Wednesday, April 08, 2020

In which the pond does its usual IPA duty ...

You could have knocked the pond down with a fence post, or at least a Crown of Thorns, when this flashed up briefly, though perhaps it might be wiser to visit New Scientist or The Graudian for the story/commentary …has Lloydie disappeared up the Amazon again?

The reptiles have almost forgotten climate science denialism in their bid to come up with schemes to infect the entire population…

Is that the reptiles new song? Killing me softly and slowly with their song … strumming our pain with their fingers?

The pond suggests that we don't have to wait on a long-term strategy … why not a push for the reptiles to volunteer to be infected slowly right now, especially all the Pellists out and about in today's rag?  

Yep, it's just another riff on the reptile desire to have their social isolation eased, but how can any Murdochian fail to feel isolated at any time?

Never mind, the pond is staying well clear of the slow infection, and the gloating Pellists (no grace, no style, no awareness or feeling for victims), and instead, as is the Wednesday wont, declared this IPA propaganda day …

Ah Dame Slap, down from the faraway tree and as predictable as that clock she so disliked …

… at least right twice a day, though the splash indicated all the usual Dame Slap villains, and really poking through the regurgitation is just like joining the dots in a puzzle, or filling in all the colours according to the numbers …

The pond doesn't know how many times it's been down the same path with Dame Slap … smoting and smiting sundry enemies, imagining she knows who the real Australians are and who are the traitors, scribbling climate science denying nonsense …

What to say of this 'Lord' Monckton-loving, UN world government-fearing, MAGA cap-donning loon?

Is it any wonder for the pond that even after a first gobbet, sometimes the only relief is to turn to cartoons rather than argue?

Ah, that immediately felt better, and so back to the MAGA cap donning Dame Slap, as if she has the faintest notion of 'team', it being the mantra of the IPA that exceptionalism and individualism is all the go … and the source of all the problems is the guvinment, rather than Guvnor Gina ...

Ah, Rozner, Rozner …

The pond has been looking for a place to insert our Adam and Rozner for some days now … 

Sure, a cartoon would be better …

So many lawyers writing drivel at the lizard Oz, while the shelf-stackers work in the wee hours, but before we get back to lawyer Slap, it's on with Rozner …

Now in all this nonsense, for some reason, minds of the IPA kind have turned to Sweden, a country they normally deplore, to offer them solace and comfort …but how's the relaxed life style working out for the Swedes?

Sweden reported 612 new cases on Friday, bringing the total to around 6,000. The death toll has reached 333, with fatalities now running at about 25-30 a day, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency.
There are growing signs the virus is spreading at elderly care homes, again mainly in the capital, where some staff at hospitals and nursing homes have publicly warned of a lack of protective equipment such as masks.
Facing what a local official has called "a storm" of COVID-19 cases, Stockholm has opened a field hospital at a convention complex south of the city centre and called on anyone with medical training to help care for the sick.
At a news conference this week, centre-left Prime Minister Stefan Lofven fielded questions over whether the rising number of cases at Sweden's nursing homes was evidence of a failing strategy.
"I don't think it is a sign of that. This is what things look like around Europe," he said. "We have said all along that things will get worse before they get better." (Aljazeera here)

Indeed, indeed, and if the IPA had its way, things will get worse here before they get better (There's more on Sweden at Euronews here, more at the ABC here, and more at the Graudian here).

Now don't get the pond wrong. The pond is as keen as mustard that Gina's mob be allowed to get out and about and expose themselves as quickly as they can to the virus … please, do take the handshaking Boris as an example, and now please read carefully this piece of advice ...

But what does limited occupancy mean? You're going to run a restaurant with a table at each end? How profitable is that going to be?

You're going to staff a bar for a couple of customers? You'll do community sport with two people each on the rugger bugger team? You'll do a church service with just a couple of people, rather than do it full -blown Florida style?

It's all very well to wave your hands and propose simplistic solutions, but details Rozner, details. Give our Adam some details, so he doesn't sound as stupid as he usually does ...

Well the reaction and the feedback to this mental mush must have got to Gina's mob. They must have found themselves as outliers in the wilderness …



Naturally Dame Slap felt the need to ride to the rescue of Rozner … even though his proposal, as presented by the reptiles themselves, was laced with stupidity and folly ...

One thing's certain. Team Australia has never meant Gina's mob, the IPA, the lizard Oz, the reptiles, or the Murdochians at large. 

