cash in the paw to the Department of Finance and Get Out! and do their fund raising from suckers willing to donate to them ... like Get Up! does ...
It would save a lot of monstrous incoherence, deep, profound hypocrisy, and the Caterists relentlessly campaigning in the lizard Oz for Malware and the Liberal party would have a lot more honesty ...
Shocking. As the pond has learned this day, pulling punches on true values would mean the hapless Liberals on slender margins simply couldn't celebrate unfairness, gender prejudice and abuse, and promote the wonders of coal, while decrying climate science ... because after all, a new ice age is just around the corner, at least in Trump la la land ...
Edmund Burke would have been worried. Fancy a government funding the Caterists and the Menzies Research Centre ... and fancy the Caterists showing not a whit or jot of shame or guilt ...
But that's the way it goes with the morally bankrupt ...
And now because the Caterists are just a Noh play with a predictable slow-moving plot and an entirely predictable outcome, the pond felt the need to turn to a jackass for a little more comedy ...
Like the lizards of Oz, the reptiles at the WSJ have been turning themselves inside out to find willing useful fools, keen to celebrate the notion that the Donald might not be a total dud, fizza and lemon ...
A little context. Van Dyk was sprung a long time ago, back in 2009, by Barron Youngsmith in New Republic with 'Wall Street Journal' Finds the Perfect Democrat?...
Who the heck is this guy?
According to his byline, he was Vice President Hubert Humphrey's assistant and "active in national Democratic politics for over 40 years." He claims to have campaigned for Kennedy, Humphrey, Tsongas, and George McGovern--but a Nexis search reveals that he has been posing as an "enraged Democrat" abandoned by Democrats since at least the Carter administration. Liberals should dissent, of course, but this guy is just ridiculous. Check out this assortment of his clippings.
Follow the link to check out those ancient clippings.
Google the name and you get a bunch of fresher clippings at the WSJ ...
Google the name and you get a bunch of fresher clippings at the WSJ ...
Such is the comedy value of the complaining old fart that he's achieved the ultimate compliment, a fake Twitter account ...
This sort of sock puppet is invaluable for anyone totally bored by the Caterists.
Van Dyk is a natural fit for the WSJ, and therefore a perfect fit for the lizards of Oz, struggling to find fresh comedy stylings to match the rather dated offerings of the Caterists ... and always struggling to find anyone with a kind word about the Donald, getting trickier by the day given the Donald's "policy" proposals, while Flynn pleads the Fifth, in the style of the gangsters once deplored by the Donald ...
Knowing the old fart's natural tendencies and inclinations gives new meanings and resonances to his scribbles ...

Thus it ever was with the quislings and the appeasers and the sell-out merchants and the craven apologists turning up to do their duty for the Murdochians ...
And now, duty done, the Caterist god of tedium and ennui appeased, the pond can turn back to local laughs, as this ...
... now gives way to this ... with more Pope here ...
Cater: "...when Howard left office,"
ReplyDeleteNow pay attention, Nicky, John Winston didn't leave office, he was unceremoniously kicked out of office. And not only out of office, but out of his own safe seat too !
Kicked out by all those people he'd forgotten (the same ones Menzies forgot after 1942). You know them Nicky, the ones who just wanted a fair days wage for a fair days work and not to end up as serfs to their employers - like their ancestors once had been.
Cath Wilcox does a very good Malcolm Roberts - in a few pen strokes she sums up bat-shit-crazy.