Thursday, June 08, 2017

In which the pond pursues a Savva opportunity ...

Now that the Donald has solved the problem of peace in the middle east - turns out it was surprisingly easy - and begun to rid the world of terrorism - the Iranians for one are eternally grateful - the pond was able to do what it loves best on a Thursday, relax and take it easy with the savvy Savva ...

Opportunities like this don't come along very often ...

The pond was immediately beguiled by this press release from the PM's desk.

After all, who hasn't experienced the joy of being offered the opportunity of unemployment as a way to grow ... who hasn't enjoyed being told that eviction and homelessness was a golden opportunity to experience the real world?

The pond just had to seize the opportunity ...

Now Savva's plea for cloistered women stirred the pond, not least for its assumption that such disadvantaged souls were strictly Islamic ... when there are many isolated, demeaned women who are forced to don a veil of one kind or another ...

Along the way, some might also note that the sad tale of Savva's mother is just window-dressing for Malware's ongoing demonisation of outsiders and aliens, as a sop to the barking mad right, with a typical example still carrying on this day howling at the moon and refugees ...

Sad to say, they didn't shut the gate in time to stop the Bolter entering the country, but that's another story.

The pond always dislikes it when someone presents some new test, some slap across the face, as an opportunity ... let's face it, there are many current citizens who would fail any test in English language competency, with more than a few reptiles amongst the horde...

Why Savva's competency as a member of the commentariat has been called into question by no less a sage than prattling Polonius himself ...

It was only last week that Savva wrote a column about decency being an early casualty, recorded in the pond here ... and it sent Polonius into a salivating frenzy ...

The funny thing is that Polonius's media column - which the reptiles like to charge for - turns up at the Sydney Institute for free pretty much the same day. So much for the paywall model ...

The pond has placed a large amount of money on Polonius getting agitated about Savva mourning the loss of secularisation in Australian schools ... after all, he dug even further back to get upset about Savva's idle talk of the onion muncher finding it tricky in the next pre-selection campaign for Manly:

Of course the pond can bear it, even if it rarely reverts to Polonius's media watch, laden as it is in bile and bitterness - with the real voice of Polonius emerging in a most unsavoury way - because it's an opportunity to watch reptiles fuss and feud and fight, and that's always worth the price of admission ... which is to say, a free breach of the reptile paywall ...

Once Polonius gets it in his noggin that there's a chance to maintain an obsessive compulsive hate over the decades, he'll invariably maintain the rage. Loose secularist talk, even if it folds the tent and suggests all the fundies and the crazies should keep on getting government funding, might just set him off again ... 

And now back to today's opportunity ...

No, not that one, the last gobbet of Savva if you please ... because the pond has hopes and expectations that there will be even more pandering to the extreme right, to the mutton Dutton and tough cops on the beat ...

Astonishing stuff, but that's what happens when you get dribbles from the PM's desk turning up in a column ...

Meanwhile, in the real world, is it remotely possible that the Victorian parole board that allowed a killer out didn't have the first clue that Yacqub Khayre was on a terror watch list?

The only information the board received from counter-terrorism agencies was a request for contact details to return property to Khayre, he said.

And there was Malware out and about, trying to turn security into a state v. the feds political issue, and dumping it all on the Victorian government ...

What was that last par from Savva?

Repeated appeals from politicians to continue to go about our business are meaningless unless governments, intelligence agencies, police and the judiciary are going about theirs in ways and with the resources that maintain confidence.

Well there's the first laugh of the day, thanks to the man who thought copper was the way ahead in the twenty first century ...

Never mind, luckily Rowe spotted another opportunity-seeker this day, and did a cartoon to celebrate, with more celebratory Rowe here golly that roast duck in the window is tempting, almost as tasty as roast goose ...

1 comment:

  1. An 'Anonymous' contributor opined yesterday that: "Murdoch and his acolytes are damned evil - they tell a lie and then repeat it as a fact." which is how, I think that 'alternative facts' regularly get made and propagated.

    Then I sorta got it with Rowe; yep there's Andrew Robb, having told us his lies about to repeat them to the Chinese as 'facts'. And at a totally bargain rate of a mere $880,000 per year (plus bonuses, I daresay).

    Oh, whoever said loonpond wasn't a fine educational institution ? Umm, it was the Broady Boy, I think - just not enough repetitive recitation and rote regurgitation for his tastes, DP.


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