Monday, November 30, 2020

In which the pond abandons the Pellist Major for the Caterist and the Oreo ...


Disappointing really. The pond had hoped to start off the day by reassuring everyone that the weather wasn't the climate, that this talk of record heat and bushfires was just climate alarmism, that everything was under control, that fossil fuels were still the way of the future, and that experts such as the Major, bedecked with degrees in climate science and an astonishing amount of published field research were on hand to help guide those gullible followers of the green left conspiracy on the long march through the institutions ...

But then the cool change came, all was forgotten, and the Major was brooding yet again about the Pellist conspiracy, and instead simplistic Simon was everywhere, drooling over SloMo in a way that, at best, might be judged unseemly, and some might find sickening ...

But what's this? The Caterist has spotted some trouble in New Zealand?

The pond is always amused by the way that the Kiwis are a thorn in the lizard Oz lion's paw (yes reptiles can imagine they're lions), and the vowel shifting nation routinely fills the reptile pages with rage, but one glimpse at the top of the Caterist piece told the the pond everything it needed to know.

Somehow former chairman Rudd had got tangled with the Kiwis, or at least got tangled in the befuddled Caterist mind, and it was the business of the Caterist, world famous expert in the movement of flood waters in quarries, to expose this outrageous situation ...


Just one look at that malevolent figure, with that sinister look in his eyes, was terrifying, and it made the Caterist's pitiful attempt at sarcasm, and his refusal to acknowledge Woody Allen as the source of his gag rather weird ...

Has he got some problem, that he dare not mention Allen's name? Perhaps it would have been a tribute to the diversity about which he blathers, but perhaps Allen's moral universe was a little complicated for a bear of little brain?

Never mind, the Caterist is always terrible, and in such generous, almost lavish portions ...

And now it's time for the Caterist to move from his bold, brave, moving defence of News Corp - it almost brought tears to the eyes of the pond - to a confronting, challenging takedown of those dreadful Kiwis and their witless support of that dreadful woman, who - let's face the truth - wouldn't have the first clue about the movement of flood waters in quarries ...



The pond began to understand that it was an extremely slow week for the reptiles. Climate alarmism done to death and no need to brood about the spectacle of the Donald, and that bizarre Caterist joke about the Donald staying in the White House ...

Usually the pond would, when remarking about a Caterist piece, marvel at the way he always managed to sound up himself while feasting on some federal government money, cash in the paw style, but this week, it seemed more relevant to ask what he'd been on. Some super sick New Zealand Silver Haze? (Reddit never fails with the best advice).


Bizarre really, and the pond does apologise for wasting readers' time, but in the pond's defence, it does help in developing a psychological profile of the Caterist. Paranoid, defensive, a seeker of conspiracy theories even in humble New Zealand, this scribbler needs to chill, and perhaps take a rest on the taxpayer dime ...

And so in lieu of the Major, off chasing that Pellist hare yet again, and never mind the victims or the behaviour of the church during the Pellist era, time to settle back with an Oreo ... because the reformed, recovering feminist was at least doing a respectable reptile thing by brooding about the ancient spectre of Communism, a constant and steady threat down under ...


Revolution the victory of unbalanced biological impulses, over the higher calling of reason? Why, that sounds like revolution is a woman! 

You know how it is with women, always irrational and emotional and carrying on like pork chops and incidentally ruining New Zealand ...

Thank the long absent lord that the reformed, recovering feminist is on hand to remonstrate with women and put them on the correct ideological path ... no doubt she will explain to those Hong Kongers wanting a revolution that they are simply in the grip of unbalanced biological impulses, and submitting to the leadership, tragically deprived of bank accounts, is the correct, respectful, dutiful and filial thing to do ...


Robert Menzies asked? Well the coalition answered ... you want pure learning, or history or that sort of drivel and Henry Ford bunk, it's really gunna cost ya ...

