The pond hates it when a couple of its favourite reptiles bicker and argue.
There's the lizard Oz editorialist using that favourite Canberra word "productive", as in that "meeting was productive, with many notes to file produced ..." (take a note of that Comey), while just above the bromancer was complaining of a lack of gravitas, of a featherweight babbling in the wind ...
It was time for the pond to take a closer look, though sad to say, the lizard Oz editorialist didn't find much to be productive about and restricted his or her productivity to three short pars - apparently the length required for the Donald to pay attention to anything presented to him, though the lack of graphics and illustrations is troubling ...
But at least the header made an appropriate mention of the Donald's name ...
But at least the header made an appropriate mention of the Donald's name ...
As an attempt at being productive, this has to be called woeful, beyond the valley of usual Murdochian pathetic ...
Of course there's no mention of climate change, but then as the reptiles don't accept the current state of climate science, its implications and the need for action, this is hardly surprising.
But anyone other than an Oz editorialist might wonder how this and other issues have helped the US reassert world leadership ...
But anyone other than an Oz editorialist might wonder how this and other issues have helped the US reassert world leadership ...
By golly, that's a productive amount of bickering, easily googled, so it was time to turn to the bromancer ...

The bromancer had the difficult job of retrieving from the Donald's junket some things that might allow the Donald to shine.
Naturally the liberal media would have to take their fair share of the blame, with the damned irritating liberals having insisted on the Donald appointing Flynn, sacking Comey, and organising meetings with Ruskis all over the place ...
Naturally the liberal media would have to take their fair share of the blame, with the damned irritating liberals having insisted on the Donald appointing Flynn, sacking Comey, and organising meetings with Ruskis all over the place ...

Remarkably, in this world in flames, there's no mention of the madness inspired in the Middle East by the invasion of Iraq, or the madness inspired around the world by the fundamentalist Wahhabism exported by the Sunni Saudi Arabian cult of religious puritanism ...
But that's because it seems the bromancer is big on the notion that it's all the fault of the Iranians ...
It turned out that the only way that the bromancer could deal with the trauma of Trump was a diarrhetic and excessive flow of words trying to make sense of what the Donald says ... still apparently believing that he had some sort of clue, and was capable of consistency and coherence.
What a wholly admirable form of reptile stupidity ...

Serious ignorance? Hard to believe for any president?
Indeed, if you google Trump and ignorance, the number of hits and the examples build up faster than the speeding bullet facilitated by Ted Cruz's father ... A display of unbelievable ignorance: In a real country with a real president, Trump's AP interview would destroy him ...
Do the hopeful citizens of Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania—the states that swung the election in his favor—really think that this administration’s collection of billionaires, former bankers, deregulators, and climate-change deniers are going to be looking out for them rather than for themselves and their cronies? I wouldn’t be the first to think that we are wading into a quagmire of exceptions, conflicts of interest, and corruption, both financial and moral, which will then be followed by a long, long road to “Trexit”—our president’s extraction from the White House. Populists like Trump sweep into office on lies. They are undone by truths. (Donald Trump: A Pillar of Ignorance and Certitude).
And so on and on, but instead of grazing on the free-flowing intertubes, the pond must turn back to the bromancer who slowly, ever so slowly - well he is a reptile - begins to sound like a doubting Thomas ...
What hope for redeeming the Donald? How about the notion that the Pope is a ratbag greenie leftist larrikin?
What hope for redeeming the Donald? How about the notion that the Pope is a ratbag greenie leftist larrikin?

Tough luck Montenegro. Get out of the Donald's and the bromancer's way ...
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father Donald ...
Oh just fuck off Montenegro, no one cares, no one's listening ...
And by the way, it's all the fault of the liberal media which has become a grotesque caricature, completely unlike the grotesque caricature the squabbling lizards of Oz present each day to the world ...

Actually, it strikes the pond that if you trust the bromancer, you're nuts.
"Nuts" is the bromancer's favourite word these days, with it turning up routinely in his copy.
Perhaps it's because he thinks it doesn't mean mad or crazy, merely nutty ...or perhaps he suspects he's a little nutty himself, because you'd have to be howling at the moon to think that moving on the head of the FBI as a way of shutting down an investigation into Ruski influence wasn't barking mad ...
Perhaps the bromancer's favourite cereal is a box containing neither grapes nor nuts ...
But enough of the bromancer's grape-nuts, doing his best to reconcile the irreconcilable and find a few kind words to say about the Donald.
The trouble is, being prolix, he managed to shoot himself in the foot in most of his many pars ... while still hoping against hope that the Donald will achieve the many good things it's trying to do, like fuck over the poor even more than is currently managed, and carry out conventional foreign policy in the Donald's extremely conventional way ...
It's true that the bromancer delivered an impeccable set of comedy stylings, but increasingly these days, the pond is being tempted away, to look at American comics ...
Bromancer: "But who really thinks that the US much less any of the flaccid Europeans, would go to war to protect Montenegro?"
ReplyDeleteWhat a totally profound and perspicacious question from the Bromancer. Why, one might even think he could some day ask the same question about Australia.
But then, who does the Bromancer think might attack Montenegro ? It has borders with Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia+Herzegovina and is just across the Adriatic from Italy. Oh, ok, the Russians might sail an invading naval fleet around into the Mediterranean and have a go, but who else ? The Romanians might march an army across Serbia, perhaps ?
Come to think of it, who is likely to declare war on Australia and maybe have a go at invading ?
Synopsis of Trump’s Junkety Jaunt -
ReplyDeleteCurtsy and ring kiss your way through a nepotic cavalcade of kings, sheiks and despots.
Sell $150 Billion worth of “beautiful military equipment” to the Saudis while ignoring their abysmal human rights record or their war crimes in Yemen.
Call for peace between Israel and Palestine whilst essentially blaming the Palestinians for lack of a resolution.
Grab fawning family album photo opportunity with hapless Pontiff.
Grandstand, insult and bully your way through NATO meetings.
According to Sheridan this is a “conventional” foreign policy tour. Notwithstanding Trump’s POTUSness and the gravitas that position should hold, it shows him up as just another very ugly American tourist on the make.