Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The pond just had to acknowledge the Terrorist contribution today to calm, reasonable contemplation ... surely it's Pauline Hanson's preferred paper when she comes south of the border ... and it's a two-way love-in love fest ...

The digital edition offered up the same Chinatown splash, with a minor news story tagged on ...

Ah, so the splitter is at it again, white-anting, undermining, wrecking, sniping, sabotaging, a treacherous rat fink of the first water, a vile reactionary with a Daesh attitude to gay marriage ...

Surely this story will dominate the lizard of Oz tree killer edition ... as they berate the sniping fraud for bringing the party down and ruining the small-'l' liberal brand...

Oops, no it's those damned migrants and the importance of maintaining the Daesh attitude over gay marriage.

What about the digital edition?

Oh dear, they're all at it, the Xian heritage fading and deviant Asian people pointing at photos, Malware tested, petulant Peta in a sulk, the bromancer and Dame Slap turning on the pudel ... all dancing to the tune set by the Daesh-inclined - in the matter of gay marriage - onion muncher and the rabid right ...

Naturally the pond ignored petulant Peta. Between her and Dame Slap is there any choice, especially when it seems like Dame Slap is going to give the pudel a damned fine slapping ...

Uh huh. So it's not Dame Slap scribbling furiously about an IPA speech of cocky conceit...

Tony Abbott has told colleagues he is determined to stay in politics until Malcolm Turnbull is gone, promising he will be there to help pick up the pieces “when” the Prime Minister’s leadership falls apart.

It's not about talk of seeing Malware off, even if it results in election oblivion, even if it involves a crazy half-baked policy pitch full of crazed climate denialism and mad monk faux boasting about cutting all spending by the mad monk ...

None of that attracts Dame Slap's ire.

Nope, it's the hapless poodle leaving a mess in the Star Casino's Cherry Bar. Naughty pudel, leave that cherry alone ...

No doubt Dame Slap has a folded newspaper to hand to give the pudel his beating ...

The pond learns something new every day at the feet of Dame Slap.

To be moderate is to be automatically considered left-wing.

But then that's the way the world appears when blessed with a black and white, 1 and 0 fascist mindset where bigotry still rules.

It's not as if elsewhere in the world, even in remarkably conservative countries, that times have moved along, in a post-Daesh, post-fundie Catholic way - even Serbia has appointed its first ever gay prime minister, and now there's talk of gay marriage in train ...

In a world of calm compromise, there'd be no need for this strain of bigotry coursing through the rabid reptiles and the Liberal party, but they all drink from the same preferred onion-muncher mug ...

It goes without saying that Dame Slap will turn her dreadnought guns not on the undermining white-anter busy with his sniping, but anyone in view anywhere vaguely to the liberal small 'l' left of Genghis Khan ...

Each day the pond is guaranteed a laugh by Dame Slap.

Who else could write in a po-faced way about Malware's government "taking positions that would help establish its liberal credentials", while demonising gay marriage as something that's guaranteed to lose votes ...

And who else could ignore the mad monk's fanatical level of hate, resentment, bitterness, anger and bile, so venomous that he's happy to play scorpion and bring all the frogs down with him ...

Is there an explanation?

Well Dame Slap is as good a hater as any politician doing the rounds, and the rest of the reptiles are happy to cut off their noses to spite their faces, provided the result is more climate denialism and gay marriage denialism and luddite fibre denialism and ...

And around this point, the pond wondered if there'd be any harm in sampling one more delicious wafer of pudel bashing. After all, it's very thin and tasty ...

Where's the harm? What could possibly go wrong.

And besides, this time it's not about gay marriage. This time it's the bromancer brooding in his usual way for the Catholic Boys' Daily about the vicious pudel attack on the tykes ...

It would be far too much to expect the bromancer to spend time attacking the white-anting, sniping onion muncher for his most recent flurry of treachery, but rally around the tykes?

Consider it done, with the pudel lined up in the bromancer's sights ...

The pond thought this story had passed away, but the Catholic Boys' Daily is determined to keep it alive.

Now please note the header. It doesn't say "Some Liberals".

It's "Liberals", which is to say that only the onion muncher Don and his faithful bromancer Sancho Panza squire and those that follow are true Liberals, and these sturdy folk tilting at windmills remain up in arms about the pudel ...

The significance of Cory? He's a rat fink who abandoned the party that got elected, but decided to stay in parliament when in the decent and proper course of events, he should have resigned and stood under his own banner to see if anyone cared ...

But that's part of the reptile process, trawling all the usual fundamentalist suspects, including but not limited to Cory, Andrews, Erica, and Bill Hassell ...

Hassell who? Is he some relation to the mighty Hoff?

Yep, the bromancer had to head to the west to dredge up another dissident voice, an old fogey with the electoral appeal of a door mat and the policy positions of an aged loon...

And so it goes in the Catholic Boys' Daily, though really everything that needs to be said is contained within this Rowe cartoon, with more packing of multitudes into a cartoon available here (watch out windmills, you're next).

Oh he'll take the shot. Don't you worry about that, he'll keep taking the shot ... and so will Dame Slap and the rest of the reptile pack ...


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    "When asked about Mr Pyne’s attack on Catholic education authorities, Kevin Andrews, a senior minister in the Howard and Abbott governments, said: “I find it surprising and concerning that the government would continue to attack such a large group of people.”"

    Mr Andrews continued: "True Liberal policy is to only target small minorities with no electoral power. Muslims, refugees, gays, aboriginals, tree-huggers, they're the sort of groups we feel we can confidently vilify and denigrate in order to distract from our disastrous management of the economy."


    1. Now DW what about the continuing attacks by family man Andrews on the very large group of non-religious, growing bigger by the day? How about ...?

      Mr Andrews continued: "True Liberal Andrews policy is to target large non-religious majorities because they're all going to hell and deserve what they get, and besides how better to distract from disastrous management of the economy by bunging on a religious and cultural war.."

    2. Well I dunno about those 'No religion' folks, DP, I reckon a lot of 'em aren't good old-fashioned agno-atheists like you and me. Some of 'em would be Wiccans, and some would be Satanists or even Theosophists and a big heap would just be antsy-pantsy self-tutored spiritualists. So I reckon if Andrews just targets the 'really, truly no religion' types, he's probably still on a voiceless, powerless minority.

  2. Scapegoating & excuses - this is their big contribution in the "marketplace of ideas"

    Oh sorry - - leftist conspiracies


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