On Friday the Coalition government announced a new pricing system for tertiary education in which fees for courses such as teaching, nursing, maths, science and engineering would be reduced, while degrees such as arts, commerce and law would rise in price.
Those planning to study humanities degrees would see an increase of up to 113%, bringing the cost of the degree from $20,400 to $43,500.
The changes would be grandfathered in, meaning current students would not experience any change in fees, but those planning to study next year would.
“It makes me so angry,” Gabby Price, 17, said. “I feel as if I can’t do what I’m passionate about because the government wants me to like something else.
“I was so excited to go do an arts degree but now I’m not sure … I have dreamt of pursuing history for years and now that might not be a reality. I could honestly cry. Spending the rest of my life broke is not what I want to do.
Many university degrees require or heavily preference certain final-year school subjects, making a pivot from humanities to science impossible for many students already halfway through year 12.
“If I knew humanities would be double the price of science then I would’ve done chemistry or physics, both which I really enjoyed and was good at in year 10,” said Sam Prior, a current year 12 student in Victoria.
“I decided to do politics and economics instead [in order to] go towards the humanities side, unaware of these ridiculous price costs, which will hinder my ability to go into said field.”

Graudian away here, ancient news from June, but apparently the Oreo, safely with her degree, is unaware of any of that nonsense ...

Not to worry, Sam, it turns out that a degree in political science is totally useless and only prepares you to scribble nonsense for the lizard Oz. Long gone are the ways when an Oreo and a companion might receive an ALTC grant, while in Deakin's Equity and Diversity unit, for a project, Tracking Student Success: who is falling through the cracks (($110,111 fish to fry) (amazingly, she's only a team member on that final report, to be found here in pdf form).

The pond hasn't the foggiest what the Caterist would make of all that talk of equity and diversity ...  but because the pond was bored this day, it decided to plunge into the thickets of academia and stumbled across a pdf here containing this gem ...

To save time, the pond cut to the chase ...

The evolution of evaluation as a research field raises new challenges for policymakers and managers of government funded programmes. The question of how to measure mass programmes against single, or multiple policy objectives demands awareness not only of evaluation research methodologies, but how the politics of evaluation may affect the ability to implement desirable models.
In the field of social programmes, the politics of evaluation has been an impediment to the introduction of a linear model of evaluation research that establishes a causal relationship between the original policy objective and its programmatic outcomes. Mixed method research offers a model to bridge the philosophical and instrumental divide between quantitative and qualitative methodologies.Perhaps more importantly, mixed methods allow for an understanding human variability which, rather than necessarily being a signal of programme failure, may, in some cases, be an opportunity for progression. The proposed model for measuring partnerships established under the Australian government’s Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program demonstrates a mixed method approach to evaluation. This method will inform programme efficacy against the principal policy objective of the HEPPP and enable formative assessment to improve programme design over time. The creation of a meta-analytical evaluation model for public policy such as the HEPPP is critical to furthering evaluation research in the field of social programmes.
Jennifer Oriel is Manager, Student Access and Equity at Deakin University, Australia.

In the same issue (you'll need to google to get the pdf), came this gem in a review:

...The application of a scientific methodology to the question of higher education access marks the ascent of science into the realm of the social. In significant part, the ascent has been marked by increasing statistical analysis of what was previously a political domain ounded on Left-wing appeals to humanism. Alexander Singleton’s Education Opportunity offers a significant contribution to expanding our understanding of the mathematics of inequality and how the acceptance of deductive methods in the field of education will enable the development of policy instruments that separate fact from fiction. To create government policy that accords with the knowledge arising from deductive methods, however, will require more than faith in naked rationalism.
Jennifer Oriel is a higher education analyst and manager of student access and equity at Deakin University.

Say what? Once upon a time we needed more than faith in naked rationalism, which as everyone knows is not the same as clothed rationalism, or well-dressed rationalism? Was that a call for unhealthy biological impulses over the higher calling of reason?

Suddenly the pond realised where the Oreo had picked up her unhealthy appetite for an endless stream of bullshit, too late to deal the final gobbet this day ...


Indeed, indeed, and Herr Hitler and the Oreo are as one. Let us not have any talk of offensive speech, because we all know who is responsible for the state of the world, and let us, without any evidence whatsoever, demonise them and perhaps, in due course, send them to the ovens ...

The pond's personal preference would be that managers of student access and equity be the first to be sent to the flames, or perhaps given a good blast of Zyklon B. 

Of course the pond only says this in the spirit of freedom of speech and religion and conscience, because it seems there's nothing quite like leading by example when it comes to hate speech ... you know, embracing unhealthy biological impulses over the higher calling of reason ... 

How the pond would hate to be offensively dull. How a good witch burning stimulates the senses and intoxicates the nostrils. How the eradication of millions brings the pond a feeling of most excellent Xmas cheer. What fun it is to bash up gays and other minorities, a sport in which the reptiles excel. Yes, begone dullness, begone dull care, let the words urge the hunters and the killers on, and let the hunting and the killing begin ...

