Ah the good old days when a deodorant could turn someone away from Hitler's possibly hairy armpits ...
And now more recently...
Well there's a comical irony at play ... the labeller accusing others of labelling ...
The pond was astonished to be reminded that Akker Dakker and Miranda the Devine have been scribbling columns in the same space as long ago as the early 90s, back in the day when the Mirror folded, and for a brief time the rag became known as the Daily Terror Mirror ...
So much hate, so many dead trees, so much landfill ...
And yet they were still at it this very day, with the trio gone militant and feral in the usual way about the Islamics ...
But this being Sunday, the pond should take a break from shooting to kill and talk about the prayerful elephant in the room, the recent fuss about Margaret Court ...
More to the point, the pond should talk about Godwin's Law ... now so frequently broken it has become meaningless and lost in time ...
At one point, it was meant to shock a little sense into the discussion ...
These days comparisons to Nazis and fascists are tossed around like confetti ...
History becomes meaningless, absurd and irrelevant ...
Of course the Devine herself never strays far from real fascism ... her love of eugenics would have made her at home with the Nazis, the America First movement and Lindbergh ...
As opposed to a faux comparison with regimes that routinely killed off gays, an interest in the useful benefits of eugenics was a common theme in the 1930s ...
Back to today's fuss, which began with this attention-seeking letter ...
Note the cunning way that Court got in a plug for her church, though it's no secret she's hooked up with a sandgroper Hillsong heavy form of religious nuttery ... it's online here and it peddles the usual sort of fraudulent nonsense ...
Of course there's no actual promise of curing cancer, that's too obvious a pitfall. Instead there's an offer of a "breakthrough in any ear of your life" eg sickness, disease ...
It's the usual con, the usual hustle, the usual delusion, the usual snake oil offer of a cure ...
Not to worry, the point the pond is wanting to explore isn't that Court is a barking mad, holy roller, howling at the moon in a standard happy clapper nutter way ... this ancient tribe endures and examples routinely turn up everywhere in every faith, causing much mayhem in the world because of their delusions ...
It's the usual con, the usual hustle, the usual delusion, the usual snake oil offer of a cure ...
Not to worry, the point the pond is wanting to explore isn't that Court is a barking mad, holy roller, howling at the moon in a standard happy clapper nutter way ... this ancient tribe endures and examples routinely turn up everywhere in every faith, causing much mayhem in the world because of their delusions ...
What interests the reptile-watching pond is the predictable Devine response ...
Well yes, she can boycott Qantas if she wishes, and Qantas, if it wished, could refuse her service ... that's the way it goes in the private sector.
But what view did the Devine take of the Coopers boycott?
Naturally she deplored the boycott and she flung around the "fascist" word yet again ...
Of course she loves it ... that's the Devine schtick. She flings out the hate to invite the hate, she trolls to get trolled, she abuses so she can relish the abuse ...
It's a quite peculiar form of sado-masochism, resulting in a peculiar form of defiance (the spell-checker suggested deviance as an alternative) ...
Of course she's a rabid, and now - remembering she was scribbling early in the 1990s - old hate monger ...
As for the rest of the Court piece, it was just as might be expected of many short Devine "filler" pieces, complete with demonic photos of figures to hate ...eek, gay fascists ...
The laughable thing here is that the Devine talks of fence sitting, and fence sitters been driven away from the cause ...
Out in the real world, away from the rabidity, the polls tell the world that the decision's already in. But not for the barking mad fundamentalist rabid Catholic school of Daesh jihadists ... always wanting to give gays a lashing with a cane, or perhaps toss them from a nearby building ...
As usual, the Devine attracted comments which echoed her Daesh style fundamentalism ...
Just the facts? The PC nazis is a fact?
They don't even earn upper case, as in PC Nazis, you useless goose?
And other geese added to the cackling sounds ...
They don't even earn upper case, as in PC Nazis, you useless goose?
And other geese added to the cackling sounds ...
Actually you goose, the suggestion wasn't to strip her of her trophies, it was to change the name of the stadium, which these days means three fifths of fuck all anyway.
When the pond last counted, the Olympic stadium - built because games are more important than transport infrastructure, thanks Bob Carr - had been called ANZ Stadium, Telstra Stadium, Homebush Stadium, Olympic Stadium and even gigantic waste of taxpayers' money stadium ...
As for all the name changes on various stands at sports grounds around the country ...
When the pond last counted, the Olympic stadium - built because games are more important than transport infrastructure, thanks Bob Carr - had been called ANZ Stadium, Telstra Stadium, Homebush Stadium, Olympic Stadium and even gigantic waste of taxpayers' money stadium ...
As for all the name changes on various stands at sports grounds around the country ...
And if anyone's got enough money, or more recent glory, they can produce another name change quikstix ...
Mark tried to have a little bet both ways ...
Ah yes, free speech ... so good of you to overlook the Devine's talk of gay fascists Mark, to deplore insulting, abusive, disgraceful lefties ...
Well, as you note, there's free speech, and then there's speaking out of turn, and copping a pile of reptile abuse ...
Well, as you note, there's free speech, and then there's speaking out of turn, and copping a pile of reptile abuse ...
Fancy deploring war. Talk about a shocking hate crime ...
The pond supposes it should now provide a little background filler for those who missed the proceedings ...
That photo says it all really ...
The pond always loves it when delusional folk look up to the sky, as if there's some comfort in a cumulus cloud, or perhaps in the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesophere, or even the thermosphere ...
But at least the fuss brought out the pagans and the Satanists, and luckily they were infesting Margaret Court arena with demonic spirits and tortured music ...
The pond always loves it when delusional folk look up to the sky, as if there's some comfort in a cumulus cloud, or perhaps in the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesophere, or even the thermosphere ...
But at least the fuss brought out the pagans and the Satanists, and luckily they were infesting Margaret Court arena with demonic spirits and tortured music ...

