It's an oldie but a goodie, already something of a classic, with "momy" on the loose, but the important point is that disbelieving eyes should always ask, "is this for realsies?"
These days fake news, joke headers and photoshopped photos are all the go - YouTube is awash with junk trying to game the system - and it provides endless entertainment for intertubes wags - but supposedly serious journalists are supposed to ask "is this for realsies?", before they help circulate fakery ...
It's a measure of the demeaning Devine that she should now be in the dog box of deplorables, just another birdbrained bimbo too fast on the tweet ...
Of course as soon as anyone labels something "actual photo", the chances are, it's actually a dose of bullshit.
It's even richer that the Devine recently lambasted cliche users, and politicians ...
It's even richer that the Devine recently lambasted cliche users, and politicians ...
Of course the Devine didn't apologise for her own bit of misunderestimating.
She just ran the actual photo, without a bye your leave, without a "sorry for playing my part in the fake news machine" attached ..

The pond, of course, is full of fake news and fake opinions and faux experts, frequently scribbling about climate science and matters digital, but that's because the pond's business is celebrating the assorted phobias to which the reptiles of Oz are prone ...
If the pond ever felt inclined to turn grammar Nazi, or cliche mocker, it would be a full-time job, as in this recent header where the Terrorist was clearly instructed, "no, it doesn't need to make sense, just get 'bizarre' into it somehow ..."

So it's a relief to turn to some light Sunday reading, featuring the immortal Akker Dakker and petulant Peta, and never mind that the Terrorists are still to learn how to fit text into a box so that it might turn up looking nice in your average domestic browser ...

After all, it's not how it looks, it's the content that counts, which is just as well in Akker Dakker's case ...
Never mind, the latest Akker Dakker is a reminder that Malware's recent painful kowtowing to the emperor is just a distant memory, and it's time for Akker Dakker to get down and dirty ... and lordy, lordy, the reptiles have provided a new photo, still with requisite smirk and plump air of self-pleased smugness emanating into the ether...

The great thing about Akker Dakker is the way he makes any attempt by the pond to knock Malware seem redundant, a wasted effort.
Why not just sit back and watch the minions of Murdoch do the job?
In classic form, Akker Dakker tipped the nod to the chairman - after all he was front and centre of the glittering occasion, and somehow seems to imagine he remains a member of the Australian business community - has he forgotten in his dotage his American citizenship? - and then it's on with the bovver boy stuff, as only Akker Dakker can do ...
What's the bet that Akker Dakker will start his routine with a mention of the onion muncher, no doubt aware that it's vital the onion muncher hold on to his prominent position at the top of the pond?

What's wonderful here is the way that Akker Dakker puts the mockers on the Devine's suggestion that the onion muncher be turned into a gee gee ... not because he looks like a fatuous clown ...
... but because he's a young fatuous clown, too young to be the Father or Mother of the nation, though the pond wasn't aware that we'd drifted off into neo-Nazi notions of the vaterland, and so must be in search of a vater ...
As with all things Akker Dakker, the time at the tuckshop is all too brief, but in his last gobbet, he turns away from savaging Malware to savage Malware's sockpuppet Savva ...
How sweet it is to see reptiles feuding, and how marvellous it is to see Akker Dakker defend knighthoods ...

Now the pond gasped in awe at that final flourish about breaking his opponent's codes, when out of the mouth of the babe it seems to suggest that the onion muncher and acolytes like Akker Dakker are the real opposition, willing to go anywhere in support of the onion muncher, even unto the valley of knighthoods ...
That old Pope - there's much newer Pope here - reminded the pond of the peculiar pleasure to be had at the sight of petulant Peta, there at the great budget disaster of 2014, now on hand to explain with sage voice to Malware how it should be done ...
Where Akker Dakker managed to reduce the onion muncher's many failures down to two, petulant Peta seems to have suffered complete amnesia ...

Well if nothing else, it provides a chance to run a few old Popes as a kind of commentary on the commentator ...
Ah, the glory days of good and sound policy ...

Indeed, indeed, for years the coalition insisted the government was living beyond its means and talked of dire debt and a budget emergency of the gravest proportions ... and yet ...
Well, it wouldn't be a proper piece of Peta petulance if she didn't at some point sound like a refugee from the Catholic Boys' Daily ... with the usual daily dose of 'chip on shoulder' about the suffering and persecution and crucifixion of the noble predecessor ...

Ah the memories, the glorious memories of 2014 ...

But that was then, with jolly Joe now playing suck to the Americans - and looking and sounding truly pathetic on MSNBC - and this is ScoMo now and how it must grate on the onion muncher and petulant Peta, as they fulminate from the sidelines about this tortured figure ...
Oh wait, that's a Rowe, with more recent Rowe here ... it's the real smirking ScoMo who graces Peta's page as she unhappily yowls at the moon...

So what did the pond come away with, as a learning experience, this day?
Well absolutely nothing ...
It's the same as it's always been, with agitated speedy Akker Dakker, and petulant Peta, doing the dance, or should it be the skills test, that began way back in 2009 when the onion muncher plunged the first knife into the chest, and Team Australia has been tugging at the same door ever since ...
It's certainly brilliant entertainment, but the notion that the onion muncher did good policy? Why that's just petulant Peta's contribution to the entertainment ...
Hi Dorothy
ReplyDeleteYes I see that bloody arsole Murdoch at the Coral sea remembrance what a cheek these Bastards have and that war criminal Howard sucking on the teat of Australian finances at the gathering at Lords cricket ground.
Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid. A lump of code is winning yesterday's and tomorrow's battle of the coral seas.
ReplyDeleteHmm. Now the petulant Peta and you are alumnae of the Catholic Junior Training System. She loved it (or so she says) and you did not. She's a truly null-intellect ninny, and you are you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there's some very profound understanding of human education hidden in there somewhere. Perhaps we should ask the Donners to make a formal report on the matter.