And so to end with a cartoon, and it seems that Rowe might be having a break to celebrate his award-winning cartoon, here, and it raises an issue studiously ignored by the reptiles this day...

And in the same thematic area here ... 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

In which Dame Slap and the dog botherer do the usual, and "Ned" provides an excellent drinking game ...


The pond knows little of Jordan Peterson and cares even less ... but the time seemed right to explore the lizard Oz's obsession with the man, which mainly seems to fall to the female writers. About all the pond has noted in recent times is this report on Crikey ...
Well they got that wrong, in much the same way that it was bizarre that they got Guy Rundle to nuke the fridge and jump the shark and then find no room for comments.
It's not the Overington that's leading the way, it's Dame Slap ... and as for getting hooked on benzos, and manly meat in the Pete Evans paleo neo-fascist style, and getting into a medically induced coma, it's all the pond would expect of a self-help guru.

Personally the pond prefers for its entertainment the sort of straight out Ponzi scheme cult to be observed in The Vow, but there's no accounting for taste, just as there's no accounting for Dame Slap ...


The pond has never quite understand the term "woke". It seems that those who mock it prefer to be asleep, sleep-walkers through the world, and proud that they can barely open an eyelid ... comatose cretins who only come alive when they can decry being awake ...

Meanwhile, it's an important point about cultists that they must have a graven image of their god laid before them for worship, the weirder the better ... a bit like embracing volleyball because the master does ... oh and a little branding to show that you're anything but woke, you're liberated by sleep, or getting fucked over by your guru master ...



As usual, Dame Sleep, sorry, Slap, heads off into her standard litany, but the pond was truly distressed to stumble across some heretic rogue at work in the comments section ...




Oh Ian, Ian, Ron Howard is a really shitty director, has been since the get go ...even Kermode and Mayo couldn't find a kind word for this latest effort, but how cruel to remind Dame Slap that as well as having no taste, and no clue, she once donned the MAGA hat and proudly strode out into the New York night ... a sleepy head dreaming a dream that turned into a nightmare ...

But thanks to Ian the pond has got ahead of itself. We must now do the long march through the litany, including, inter alia, Gillian Triggs (so long ago, how Dame Slap carries her grudges), George Orwell, Shakespeare and JK Rowling, because they fit together so well in terms of literary class ... (oh and don't forget the shriveled Shriver) ...


Marketing for a flagging brand guaranteed, with all the sleepy head cultural warriors woken from their slumber to go into a feral rage ...

You see, Ian? It's the business of sleepy heads to ignore the way shitty movies are made in a shitty way provided that they have the right ideological skew. That's how Steve Bannon can end up a looking like a genius ...


And that's the capper, right there, when Dame Slap suggested that there be less mocking, having spent her entire column mocking everyone that doesn't agree with her and her wanna be cult leaders ... having made a career out of mocking, while embracing the weirdest cult leaders and conspiracy theories ...

Talk about a Sunday treasure, and without pausing for a moment, let's have another ...


Yes, it's rough, really rough, to follow Dame Slap with the dog botherer, especially when one of the architects standing side by side with Lord Downer has the indecency, the audacity to scribble about the sickly stench of government control...

But that's the dog botherer for you, always ready to send others off to war, while suffering from mental bone spurs, except when it comes to being a toothless paper tiger cultural war warrior ...


The pond loves it when the dog botherer, without a hint of shame, notes that he's simplistic, though it would have been better if he'd added simplistic moron rather than trying to get out of jail by suggesting he was dealing with an elegant, stylised example ...


Always with the climate science, or more to the point, the climate science denialism, and he must be in pre-woke days, because surely even amongst reptiles or libertarians, "nanny state" is past its use-by date.

Who did the dog botherer and libertarians expect would take steps to help out with the pandemic? The reptiles of Surry Hills or the big end of town? Sometimes it pays to have a nanny state, as even Ming the merciless recognised, to the benefit of the pond, who was wheeled down on a regular basis to the community health centre then in Kable avenue for a free check up.


And yet ... and yet ... for all the dog botherer carries on, just look at the UK, the US, and Europe ... places where loons of the dog botherer kind have been in charge, and monumentally fucked things up. But as the lad helped fuck Iraq, why would we expect anything different when it comes to a virus?

