Sunday, June 18, 2017

In which the Devine has a Vlad the impaler love-in with the Donald ... oh and there's a chance of a hanging too ...

Now the pond understands that the crazy who took to the gun was actually a Bernie Sanders supporter, not that Sanders should be blamed either, but the pond never ceases to be amazed at the way everything remains Hillary Clinton's fault ...

It's very Donald, this endless re-fighting of an election ...

It would be easy to forget the hate speech deployed by the Donald for his win, the crooked Hillary, little Marco, Ted's father helped kill JFK routines, with "witch hunt" the new word for Mueller ... now joined by sock puppets of the Gingrich kind, moving from calling Mueller a  superb choice to demonising him as a spear for the deep state (here).

But back to the Devine, and yes, it's another wade in the cesspit of hate, so here's hoping everyone has their duck-hunting gear on ...

As always with Miranda the Devine, one of the best at hate speech in the Terror stable, the irony is deep and rich when she gets to talk about sanctioning violent rhetoric.

Who could forget this bit of hateful rhetoric?

Hang greenies from lamp-posts, and yet she has the cheek to talk of hateful rhetoric? 

But like the narcissist Donald, the deeply narcissist Devine likes to be offensive and dish out the slurs as a form of attention-seeking ...

The pond sometimes wonders if it should pay attention to vitriolic hate-speech disguised as a form of narcissism, but given the way a notorious liar and narcissist now sits atop the United States' government, attention should probably be paid, even to the pathetic apologists, flunkies, quislings and lickspittle fellow travellers to be found in the Terror commentariat reptile team ...

Note to self, must try hand at hate speech sometime, accurate, scientifically based, objective language is wearing a bit thin ...

And so to the first Devine gobbet ...

What, like hanging people from lamp posts?

It was all the pond had expected, but as the Devine went on, that talk of "absurd Russian conspiracy" began to take on weird connotations ... seeing as how in that little flourish, the Devine managed to label every American intelligence agency and the FBI as "absurd" ...

There the Devine goes again ... "preposterous Russia conspiracy."

It reminded the pond for the nth time that the Donald and his team have shown a singular lack of interest in exploring the how and the why and the extent of the Russian interference in the presidential election, while the Russians have shown an inclination to keep the game going, in the United States, in France and in other countries ...

Why does the Devine follow the Donald line that there's nothing to see here?

Well it turns out she's a lover of dictators, especially if they know how to be properly homophobic ...

This doesn't surprise the pond. In another time and place, the pond would be happy to put a bet on the Devine being a devoted follower of Franco.

These days she loves the fundamentalist Xian bigots - well she is one herself after all - and she loves any dictator on side with the fundamentalist Xian bigots ...

From getting excited by state-sponsored homophobia, it's but a short hop, step and jump for the Devine to see identity politics as the cause of everything that's wrong in the world ... and if that's the disease, then the Donald and Vlad the impaler must be the cure ...

And so a supposed diatribe against  hate speech turns into a diatribe of hate against gays, Hillary and the rest, and a love-in for a man who routinely arranges the assassination of journalists ... 

Google journalists in Russia and this is what you get ...

And to cope with the overflow, a list of 58 journalists killed here ...

And along with Vlad, the Devine conducts a love-in for a president who is actively ruining the lives of the Americans who voted him into office ... the mug punters who thought he'd fix things, the mug punters who trusted him on health and jobs ...

That's led to some rich ironies ...

Here, for the active links, but not to worry, the Devine is probably too busy rounding up greenies for a hanging to notice the absurd contradictions at the heart of the GOP/Donald alliance, or the way that for very little expense, Vlad has fucked with the collective American mind in a way that makes the Cold War seem like child's play ...

Sorry, United States, you get this sort of rhetoric from Fox News on a daily basis, but now you can also boast of having been Devined... watch out for lamp posts and ropes and that undiluted, patented, essence of Devine vitriole ...


  1. I wonder who the Devine blames for the attempted "assassination" of Gabrielle Giffords (and successful 'assassination' of a lot of others) ? Obviously, neither Jared Lee Loughner nor the NRA had anything to do with it.

    I wonder if Devine ever noticed the Russian invasion of Afghanistan ? Or how the 'non-involved' Americans armed and trained the mujahadeen who provided the basis for Al Qaeda and eventually ISIS ?

    I know Devine woudn't in any way blame James T Hodgkinson who was merely asserting his GOP proclaimed right to own and carry a deadly weapon which, in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the 2nd Amenmdment to the American constitution he was using to shoot at a Government which has become autocratic.

    So it all must have been Hillary Clinton, musn't it ? After all, she was around when JFK got shot, wasn't she.

  2. Some necessary perspective re shooting incidents in Amerika.
    So far in 2017 there have been 28,000 shooting incidents resulting in 6,800 stiffs and 13,500 injured. 308 of the stiffs (or splatters) were children. 159 of the incidents were mass killings which works out at nearly one such incident per day.
    By the devines "logic" Hillary (killary) has a lot to answer for.
    Add to that the epidemic of suicides, and deaths via various forms of drug addictions, many of which are from doctors prescriptions,the "moral" of the story is that the USA social fabric, such as it was, is rapidly disintegrating.
    Of course the orange-haired-monster is the "perfect" manifestation of that dismal scenario.

    1. Dont forget, Anony, the number of firearm 'accidents' caused by children. For example:

      In 2015 so far, at least 13 toddlers have inadvertently killed themselves with firearms, 18 more injured themselves, 10 injured other people, and two killed other people.”

      Now that just goes to show how far Hillary's evil influence spreads !

  3. "Vlad has fucked with the collective American mind in a way that makes the Cold War seem like child's play"...too busy watching those other pesky fundamentalists I guess.
    Newt? now there is a piece of work. Just for the laugh.
    But wait...there's more....first chapter is free!


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