Scroll through the "climate" tag at the lizard Oz and these are the recent stories you'll get if you were silly enough to accept their 'conditions apply' offer to waste your money ...
Oh and there was one particularly silly offering which exemplified everything wrong with the brand of kool aid dropped into the reptile water cooler ...

Actually climate's got nothing to do with mortal or even venial sins, and as soon as a doofus starts using theological language or alliteration, science leaves the room.
Talking about how difficult it is to remain "a hard-core supporter of climate change belief" shows who is the really zany zealot in the room. Science isn't a matter of some transubstantive belief, it either works and is replicable, or it doesn't; it either describes or provides replicable insights into the world or it doesn't ...
Gra Gra would be better off sticking to a belief that somehow a wafer is flesh and wine is blood, and heading off to a cannibal feast ...
Talking about how difficult it is to remain "a hard-core supporter of climate change belief" shows who is the really zany zealot in the room. Science isn't a matter of some transubstantive belief, it either works and is replicable, or it doesn't; it either describes or provides replicable insights into the world or it doesn't ...
Gra Gra would be better off sticking to a belief that somehow a wafer is flesh and wine is blood, and heading off to a cannibal feast ...
What you wouldn't have got at the lizard Oz are stories like the Graudian's Arctic stronghold of world's seeds flooded after permafrost melts - a story to be found in any number of outlets because of its implications - or local stories such as the recent Fairfax piece on Hot oceans in Sydney.
The reptiles' long-standing climate denialism has now aided and abetted (through their Fox and WSJ cousins) the arrival in the White House of a climate denialist of the first water, intent on deforming and degutting the EPA, climate science and any form of environmental protection which dares to pop its head out of the ground, as noted in this NY Times' story of rollbacks at the Pruitt EPA.
Why did the pond head back down this lost cause road as the planet goes to hell in a handbasket?
Well yesterday, the dog botherer wrote a piece about the Donald, which in the splash suggested that the Donald was struggling for clean air ...

... without the slightest sign of irony ...
...even as production was rising, tensions were brewing with Washington. The Obama administration had made cracking down on fugitive emissions from oil and gas sites a national priority. By 2014, Devon stood accused by the E.P.A. of releasing 80 more tons a year of the harmful gases from its Beaver Creek plant in Wyoming than its permit allowed. The extra emissions amounted to a fifth more than the company’s stated emissions of 361 tons in 2013, the most recent year for which data is available. This class of chemicals — known as volatile organic compounds — is extremely potent and is blamed for helping create blankets of smog. Several of the chemicals are known carcinogens.
“You can smell it in the air,” said John Fenton, a former Devon contract worker turned environmentalist who monitors oil and gas facilities scattered across Fremont County using an infrared camera.
No wonder the Donald is struggling for clean air.
But it was only after the crazy nutter called Comedy a crazy nut job, and reading Trump Officials: 'He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron', that the pond decided to check out the dog botherer doing the Donald ...because 'moron' lets off the current mayhem and damage the Donald is doing far too lightly.
...even as production was rising, tensions were brewing with Washington. The Obama administration had made cracking down on fugitive emissions from oil and gas sites a national priority. By 2014, Devon stood accused by the E.P.A. of releasing 80 more tons a year of the harmful gases from its Beaver Creek plant in Wyoming than its permit allowed. The extra emissions amounted to a fifth more than the company’s stated emissions of 361 tons in 2013, the most recent year for which data is available. This class of chemicals — known as volatile organic compounds — is extremely potent and is blamed for helping create blankets of smog. Several of the chemicals are known carcinogens.
“You can smell it in the air,” said John Fenton, a former Devon contract worker turned environmentalist who monitors oil and gas facilities scattered across Fremont County using an infrared camera.
No wonder the Donald is struggling for clean air.
But it was only after the crazy nutter called Comedy a crazy nut job, and reading Trump Officials: 'He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron', that the pond decided to check out the dog botherer doing the Donald ...because 'moron' lets off the current mayhem and damage the Donald is doing far too lightly.
Truth to tell, the Donald is a dud, a flop, a failure, and completely unsuited to the job. Who knew that running a big country like the United States wouldn't be the same as bankrupting casinos and putting up buildings, with a hint of cronyism, legal warfare, and outright bullying and corruption? Probably anyone who trained at Trump University ...
There are duds on both sides of the political fence, but the Donald is a ripper dud, a gobbler of the first water, and even now the Republicans support him, while in the process destroying the country and making it something of a laughing stock ...
What's compelling is to see dickheads like the dog botherer torn apart by the realisation that they've been given the job of defending a horse's arse, but doing their best, because deep down they belong in the same coal-loving, climate-denying fraternity...
It's a difficult business, so the way to do it is to blame anyone and everyone ... except those that actually facilitated and enabled the Donald's rise to power ...
It's complete and remarkable nonsense, utter horse shit, that the Donald ever wanted to drain the swamp, ever attempted to drain it, or might at some point in the future want to drain it, and that this is somehow the fault of a horse of operatives, activists and journalists in search of vengeance.
The seeds of the Donald were planted long ago, and yet here's the dog botherer still trying to drum up paranoia about Hillary and activists and violent protests and a paranoid in possession of the facts because they are out to get him... as if that Kenyan Islamic socialist reacted in the same childish way to questions of status ...
The dog botherer shows exactly the same sensitivity to slights on behalf of the Donald. Sure, he might tut-tut a little about iconoclasm, but remember Hillary, think of the Kenyan socialist!