Stupid woman. Who imagines that boards meet in lounges? They have much plusher and more private places to meet, with servants to dish out the drinks and the coffee ...
At the bottom of that story, there was a further abundance of comments displaying bigotry and hate of the kind cultivated by the Terrorist reptiles, the Devine, Akker Dakker and the rest of them ...
The pond has little doubt that if in Sydney, Daesh would find the tabloid tree killer the preferred form of reading ...
Oh and there was humour, there was wit, there was great wit ...

Ah, the wit, the infinite jest ...
Well, it's just another day, another dollar, another dose of rabid Terrorism.
What, feeling a little down? Why not splash on some of that heart of darkness vitriole that makes the world smell so much more fragrant ...

... well at least if you happen to be a proto-fascist who thinks it fun to call others fascist ... so that the pond's Godwin's Law swear jar shatters with the strain ...
And now because Ryan Adams somehow got himself into the conversation ...
Dorothy it looks like Pastor Margaret cherry picks what part of the Bible she obeys and promotes (don't they all).
ReplyDeleteThis little beauty in the Bible she clearly ignores (as she should along with it's anti gay rubbish)
1 Timothy 2:11-12New International Version (NIV)
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet.
Enough said I think on the Bible as a source of moral guidance though I was hoping that text would be brought up in her train wreck interview on The Project or some journalists somewhere.
But that would require that the folks on The Project, or some journalists somewhere, actually have some knowledge of what's in the Bible, Sully. They don't, none of them do - it is very unusual for even supposedly practicing Xians to actually read the book. It's a very big, long read full of lots of incomprehensible ancient stuff and even if they do make an attempt to read it, most only remember a few fragments.
DeleteAnd of course we'd have to exempt Waleed on The Project, anyway - he favours a different collection of ancient nonsense altogether.
It's simple research by google, if I can type in a few words, surely a journo can.