Apropos the earlier matter noted in the pond regarding Quadrant, it seems that the relevant page was finally taken down - though that ominous mention of online editors being wanted as an alternative story of interest seems to have been published some time ago.
Of course it's not a matter of removing hate speech - the whole site would have to be purged, and while we're at it, along with fundamentalist Islamics, Catholics and suchlike, a goodly section of the Murdochian universe would also have to go.
But how far would it go? Why anybody still wanting to read Roger Franklin's fundamentalist jihadist hate speech against the ABC - right down there with Daesh - can find that kind souls have preserved it on the Wayback Machine - one version here.
Viva el odio, as Presley once sang, or maybe the pond just misheard the lyrics ...
And so to the bromancer, doing what the bromancer and the reptiles do best: correcting the blacks ...

Yes, every so often it falls to a sorrowful reptile to explain to pesky, difficult blacks just how difficult and pesky they are ...
There's none better at the task than the bromancer ...
Now the bromancer is clever, blaming it on squeamish, misguided Liberals, and we all know this is why.
Misguided blacks, left to wander alone, are always sure to make bad mistakes, doomed to failure.
For starters, they're meeting to discuss constitutional recognition, but as any fool would know, constitutional recognition is a total waste of time and extremely bad because it would create two classes of citizen.
Now some fools might think that the mentions of the blacks made in the constitution already create two classes - them that have the powers and them that don't - but these are the same fools that don't recognise the urgent plea behind the bromancer's work.
The misguided squeamish Liberals are failing to take up the white man's burden, and guide the pesky difficult blacks to a proper understanding of their proper position and place in the land.
Luckily the pond has a couple of cartoons to help the misguided, squeamish Liberals in their bromancer-appointed and anointed task ...
Touching. A different country perhaps, but the principle remains the same ...
And now back to the diligent bromancer, explaining the how and the why of the blacks not knowing their right and proper place ...
Indeed, indeed, and the pond thanks the long absent lord everyday that the Catholic Boys' Daily never - not once - worries about identity politics, the persecution of Xians, the suffering of angry white men of an older kind, and so on and so forth.
How pleasing to see the reptiles celebrate diversity and a multi-ethnic society, though for a moment, the pond thought it smacked a little of that filthy pile of Marxist nonsense, multiculturalism .. but perhaps multiethnicism will become the new vogue.
As for the nature v. nurture debate, how pleasing it is to see that nature's genes have got nothing to do with anything. Apparently innate or inherited characteristics have no impact, which will please everyone bored by the debate ...
And how pleasing and post-modernist ironic, for the bromancer to be constantly complaining about the way that the culture of complaint goes on forever.
How exciting that a man who constantly in a state of grievance and conflict in his columns should now deplore the state, so that he might take up the burden of explanation, perhaps helped by a good soaping ...
How exciting that a man who constantly in a state of grievance and conflict in his columns should now deplore the state, so that he might take up the burden of explanation, perhaps helped by a good soaping ...
And now, cleansed and enlightened, it's time to return to the bromancer, for a nutty assault on nuts and a stern reprimand to those pesky, difficult Jews, always carrying on about the need to not forget the Holocaust ... on and on they yammer, in such a tiresome and needless way ...
Indeed, indeed. It's well known that the treaty with the Māori ruined New Zealand and turned it into a basket case. There's something to be said for the treaties with North American Indians, but only because they were dishonoured at every turn ...and sensible whites could make out like bandits, until the Indians worked out how to deploy one-armed bandits ...
That's how it should be done. Pesky, difficult blacks need to be treated as grown-ups. The suckers lost their country, useless mugs, and there's no good whining or complaining about it now ...
As for climate science, don't get the pond or the bromancer started ...
That's how it should be done. Pesky, difficult blacks need to be treated as grown-ups. The suckers lost their country, useless mugs, and there's no good whining or complaining about it now ...
As for climate science, don't get the pond or the bromancer started ...
Yes, that sets the mood for a bracing final gobbet of bromancer.
Now please, there will be no complaining, no grievances, and no conflict, and the first person who mentions the whiff of grapeshot will be taken outside and shot ...
Now please, there will be no complaining, no grievances, and no conflict, and the first person who mentions the whiff of grapeshot will be taken outside and shot ...

Oy vey indeed! Nothing like a little Jewish stereotype to fling into the demonising of the Catholic education system, but the pond must repeat again, everyone is equal, the past has no bearing on the present, ancient religions are simply useless ancient traditions of no relevance now, and you won't hear any culture of complaint or grievance at the Catholic Boys' Daily ... or here at the pond! Oy vey!
And so to the Pope of the day, which curiously contains an echo of the bromancer, with more timely papal pronouncements here ...
Oy vey! Or even Oi vey, if you like ... remember, no arguments about spelling either ...
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