As a late-breaking pleasure, the pond thought it might slip in a short study of the art of the reptile litany ...
There are a couple of forms of litany ... first there's the aggregation, the gaggle, the murmuration of reptiles that gather in places like the opinion pages of the Terror, the litany of litanies...
All of them most likely involve whining and moaning.
Any number of people have noted how the Donald is a whiner (I keep whining and whining), and the reptiles are professional whiners of the first water, but few are as expert at whining, whinging, moaning and donning the sackcloth and ashes as the Bolter ...
The Bolter rarely features on the pond - the trolling is too naked and obvious, and frankly, when he gets on a roll, the trolling is too long ... more bilious than nattering "Ned" and much too vile to be easily digested.
See how the Bolter quickly saunters from Queensland to a litany of woes, an aggregation of suffering, while at the top of the column is a video of the suffering of Christians in Iraq ...
And so even before it got started on the actual domestic litany, the pond was immediately reminded of the Bolter's real form as a war monger of note - now there's a Christian deed - as recorded by Robert Manne in The Monthly here particular, in relation to the suffering in Iraq ...
And so on. Others have tried to mock the Bolter and the bromancer ... as at Crikey here ...
Indeed, indeed, a Xian song by a one time born again Xian, and yet the irredeemable Bolter had his own moment of "Mission Accomplished" ...
And now he writes a piece which features a video of the suffering of Iraqi Christians at the top of the page?
This is war won Bolter style, this is victory?
But immediately it can be seen how easily the pond can get distracted. Even before the litany began, the pond was sent haring off on a tangent.
Time to get back to that domestic litany of grievances, whining and moaning ...
Bigots? Actually the pond likes to think of the Bolter as some kind of antipodean Lord Haw Haw ...
... and a Haw Haw with a long line of woes and lamentations ...
On and on the litany runs, an endless amount of haw-hawing... and with disingenuous dissembling and fraudulent misrepresentations by the dozen ...
Did some post-ironic sub think that the best illustration for this litany was of an empty church?
To deal with this litany is impossible. The pond would be cutting and pasting forever, or writing a long screed, longer even than the insufferable Bolter's piteous screech of woe.
Take that line "With the atheism that preaches every man for himself?"
So now the GOP and Paul Ryan and the Donald and fundamentalist American Xians are atheists?
Anyone who berates the leaners and celebrates the lifters, harangues the takers and warns the givers, is an atheist?
By golly there's a lot of Xians who have suddenly switched teams then ...
By golly there's a lot of Xians who have suddenly switched teams then ...
It's such a stupid trolling line, just like that stupid line about the "green faith", as if a secular operation like Médecins Sans Frontières deserves to be traduced, when it's careful to embrace religious folk who want to get involved, while also operating with a humanist rather than a religious imperative ...
MSF members and supporters may have individual religious convictions themselves but these do not drive the organisation as a whole. Rather, we at MSF have other beliefs that guide our work. A belief that everyone has the right to a doctor and to lifesaving medical care in the face of intolerable suffering. A belief that all people are equal and deserving of human dignity. In short, our creed is based on medical ethics and humanitarian law.
The question states quite correctly that "organised religions are able to connect congregations in the developed world with their counterparts in the developing world", and certainly shared religious belief can form a bond of interest and a sense of commonality between disparate nations – not only developed to developing but across the world.
Equally, however, we witness first hand the strife and hatred that religious divisions can foster. People fight over religion and politics – so for us to help those caught in the midst of these conflicts, where our help is needed the most, we simply cannot take sides or carry any of those labels. Separating our organisation not just from religious but also political, racial and philosophical tenets is what makes our work possible and is our passport to reaching those in greatest need – especially in warzones.
MSF members and supporters may have individual religious convictions themselves but these do not drive the organisation as a whole. Rather, we at MSF have other beliefs that guide our work. A belief that everyone has the right to a doctor and to lifesaving medical care in the face of intolerable suffering. A belief that all people are equal and deserving of human dignity. In short, our creed is based on medical ethics and humanitarian law.
The question states quite correctly that "organised religions are able to connect congregations in the developed world with their counterparts in the developing world", and certainly shared religious belief can form a bond of interest and a sense of commonality between disparate nations – not only developed to developing but across the world.
Equally, however, we witness first hand the strife and hatred that religious divisions can foster. People fight over religion and politics – so for us to help those caught in the midst of these conflicts, where our help is needed the most, we simply cannot take sides or carry any of those labels. Separating our organisation not just from religious but also political, racial and philosophical tenets is what makes our work possible and is our passport to reaching those in greatest need – especially in warzones.
And that's really the only way to deal with a litany designed to promote division, hate, fear, loathing and all the rest of the Bolter bigotry and bile...
Slip in a plug for a charity, and finish up with a cartoon ... and remember what the minor war criminal did when it came to destroying a country, and with it, the Christian minority within it ... and then wonder why the pond spent even a nanosecond in the company of such a woeful, whining pissant ...