Wednesday, June 14, 2017

In which the pond blames angry Sydney Anglicans for struggling to get to Moorice's bandwidth in a timely fashion ...

The pond is feeling the heat much reptile hysteria, so little time ...

There was the Devine, anxious about St. Paul's, when really, where's the harm in a little raping and pillaging like the Vikings did of yore, and then there was the Terrorist Clennell clucking about the trams ... fancy trying to dress them up as light rail ... 

Really, do we need trams? Traffic in the city is just fine, and roads solve everything. Trams just get in the way.

Is it a problem that the private contractors want a little more cash? Is there something wrong with outsourcing everything to the private sector? What? They're Spanish? Say no more ...

But the pond had to sacrifice talk of the Terror, because yesterday the local rag, the mighty Inner West Courier, dropped in to the pond letter box, and it was too delicious, too compelling to save until a Sunday meditation...

You see, the angry Sydney Anglicans got a bee in their bonnet about yoga being a Satanic form of eastern religious worship ...

Now the pond  believes there might be a case for banning yoga on the basis of avoiding broken necks, but "Ye shall have no other Gods before me"????

It was too delicious, the  god botherers just had to jump to the head of the queue ...

There's been an almighty fuss arising from the angry Anglicans' actions, and why not - they reliably jump the shark into fundamentalist, knotty, twisted and warped weirdness. Sunrise ran with it, the UK Daily Snail naturally made a meal of it, and even the pious of Erko made a meal of it here ... with a fierce debate verging on the unholy ...

What hope has a Moorice up against this sort of prime lunacy?

But attention has to be paid and the pond knows that with pleasure must always come some kind of pain ...

After all, how piquant is it that a former chair of the ABC should rail about public expenditure? Is there a richer form of hypocrisy? Why did he take that job anyway? 

Never mind, on we go. No doubt there will be explanations of how government should have nothing to do with train, bus, road, waste management, pipes and wires, water, toilets, and any other form of community activity. Why have government when you can have rich geezers ripping you off blind? It should all be placed in the hands of private contractors, with the possible exception of the Spanish (and the perfidious French) ...

Connectivity is a vanity project?

Well it helps explain why Australia, thanks to the reptiles wanting to prop up the dead Foxtel model, is still back with luddite copper somewhere around Queen Victoria's time ...

But every so often, the pond wishes that Maurice would settle and get around behind ... in relation to the notion of pipes and speed and what might happen if everyone were to rely on satellite or bandwith, as if bottlenecks will magically disappear ...

Better keep digging those trenches then ... and more at Scientific American here ...

And then there was the way the rubes were all sold on 4G as if it were the pie in the sky, as in Verizon Wireless's 5G Deployment is a 1Gig Fairy Tale ...

There was a lot more, about promises made and promises broken, and pricing and speed and hype, but the pond had to scurry back to Moorice ...

Is there any wonder that Moorice is the greatest climate scientist ever to have graced the lizard Oz?

Who else might write that Sydney's Mascot airport is at half capacity?

Back in the day, the reptiles were writing up different reports, a little worried about the time line that might be involved providing a little relief with a second airport ...

But of course what Moorice means is that if the curfew were to be scrapped, everything would be hunky dory ...

Planes by day, planes by night, planes by the bucketload, zooming and roaring all through the night ...

Sure there'd be riots in the streets, but mainly in the west, and you certainly couldn't expect Moorice to live out west amongst the dragons ...

Luckily the pond has a couple of artistic impressions of Moorice's preferred vision of the future, which strangely looks a bit like the past ...

And now, by sheer coincidence, the Pope has addressed the role of government, with more papal insights here ...

Ah yes, we've all been there, and the pond feels the need to send a cheery greeting to Moorice ...

Private enterprise at its finest ...

1 comment:

  1. Moorice: "The likelihood is that, in time, with high speed rail, we may have less need for airports".

    Yep, I just can't wait to take the "high speed rail" from Sydney to Los Angeles.

    Moorice: "Before governments grandstand with headlines, independently audited business cases should be mandatory and transparent".

    Oh, you mean just like the "mandatory and transparent business case" that led Woolworth's to invest in creating Masters ? Yep, we could do with a lot more of those.

    DP: "Is there any wonder that Moorice is the greatest climate scientist ever to have graced the lizard Oz?"

    Yes, true, DP and it wasn't until the last couple of days that you helped me realise that Matt Ridley was just a mildly English-urbane version of Moorice.

    DPL "Who else might write that Sydney's Mascot airport is at half capacity?"

    But butt DP, of course it is; just because Sydneysiders insist on getting some sleep, Mascot can only function for about half the day. So even though it is full capacity then it only averages out at half-capacity over the whole day.

    DP: "But of course what Moorice means is that if the curfew were to be scrapped, everything would be hunky dory ..."

    Exactly ! Moorice has it all worked out. (Oh yes, I flew by TAA Fokker propjet from Melbourne to Canberra once. It flew low enough so you could actually see the ground - it was very noisy, too).


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