Monday, April 06, 2020

In which the pond finds far too much to bear on a reptile Monday ...

Speaking of criminal investigations, should someone be investigating Dame Slap, the IPA, our Adam, the lizards of Oz, and News Corp for his "EXCLUSIVE"

Is it criminal negligence, or just incitement to commit a criminal offence, or is it merely criminal stupidity? 

As the Donald is now assuring us, we're in a time of war, so is it rather a matter of treason? Are Adam and the rest cited in this matter guilty of being the Lord Haw Haws of the times? Just asking for an infected friend, who took seriously this sort of guff, and decided as an act of civil disobedience, that she would wander down to the beach and hug the first infected person she found …

And now members of the pond jury, is there a category of criminality available for the Angelic one …

Is shameless, devious, reprehensible gloating a crime, or does it require a smoting of hubris by the unforgiving gods, or does it just deserve a good boycott?

Never mind, the pond has decided to press on, in the ongoing matter of the pond v. the Oreo …


Sorry, the pond couldn't pick between the usual reptile splash, and the good news that the reformed, recovering feminist has been cited by the WHO …at a time when the reptiles have been casting dire aspersions on that body …

Oh irony, or better yet, oh cult master …

The pond was immediately smitten … how blessed, an Oreo and a Lobbecke together, as one …

Might they yet defeat the Orwellian bans, and find true love and viral harmony?

But enough of the good times, now for the trudge through the woods ...

Indeed, indeed, the pond is at one with the Oreo. Kill all the grannies, kill those tedious uncles and aunts, away with them all. Let us not have economic suicide, let us indulge in mass murder, and perhaps we might end up on an episode of Forensic Files

Phew, it's always intoxicating to read Xian thinking of the finest kind in such a fine Xian rag, scribbling for a fine Xian corporation, headed by that fine Xian, multiple wife loving Chairman that he is … but do go on ...

Say what? 'Boomer remover' is a left-wing invention? Suddenly 4Chan is full of lefties? Twitter is a leftie invention?

We're in 1984, and back to the reptiles raging at the Orwellian police state and totalitarian repression?

Muh lud, might the pond humbly suggest in sentencing that the Oreo be forced to prowl the streets in search of love, and in her defiance of overzealous governments, might she be smitten by someone in the middle of a coughing fit?

Just a suggestion muh lud, while you read the final gobbet tended in evidence ...

Is it wrong to note that viruses tend not to act on the basis of a diary, and are keen to act on proposed end dates, note them in the diary, and then move forward and vanish from the earth?

Why did the pond feel very Borowitz on reading all that from the reformed, recovering feminist?

And so, mainly because it's a Monday, it's on with the Major, and again the pond found it hard to choose the best way to present this noble thinker …


Strange, no mention of the hunt for that Order of Lenin medal. Could the Major have found it and forgotten to tell the world?

Never mind, hup two, three …

Ah yes, the Bolter and good old Terry, and is it wrong for the pond to urge them out into the streets, and to break the rules, and indulge in normal social interaction, and if they get infected, well, perhaps it was as God intended, and She just wanted a cleansing of the wicked … but will the Major be joining them and making the sacrifice, given his advanced years, and the need to keep hunting the snark and that medal?

Hmm, just another variant on the boomer remover, die grannie die routine the reptiles have begun to love ...

That really would require a change of policy? Not really, not if all News Corp staff were ready to head out onto the streets, and show the way. All the pond can do is urge them on, and may the virus have mercy on their muddled thinking …

But reading the Oreo and the Major in one hit made the pond keen to sample a Rowe for the day … with more essential sampling here

Now there's a cheery image, and did the pond need it or what, knowing that it still had to deal with the matter of the pond v. the dog botherer …

Ah, the pond knew exactly where we'd landed …

Do any of the reptiles have a sense of irony? Is there a shred of humour in the Surry Hills bunker, as this time the dog botherer is sent out to do battle with the digital giants, and demand a Whitlamesque freak show to save the reptiles?

Yes, we've heard it all before, but you know what happens when the hounds get to humping a table leg? They can't give it up,. until they come or the endless wanking wears them out ...

Look, there's no need to comment, or even to marvel at the whining, and the moaning, and the gnashing of the teeth, and the donning of the sackcloth and ashes, except to say that when the reptiles get started on a meme or a trope, they never let go and they never give up, do they?

Here have a cartoon just to relieve the strain of the endless repetition …

Say what, it wasn't the salmon mousse, it was Fox News? 

Well, naturally, the government needs to indulge in a Whitlamesque freak show to save these besieged reptiles … though strangely, some of Eric Beecher's words, already seen on the pond, once again began to echo in the pond's noggin …

Yes, we've been here before, but if the reptiles can repeat themselves endlessly and tediously, like an uncontrollable fart, why then so must the pond ...

And speaking of uncontrollable farts, let's just have a last big one from an expert in the art ...

What a toadie, what a lickspitttle lackey, but we already knew that, we knew that the dog botherer always sang for his supper.

But why couldn't he sing in the right key? Why couldn't he just sing out long and loud and hard that what the reptiles urgently need by end of June is a … you guessed it, a Whitlamesque freak show...