All this reminds the pond of the best blessing of all... fuckwits like the dog botherer don't have their grubby rhetoricial paws on the tiller of state, and all they can do is shout futile horseshit from the sidelines, and what a good thing that is ...


And there's that billy goat buttism at work again. "This is not to dismiss the vulnerable." Horseshit, of course, because what he means is "we should be killing the vulnerable, to prove what a larrikin streak we have, what carefree self-reliant, anti-authoritarian loons we are ..."  

There is of course no easy way to look after the vulnerable, if infected young things are roaming the street breathing on people, save to lock the old farts in bunkers, and use trained monkeys to feed them through their cell doors until the vaccine lands ...

But that's what you expect when a moron who's career peak was utegate tries to set out sensible public policies so we don't end up with the killing fields of the United States ... with frontline workers suffering, and dog botherer types not giving a flying fuck what they're up against, as he pounds on his keyboard from the safety of his study ...

The pond always finds dealing with the dog botherer wearing, but at last there's a final gobbet of nonsense ...


The pond is sure that the reptiles meant that last image to linger as a damning indictment of woke mask wearers cowering to authority, but all the pond can think of is how grateful it was to see other mask-wearers in the street, showing that they cared, and they didn't have the mean, destructive, sociopathic streak that runs through the dog botherer the way it runs through that narcissist in chief, the Donald ...

And now, even though the dog botherer got in the way, the pond feels the need to keep the faith with nattering "Ned". The pond knew it was important, because just look at the illustration ...


First let's do a warm-up exercise, like a soprano running through the scales, with a short opening gobbet ...


Good, and now here's the pond's suggestion.

Put the pond away, head off to do something useful, and then later, in the dark of night as the heat settles back down, steal back to sneak a full read, because "Ned's" natter offers a fine chance to have a drinking game ...

The clues are already there. "Scott Morrison conspicuous," "Morrison is an optimist," Morrison is heartened, Morrison sends a series of messages ...

You see? Every time the servile, hagiographic seer and medium "Ned" manages to mention Morrison, feel free to take a swig ... but careful, if you swig too freely, you'll be pissed as a parrot before the evening's done ...


Morrison was blunt, Morrison government's big hope, Morrison said, Morrison said ... and a bonus photo of SloMo? Are your hands still steady, are you alright on your feet? No swaying, no blurring of eyes, still able to read?

Oh that's a sobering moment, that should come as a jolt, not to mention that other story yesterday ...

Fully sober again? You might be able to recollect a time when the reptiles were fully behind SloMo's war on China, and it was going swimmingly well, and those deviants were going to reveal everything about the Wuhan virus? (Don't worry about Hong Kong or human rights, nothing to be done there).
Now everyone's freshened up, it's back to the drinking game, celebrating the sycophantic suck ...


Morrison made a critical point, and yes, the pond will allow substitutes, as in the PM, naturally. Not that they're needed, what with Morrison will not accept, and Morrison seems to be heading, and Morrison making it clear, and Morrison saying ...

The tone of it ineluctably reminded the pond of a Colonel Blimp ...



Gad sir, are glasses ready for the next gobbet ...

Gad sir, the pond cheated, but by now everybody should be able to know when they should top up their glasses.
Morrison has made a critical point, the PM naturally, Morrison will not accept, Morrison's own remarks, Morrison made clear, Morrison said,  Morrison will look for ways, Morrison told Boris ...

Perhaps a shorter gobbet to regain drinking strength ...


Morrison has no complaints, Morrison's diplomatic style is become more apparent, Morrison's compulsion, Morrison refuses to be embarrassed and sensibly moves to adjust his position, Morrison tells Johnson, Morrison said .. don't you worry about all that climate science guff, here have a lump of coal for Xmas, the Chinese seem to be holding up shipments, so there's plenty to go around ...

Sorry, the pond started improvising a little ... that's what lemonade will do to you ... now back to the bottle ...


Morrison knows from private talks, Morrison is tracking Biden's wavelength, Morrison said, Morrison retains his entrenched philosophy, a big theme Morrison is developing, Morrison said we need to get on with it ...

Still managing to read, eyes not yet wide shut? But the pond hasn't reverted to cartoons, because the pond is captivated by this seance session in which "Ned" manages to reach out and channel the SloMo spirit hovering in the ether. Ah, the power of "Ned's" ouija board ...



