A pond reader wondered what prattling Polonius had scribbled which had so provoked Rev Doctor Peter Matheson, quoted in the previous post ...
Being devoted to ancient history, the pond thought it might be good to disinter Polonius's original scribble, with appropriate Onward Xian soldiers, marching off to war lyrics at the start to get into the right martial mood.
This Polonial original can be googled, but the pond thought it more fun to present it as a reading - questions won't be asked later.
As a warm-up, why not enjoy Polonius getting agitated at Crikey (also able to be googled here):
As a warm-up, why not enjoy Polonius getting agitated at Crikey (also able to be googled here):
Uh huh ... there seems to be a teeny weensy walkback going on there ... and so to that reading ...
A challenging proposition, but Polonius met it with a stiff upper lip.
You see, not to put too fine or subtle a point on it, forget all that talk about suffering humanity, war is good ...
You see, not to put too fine or subtle a point on it, forget all that talk about suffering humanity, war is good ...
And so to another reading, this time by Mike Carlton, with bonus Polonius, Bolter and Bromancer ... it too can be googled, and comes from more recent history, Fairfax, 21 June 2014:
Well yes, indeed, but as the pond is on a roll, and doing Polonial readings, how about this one?
So great is the prattler's love of war that he took up cudgels on behalf of 'Nam, Iraq having been such an astonishing success story:
So great is the prattler's love of war that he took up cudgels on behalf of 'Nam, Iraq having been such an astonishing success story:
Now in those days Polonius was scribbling for the Fairfaxians, and his main mission was to stir up a fuss, generate letters, create controversy and produce a foaming frenzy, and he was alway up to the job, so allow the pond to interrupt the war monger with a few comments resulting from his stirring ...
Indeed, indeed, but as this is readings day, Polonius still had a few choice words left to show off his love of the tremendously successful 'Nam engagement...
As intended, the reactions kept flowing ...
Ah Tony Moore of Caringah how pleasing to see your call answered ... if you'd kept reading to this day, you'd have seen the prattler explain how terrorism is all the fault of the liberal media and leftist intelligentsia ... and nothing at all to do with the lickspittle lackeys and quislings who cheered on the war in Iraq ...
And so to a another Polonial-related reading, also for the Fairfaxians ...
And so to a final reading ...

Such fun to be in the company of generals and blimps, exceedingly dry sherry in hand as they sit in their leather chairs ...
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