Dammit, lizard Oz editorialist, get your messaging right, or the Chairman will have words. Remember socialises the losses, and put the profits into the chairman's family farm …

And so to a final cartoon, just for the fun of seeing a Donald follower, and a News Corp Fox News favourite, offering sage advice to the masses … up there with the Oreo and the Major ...


  1. Just a preliminary quickie re Ang-Shanna: "Canberrans aren't suffering the same social restrictions some other city-dwellers are in the era of corona lockdowns."

    Just amazing eh ? You can't infect politicians (except Boris) or Pubserves, they're full of it already. But mayhap Angy should note that for a city with a very low population density (ranked 5th most populated city in Australian capital cities at 173 people per sq km versus Melbourne at 453, Adelaide at 404, Sydney at 400 and Perth at 318) and with virtually no central CBD (lots of distributed CBDs though counting Civic as one), no sea port, limited air traffic and not much directly from overseas etc. and little tourism especially now, Canberra still manages to come in at third highest infection rate per capita: at 22.45 cases per 100,000 after NSW (32.48/100,000) and SA (23.29/100,000).

    Victoria comes in at 17.12 cases per 100,000 which is not too bad for the city with the highest population density. So, Angy, I wouldn't be too boastful just yet. Otherwise, you might find a lot of people laughing at Canberra.

    1. Wise advice for AS there GB. Maybe she should have went where you was.......then again, maybe her true calling is sit down comedy. Cheery Anon.

  2. The Oreo "All this [isolation] despite Australia's flattening the curve."

    Oh wau, an unconnected correlation: our 'flattening of the curve' (maybe) has no connection whatsoever to isolation and lockdown. Yep, that's just the kind of burbling you could expect from the holder of a doctorate in political "science".

    No thought that perhaps Australia is "flattening the curve" because of all that isolation (local transmission is still low versus the imported kind). And clearly no thought that 'unisolating' might just accelerate and bump up the curve again; oh no, once it's down, that's forever.

    She's not even a waste; waste can mostly be recycled and reused, but nothing about her suggests that.

    Moving right along to the Maj. Mitch., we have: "ABC economics correspondent Emma Alberici told her 125,000 Twitter followers: "We live in a community not an economy."."

    Oh, a community, not a society and definitely not an economy; well I reckon that settles it, then. But Mitch goes on to include Terry McCrann as part of the reptile gang, and here's what Alberici has to say about him: "By the age of 22 the @theheraldsun had appointed me Finance Editor under the tutelage of Terry McCrann. He was a wonderful mentor."

    The herpetarium is a small world, isn't it. So Emma was "tutored" by the great McCrann, hence she really must know what she's talking about, mustn't she.

    But enough of the Sequestered Lenin Medal man, last and least, the Doggy Boverer.

    Now Doggy Bov would like us to note that lots of media is in dire straits, a serious wild theme that demands a local hero or two to fix. DoggyB reckons it's all down to that awful contagion comprising Google and Facebook and that COVID-19 has merely "intensified its effect".

    Well, I reckon I might even have believed that except that (i) DoggyB is a dedicated gaslighter and (ii) all those media mobs he mentions seemed to be still going ok a few months ago. No sudden flood of closure plans throughout the industry (except maybe Seven West Media). So I reckon it would still be basically down to the coronavirus, personally.

    Then again, never waste a good disaster, especially if you want to sink your own ship but blame a bunch of foreign pirates. But Murdoch would never do that, would he.

    1. Well the Oreo. Has always had a penchant for spurious “science”.....among many other fields.

      Re. The Major, that did make me laugh......and McCrann might have had that taste of vomit reflux, being lumped with the Bolter .......then maybe not. Just taking one for the team.

      I got the impression Botherer’s contribution was a test draft for chairman Miller’s submission to the ACCC and or Paul Fletcher.......with pleading menaces.
      My only advice to DB is don’t bother trying to ring Fletcher’s’s like entering a vortex loop.

      The fear is palpable from where I’m sitting and the dog(s) are off the leash! Cheery Anon.

    2. Dunno, CA, I reckon tbe Bolter and McCrann have a lot in common, even unto the jejune economics.

      And is it really fear or just the usual rampant self-interest pretending to be public concern.

      As to newspaper 'betrayal', I reckon the Conversation prof has it backwards: the newspapers betray their readers all the time, especially the "We're for you" ones. It's just that in "depressions" they're more openly clear about it.


  3. OK. Take two team, .......we might have failed regards Easter Sunday, but we’re good to go for Anzac Day!
    Once more, into the breach! Oldies at the front......youngins and economists, at the rear......and don’t touch the economists!
    This woman must have a brick-bat for a heart. COVID 19 is no country for young men........she actually makes Anton Chigurh look like Mr. nice guy, or maybe she just fancies herself as the Holt St. hit woman. Cheery Anon.

    Muh Lud, might the pond humbly suggest in sentencing that the Oreo be forced to prowl the streets in search of love, and in her defiance of overzealous governments, might she be smitten by someone in the middle of a coughing fit?

    Just a suggestion muh lud, while you read the final gobbet tended in evidence .

  4. Forgot my ode to the reformed feminist cruising the backstreets of desire. CheeryAnon.

    1. I think I was Willy's 66th viewer, CA. Sad.


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