Morrison's regional messages, Morrison laments, on strategic stability, Morrison wants, Morrison said under Modi never has there been a better example of a fascist leader ...

Sorry the pond just threw that in to see if anyone was still awake. The pond organised a little trip away from the board so that we might all inhale a little of the ectoplasm ...



Yes, the pond finally got bored with the simple SloMo said game, and thought it would be fun linking to that BBC story here, and then linking to this Times of India story here ...

HMEDABAD: Gandhi is not so great, but Hitler is. Welcome to high school education in Narendra Modi's Gujarat, where authors of social studies textbooks published by the Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks have found faults with the freedom movement and glorified Fascism and Nazism.
While a Class VIII student is taught "negative aspects" of Gandhi's non-cooperation movement, the Class X social studies textbook has chapters on "Hitler, the Supremo" and "Internal Achievements of Nazism".
The Class X book presents a frighteningly uncritical picture of Fascism and Nazism. The strong national pride that both these phenomena generated, the efficiency in the bureaucracy and the administration and other "achievements" are detailed, but pogroms against Jews and atrocities against trade unionists, migrant labourers, and any section of people who did not fit into Mussolini or Hitler's definition of rightful citizen don't find any mention." They committed the gruesome and inhuman act of suffocating 60 lakh Jews in gas chambers" is all the book, authored by a panel, mentions of the holocaust.
The section on "Ideology of Nazism" reads: "Hitler lent dignity and prestige to the German government within a short time by establishing a strong administrative set up. He created the vast state of Greater Germany. He adopted the policy of opposition towards the Jewish people and advocated the supremacy of the German race. He adopted a new economic policy and brought prosperity to Germany.
He began efforts for the eradication of unemployment. He started constructing public buildings, providing irrigation facilities, building railways, roads and production of war materials. He made untiring efforts to make Germany self-reliant within one decade. Hitler discarded the Treaty of Versailles by calling it just ''a piece of paper'' and stopped paying the war penalty. He instilled the spirit of adventure in the common people".
A few classes junior, students in Gandhi's home state read that the Bapu really may have been overrated. In the chapter on "Gandhian Era and National Movement", there's a section sub-headlined "The Negative Aspect".

And so on ... 

There are many more examples of Modi's love of Hitler and the Nazis, but then SloMo said that he's on Modi's wavelength, and love of Nazism is a big theme, and entrenched with his philosophy, and he speaks in tongues and then there's the approaching rapture, and at last we're at the final gobbet ...



And so to a few last drinks to get totally blotto. The task for Morrison, Morrison said this week patience was a virtue, and Morrison has plenty of activism and pragmatism in his toolkit ...

And so ends "Ned"s Lord Haw Haw hagiography, and being off the grog, drinking all that sickly sweet sugary "Ned" lemonade is about as tough as it gets ...

And now at last a cartoon to go on with, because SloMo will need a lot of activism and pragmatism ...

Saturday, November 28, 2020

In which the pond forsakes ant for cricket and gobbles some left over Polonial turkey ...


The pond realises it's making a mistake. Any sensible ant would be saving prattling Polonius for a Sunday meditation, but the pond has always been something of a frivolous cricket. Put a Polonius prattle in front of the pond, and it wants it now...
Besides, the Donald is on the downhill slide, and soon will become the sort of carnival sideshow barker, and con artist snake oil salesman, like dozens of other Elmer Gantrys ...
He's been one of the best, but there's been a noticeable decline in interest - the lack of cartoons is always the best measure. Not even the Donald could top Rudy when it comes to attention-seeking, and sheer entertainment value ...
It's also typical that Polonius should come out with his prattle amidst the dying of the light. He's always been a cowardly sod. Where was Polonius when Donald was being brazen? Oh sure there were covert hints here and there that Polonius might be a Trumper, when it's only when the Donald is on the exit rant that the cantankerous contrarian has come out to give his Donald roadster a spin ... because, you know, if you didn't know already, were in a universe far away from Polonius, it's always the ABC's fault ...

Can the pond first go back to that piece of pedantry with which Polonius began? As can be seen in her speech here, Buttrose used a generic sense of The Times as speaking, not as an editorial, but as a publisher ...

The article she was referencing was Cave's Australia May Well Be The World's Most Secretive Democracy ...

Polonius's nit-picking, oh what a nit-picker he is, a pity it's mainly useful when it comes to nits and fleas, allows him to avoid mentioning any of the points actually made by Cave ... here are a few ...

