As always at the Terror, it's the fault of the victims of bigotry rather than the bigots themselves, and as ever, the narcissist arm-breaker is on parade and naturally blaming the leftists ...
Is it any wonder that the pond turned to Troy, temporarily at the head of the reptile opinion page?

Who could resist? There are many parallels between Trump and Hitler, Trump and Julius Caesar, Trump and Napoleon, Trump and Leonardo da Vinci, Trump and Einstein, Trump and Frederick Douglass, Trump and Martin Luther King ...
The list of parallels is inexhaustible, but Troy joins a venerable list of parallelers, always assiduous in sniffing out the railway lines racing towards the horizon. How else to fill in tree killer space with maximum irrelevant musing?

What a noble lineage of like minds. The pond felt the need to give Troy the purple tinge of emperors to mark out his contribution.
But heck why stop there ... so many parallels, so little time ...
After all, the Donald solved some of the great American mysteries faster than the Warren Commission ...
Now how long before we reach that immortal billy goat "butt" moment ... you know, after the endless talk of there being many parallels, many similarities ... then comes the 'but, billy goat, butt' ...

Astonishing insights. Who'd have thought that the Donald wasn't JFK?
And there you go, it wasn't until the fifth par that the trajectories diverged, but not before the remarkable similarity of television and twitter had been explored.
Speaking of alternative universes, Tom Tomorrow offered up one, with more TT here ...
Indeed, indeed, somewhere in those parallel worlds are simulations of journalists desperately seeking a new angle on the Donald ... how the pond envies those lines of code ...

Has there ever been a better bunch of mindless factoids assembled and compared?
Well the pond was never one to waste an opportunity, and looks forward to the Donald becoming ever more like JFK, searching for his own 'Nam and his very own special bay ...
Hmm, how on earth did those parallels get into the mix?
And will Troy dare to go there? Will Troy invite the obvious parallel ending?
An assassination? Some skilled sniper ready to take the shot? Mark Wahlberg's already in training?
Nope, Troy shied at the jump ... but luckily there's a Pope today, showing the unnerving resemblance of the Donald to the macaroon (with more Pope here).

And what about TT discovering these unnerving parallels?
Well, that's not right, really should have done a Troy. There's nothing like conferring status on a dumbo by making a comparison to a president with a reputation enhanced by an assassin's bullet...
But still the parallels keep coming ...
Oh why not just forget the parallels, do the comedy straight...

And that's more than enough parallels for the day ...
Trumpelstiltskin like JFK ? Naah, Trumpey is really most like Father Xmas: they both have a cave full of little gnomes making kiddies toys.