Ayn Rand selfishness, individualism, exceptionalism - and please, send in your donations, we're suffering - is all a part of that racket …and donning the MAGA cap has done bugger all good elsewhere ... except provide fertile material for cartoonists … and a goodly dose of suffering and death …


  1. Dame Slap quoting Rozner: "It's time to allow for the sensible reopening of churches, reopen the restaurants, cafes, bars and community sport. Do it safely with appropriate social distancing measures in place ...".

    There's just a couple of key words in there: "sensible" and "safely". In what way has either Rozner or Albrechtsen shown that they can actually state clearly what either of those words mean in the current circumstances. Or is that just more reptilian "drawing the line somewhere" ?

    Personally, I confess to being ambivalent about this "lover's visiting each other's house" thing. Yes, on the face of it, they'll get together anyway (can people still book hotel/motel rooms ?), but then each has a set of people that they are in some sort of contact with, especially if they still go out into the world at all. If it wasn't that asymptomatic and/or especially pre-symptomatic people can infect others, and several hours of often physical intimacy is a good way to transfer a virus, I wouldn't be quite so ambivalent.

    How about you ? And by the way, if you have passed on the word "safely" what more meaning does "with appropriate social distancing measures in place" add other than showing that your 'understanding' is very naive. Maybe the ABC was just trying not to show Rozner is a bad light.

    1. Love will find a way!

      You are right though, the current discussion is about the details of how you do something that may have lethal consequences if done badly and I don't think vague assurances about having good intentions and showing due care in some unspecified way provide any answers.

    2. Agreed, Bef and I do believe that is the important point.

  2. Further to DP's explainer regarding Sweden, this chart gives a better idea of what IPA healthcare settings might look like:

    The obvious point is that we don't exist in a vacuum, we can look at what has already happened elsewhere and formulate policy. The IPA drones work the other way, starting from a policy that is favoured by their industry backers and go looking for some examples that seems to support that case.

    Mind you, they don't even seem to have managed that in. The logic here seems to be "addressing the health crisis is hurting the economy so let's not address the health crisis".

    My old employer used to do this all the time. A bunch of generalist managers had made their way across the Pacific and had set about cutting costs everywhere, or managing by not doing stuff, if you like. They were always surprised by those perverse outcomes where you neglect some essential build or repair and end up paying multiples of the saving doing an emergency job. Sometimes the saving in a national cost savings exercise went down the gurgler due to a single cock-up – it didn’t seem to matter as long as the team was all in formation.

    Incidentally, things change over time and I note that Singapore, which was used as an example in the argument regarding school closures, has now clamped down harder, including - - - school closures (I know it is more complex than this as they had a lot of measures in place when the schools were open)

    1. Singapore and Aus are not all that far apart then, Bef.

      But I do wonder what, if anything, goes through the minds of Swedes as their laxity starts them up the exponential curve.

      What just doesn't seem to register with many is that (1) there are asymptomatic people who never show any obvious evidence of being infected and (2) people can infect others while they are in the pre-symptomatic stage for several days.

      In short, unless we can regularly test everybody, we simply can't know who has the virus but isn't showing any signs and nonetheless can infect others.

      Now if the ignorant idea that it's only the oldies - and maybe a few people already sick - that will die, then indeed we could just imprison the oldies for the duration (or let them die) while everybody else gets on with an unaltered life. We could even resume overseas travel and get our lovely fee-paying Chinese students back because nobody is going to die.

      Does anybody, even idiot reptiles and their running dog lackeys, really believe that ?

    2. I think Australia has done quite well considering the tardiness of the government. They remind me of kids who have an unpleasant, but clearly essential, task and won't make a start until they are harassed. The notable thing is that they are ignoring the IPA brains trust though.

      As for the Swedes, maybe they have the same "debate" as we do where experts are hard to find and press hacks and representatives of vested interest groups fill the airwaves.

    3. Oh, you mean the ABC journos :-)

  3. On our ABC last night, a New York nurse told us that she was worried that her colleagues would get sick, and then who would care for the sick?
    Of course here in Oz that would not be a problem since we have a superfluity of nurses and if they are unable to cope (because they are not Team players!) our multi-talented journalists would step in.

    1. Apparently a nurse in Toronto was evicted 'on the spot' by police. The Toronto Star spoke to the landlady, who said she “had no option” but to evict nurse Gigi because she was “putting the health, safety and well-being of myself and others in the house at risk.”

      Yes and so she probably was. [paywalled, but you get the couple of lede grafs]

  4. "The reptiles have almost forgotten climate science denialism in their bid to come up with schemes to infect the entire population…"

    It never ends, does it DP. Now we have this too:

    1. Sheesh, GB, not that again. Well, at least it's the Arctic ...

    2. Yeah, we never did really fix it, we just got used to it. But mainly as an Antarctic thing and now it's back in the north as well.


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