It just so happens that Annapour and CNN came along at a terribly convenient time to save Polonius from considering the shocking behaviour of Australian governments when it comes to the outrageous behaviour in the East Timor matter, and the desperate persecutions designed to save Lord Downer, or the behaviour in Afghanistan, which has taken years to emerge ... despite the persecution of whistle blowers and the ABC ...

Instead he can blather on about Kristallnacht, as a devious distraction, because that's what pedants do as a ploy ...

Generally when the pond wants a distraction, it flings in a cartoon ... usually showing the pond's outstanding historical awareness, which it shares with the Donald ...

And so to the next gobbet, where at last Polonius's prattle reveals himself as a Trumper, no, not the cricketer, more a Donald affiliate not above spreading a few porkies in the service of the Donald ...


But what of the dog whistling to white supremacists? What of the Proud Boys standing by? This sort of dissembling is precisely the kind of white-washing of US history that sees Henry Ford's anti-semitism, Charles Lindbergh's America First and George Wallace's racism written out of the picture ...

Under the Donald, American weirdness has reached a fine flowering, not so much with his and Rudy's hair dye, as with the likes of QAnon and the Boogaloo boys, and of all things, fucking Hawaiian shirts, as a kind of perverse bounce-back from the Obama days when he made everyone wear Islamic Kenyan clobber ...

How many lies will the Donald have accumulated by 20th January next year? It's a bit like guessing the number of marbles in a bloody big barrel, as they used to do in Tamworth ... but it'll be huge ...

Oh here, have some leftover turkey ...



And then comes the weirdest line that Polonius has scribbled in some time, and the pond liked it so well it had to repeat it even before it landed ...

"Look at it this way. No US president has made himself as available to the media as Trump..."

 And he calls the Baldwin a maniac? That's the best he can say about the snake oil narcissist and showman, that he makes himself available to the media?

That's what he does, that's his whole gig, that's his shtick, that's the gag ... that's what attention-seeking narcissist with daddy problems do ... just watch Donald Junior in action ... and yet Polonius is so blithely unaware, such a fluff gatherer and navel gazer, that he really does start off his final gobbet with that immortal line ...


And so, without a hint of irony, Polonius himself circled the wagons and joined the fake news media ... because if "at times" covers the thousands of times that the Donald lied, well then the pond has a Rowe cartoon ready for another distraction ...



And so to an observation, and bewilderment ... and the pond blames it all on the Angelic one ...

Sure the pond has saved some mouth-watering stuffing for Sunday, and sure the Angelic one doesn't really warrant the attention, but something really weird is going on ...


What on earth is happening? What on earth is going down?
The reptiles have spent months praising Gladys and demonising Comrade Dan and that toad from the north and that sandgroper from the west, and even that LINO obscuring the polished croweater floor ...
Gladys has been the only beacon, guiding the reptile ship safely to shore, time and again ... and that sort of headline has been reserved for those wretches at Crikey ... 

The pond expects it of that mob. Guy Rundle's latest outing was so offensive, so off the planet, so life on Mars, that they had to turn off the comments section in anticipation that he might cop a bit of abuse ...

This is what the pond expects at the lizard Oz ... sweet adoration, prayers and pieties humbly offered up ...

Ah Ned, not today, but soon ... meanwhile, what is happening in the Shanners' household? Are they trying to do a new sitcom, the Conways down under?


Dear sweet long absent lord, what is this talk of right-wing commentators? Has the Angelic one gone entirely delusional? Is she unaware that she has the likes of Dame Slap and the dog botherer as a companions in arms? Is she unaware that Shanners, always bouffant, is standing by each day to add a lick of polish to SloMo's image?

What is it with this whining and moaning, this litany? Not a respectable litany, of the reptile kind, listing the many sins of that toad from the north, or that wretched comrade Dan from the south, but an 'our Gladys' litany ...



Phew, what a relief. Who knew that Gladys was part of the feminist-green push in NSW, keen to keep feminists happy?

It had entirely escaped the pond, and naturally her worst crime was to think that women might control their bodies, and Shanners is just being your usual fundamentalist Catholic bigot, and suddenly everything was alright in the pond's universe, the natural order of things had been restored, and the pond could end with an infallible Pope, as it often likes to do ... and what do you know, it's entirely on song, with that pork barrel, and those Icarus wings almost angelic looking ...