Thursday, June 15, 2017

In which the pond steers clear of angry Sydney Anglicans to enjoy the bromancer's never-ending insights ...

Yes, yes, yes!

Since the pond happened to report on the angry Sydney Anglicans and their noble work against Satanists and pagan yoga worshippers, the pond has been delighted to discover that the Jensenists were amongst the authors of the report ... and what an astute report it was ...

This put the Jensenists at one with the likes of Fiona Byrne ...

But enough of the deapths of angry Sydney Anglicanism and its wondrous works, for verily, the pond was hungering for substance of the reptile kind ... 

And who better than the top of the digital opinion page bromancer to deliver?

Ironic really speaking of riots ... the pond had wondered when the shooting would begin in the United States, and it began even sooner than the pond was expected.

Is it any wonder that the bromancer prefers to do a take down of the perfidious French?

And that is why the pond is loyal to the bromancer brand, and will accept no substitutes.

He has turned out not quite as bad as I feared ...

That's a bit like an angry Sydney Anglican thinking Satan, or  perhaps a Hindu worshipper, being quite decent sorts of coves ...

As for the rest, at last the pond understands now how the Murdochians, Fox News and the Catholic church manage to recruit extremists ... it's more a personality type than an ideological type ...

What's even more alarming, the perfidious French somehow seem to be immune ...

... whereas, it goes without saying, the extreme investment in Murdochian nonsense has produced the wonders of the Donald and Theresa May ... no dangers in all in those splendid results, thanks be unto Fox News and The Sun ...

After these insights, let no one attempt to stand between the pond and its regular bromancer fix. 

Only the bromancer can explain how deep down the French election was really all about the far right and the far left, while humbly explaining how common folk might lose all faith in normal politics ...

Surely that will lead to the bromancer offering a unique interpretation of contemporary Western politics?

Show me the money?

Startling, shocking, and an astonishing insight, though a tad hoary ...

Fancy that. Who knew John Howard was French?

And then for a refreshing after dinner mint, the pond decided to follow up on the bouffant one ...

It should go without saying that in the reptile world of climate denialism, everything, including climate science, is exceptionally simple.

Coal, coal, coal, for the world, preferably dinkum, oi, oi, oi ...

Yes, it really is tremendously simple ... and it simply means that the pond gets to run a few old Popes because nothing much changes in reptile la la land, with more recent papal insights here ...


  1. Seems the reptiles are so far keeping quiet about that piece about Vic Supreme Court Judges going 'soft' on terrorism.

    I'm sure the freedom of speech brigade are simply sharpening their knives waiting for the judgment.

  2. Hmmm.

    Firstly, the Bromancer today: "Some 70,000 votes going the other way in the midwest and Hillary Clinton would be president."

    Secondly, The Slapper a day ago: "[Hillary Clinton is] still blaming Donald Trump and the Russians, James Comey and the FBI, her staff and the Democratic National Committee, misogyny and dumb deplorables."

    Now that all makes sense, doesn't it ?

  3. Hilarious post Dorothy. As you say, there is no substitute for quality, which is why the Pond is the go to for the rich pickings.....Sheridanman! able to leap whole oceans in a single bound, ruthless pursuer of tics, able to read the minds of flash-mobs with only two fingers.

    "This is dreadful, but perhaps not quite as close to electoral civil war as we thought"........Show me the money? Just beautiful Dorothy. Cheers.


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