The pond was scandalised on the weekend. The Harris store at Broadway had knocked Oreos down to under a buck and they were thin Oreos at that ...
Talk about a five and dime approach ...
... to a crackerjack crackerbarrel philosopher ...
Okay, the pond will admit it just wanted to provide a little visual distraction before continuing the tour of rabid reptiles deep in the rhetoric of war-mongering from the comfort of a key board ...armchair warriors armed with white feathers.
After the pond's recent mega jumbo pack of seething reptile fear and loathing, it seemed impossible to add another morsel, but that was to reckon without the Oreo ...
To add to the ironic riches for the day, the Major Mitchell was also featured ...
But that's a treat for later. Put facts before outraged hysteria and deplore social media? Only in Major Mitchell la la land, which apparently sees the Major refuse to nibble on an Oreo ...
And no the pond has to announce with proper and seemly gravity that the Oreo has declared war ...
And no the pond has to announce with proper and seemly gravity that the Oreo has declared war ...
The pond was reminded of other great moments in history, and other great statesmen, though no match for the mighty Oreo ...
And now it is the pond's grave duty to report the formal declaration ...
"This morning the Oreo Ambassador in Surry Hills handed the world Islamic government a final Note stating that, unless the Oreo heard from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from the world, a state of war would exist between them.
The Oreo regrets to have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently the Oreo and the reptiles are at war with Islamics everywhere You can imagine what a bitter blow it is to the Oreo that all her long struggle to win peace has failed. Yet the Oreo cannot believe that there is anything more or anything different that Oreo could have done and that would have been more successful.
Up to the very last it would have been quite possible to have arranged a peaceful and honourable settlement between Oreos and Islamics, but the Islamics would not have it. They had evidently made up their minds to attack Oreos whatever happened, and although they now say they put forward reasonable proposals which were rejected by the Oreos, that is not a true statement.
The proposals were never shown to the Oreos, nor to other reptiles, and, although they were announced in an Islamic broadcast, the Islamics did not wait to hear comments on them, but ordered their troops to cross the Oreo frontier and attack the baristas of Surry Hills. Their action shows convincingly that there is no chance of expecting that these people will ever give up their practice of using force to gain their will and their coffee. They can only be stopped by force...
Oh dear, once again the pond has muddled its history in a brave bid to provide a distraction of the Chamberlain kind here, but now the pond must press on ...
Please, just do the math to see how badly outnumbered the Oreos are, as they prepare for valiant battle ...

Being truly alarmed, the pond votes for conscription. Fortunately the only ones who can be trusted in a conscripted army are devoted Oreos, so the Oreo offer to be the first in the queue was an inspiration to the pond ...
An army of Oreos, much more trustworthy than tricky, concealing intelligence services, deceitfully hiding the true state of the jihadist threat, so that the valiant Oreos might be defeated in glorious battle...
Waiter, please tip the Wahhabists $110 billion in plain sight, if you please, and allow the pond to keep on reading ...

The pond's conclusion?
The Oreo is now so mired deep in barking mad paranoid delusion that howling at the moon will no longer suffice ...the warrior must take to the battlefield. It is the pond's confident hope and expectation that the next news of Oreo will filter back from Syria where she conducts a mighty jihad...
Meanwhile, the West hoped never to utter those words again? Remind the pond what's happening in Afghanistan right now? Remind the pond what happened in Iraq and is currently going down in Syria?
Please explain ... or at least explain why anyone would actually buy a copy of The Australian, and thereby encourage this sort of rhetorical madness, this fundamentalist cry for jihad ...let her pay her own way to the front line ...
Fortunately, speaking of Hanson as the Oreo did, this gives the pond a chance to run a cleansing sorbet of Hanson cartoons, thanks - the Major Mitchell will be pleased to know - to social media ...
ReplyDeleteI can see the Oreo at the station platform now, making sure the trains are running on time...
I read military books more than I'd like to admit. And whilst I would consider myself well read in politics and security in general, my confidence has now been shattered.
ReplyDeleteIn all my reading, I must admit I have never come across the size of a reserve army as a measure of security :(
I am familiar with using the standing army size (Greg Hunting it suggests the UK has about 150K of active service personnel) for this metric.
Unlike the Oreo, I am not one of the top 10 smartest people on campus. But I must wonder if citing the reserve army size is because she doesn't believe her readers would comprehend, without the juxtaposition, the gravitas of just saying: there are 23K jihadis?
Given her intelligence, I wouldn't imagine she avoided using the standing army size as it doesn't really back the point she was trying to make. I also can't work out why (for now anyway), but I am confident she knows the reason that should war break out internally with the UK, the active army would be left on the sidelines with only the Reserves left to hold the line?
It is also a curious idea to lament Western leaders fighting a 21st century war using 20th century tactics, then suggest the way of winning this new style of war is to adopt the powers used to win the 20th century total wars. It could be argued this is quite contradictory.
I'm not one of the 'top ten' either, Anony, but I reckon that what The Oreole is really on about is reviving Dad's Army (dunno about adding a lot of Mums though, Oreo is decidedly anti-feminist). Britain's current population is about 65 million, but only about 82% are good ol' whiteys.
DeleteGonna need them Dads (and maybe Mums) to keep the other 18% of the population under control when the Sharia Revolution comes !
In the meantime, do you think Her Very Britannic (Once an Empress) Majesty should apologize to the mancunians for all those awful things done under and on Her Majesty's Secret Service that have so inflamed things ?
Facts over feelings, fellow Anony.
DeleteRemember: this got through the editors!
...bellum omnium contra omnes...