Actually it might be better to follow the dumbass dog botherer ...
Well before serving up the next slab of the dog botherer blathering about the overwhelming left-liberal bias in journalistic ranks, this is a handy study of Fox at work ...
Well before serving up the next slab of the dog botherer blathering about the overwhelming left-liberal bias in journalistic ranks, this is a handy study of Fox at work ...
... and where you find Fox at work, you find the kissing cousin work of the dog botherer ...

Perhaps that's because serious commentators, trying to make sense of the Donald's contradictory positions and assorted flip-flops, understood that the next logical step would be to abandon article 5 of the founding treaty, and in effect suggest reneging on the deal ... (BBC that here).
Just feed the bird brain two minute slabs and insert name as required and hopefully he'll pay attention, between the sobs ...

The absurdities in trying to resolve the contradictions and make sense of them proves too much for an addle-brain of the dog botherer kind ... as if somehow the Donald was a master negotiator and the crap he offered up on China, as if somehow reporting might be simplistic and stoke fears, as opposed to the simplistic, fear-stoking contradictions of the Donald ...
You know, the way China was a currency manipulator until it wasn't, and China's not so bad after all.

And there at the end comes the same yearning hope. The Donald might still have his benefits. He might still produce great strategic advantages. Everybody might just fold their tent and steal into the night, and give the US what it wants.
It's such a preposterous notion that, just like the Donald, the dog botherer has to flip-flop within the space of a sentence ...
Meanwhile, shed a tear not for crowd size or Sean Spicer's ratings, but for the planet ...
Luckily, the pond understands the way to attract the attention of the Donald is to mention his name frequently, and thanks to Kenneth Grahame the pond has just the thing ...
Luckily, the pond understands the way to attract the attention of the Donald is to mention his name frequently, and thanks to Kenneth Grahame the pond has just the thing ...
The world has held great Heroes,
As history-books have showed;
But never a name to go down to fame
Compared with that of Donald
The clever men at Oxford
Know all that there is to be knowed.
But they none of them knew one half as much
As intelligent Mr Donald!
The animals sat in the Ark and cried,
Their tears in torrents flowed.
Who was it said, “There’s land ahead?”
Encouraging Mr Donald!
The Army all saluted
As they marched along the road.
Was it the King? Or Kitchener?
No. It was Mr Donald!
The Queen and her Ladies-in-waiting
Sat at the window and sewed.
She cried, “Look! who’s that handsome man?”
They answered, “Mr Donald.”
The rhyme is a little bit ruined, but not half as much as the planet will be before it's all over ...
And so to a few more cartoons because there's such a glut on the market the pond will never get through all of them ...
Perhaps Gra Gra - having difficulty with the zany zealots of climate change belief - would like to (re)join the climate change disbelievers. Absolutely no zany zealots amongst them. All sound, sane, rational crusaders like Moorice and the Bolter.
ReplyDeleteYep, gotta leave them zany zealots behind.
Just heard Trump's ridiculously insensitive boast about selling "lots of beautiful military equipment" to the Saudis who are currently bombing the crap out of Yemen. Contrary to Kenny's moronic presumptions on Trump's abilities as a diplomat, the only "significant foreign policy outcomes" will be further hatred and bloodshed. As always the main victims are civilians and Trump's bolstering of Saudi armaments will only increase the dying and suffering and solve absolutely fuck all.