Tuesday, October 20, 2020

In which the pond censors the reptiles by only allowing that tremendous bromancer suck through the door ...


It's probably obvious by now that the pond is heartily sick of the reptiles, with this day's early morning offering helping explain the sickness. 

There's Killer Creighton up to his usual tricks, and daring to trot out the word "fascism", while across the way, there's petulant Peta, pretending she and the rest of the reptile pack give a flying fuck about life-and-death questions, when they've all been up for the herd mentality idea, and their kissing cousins in the United States, in concert with the Donald, have conspired to kill thousands ...

All the pond has to say to that line of bullshit is "infallible Pope" ...





And there's Dame Groan doing her usual hatchet job, while across the way there was Shanners so far up Josh's bum, it was impossible to see daylight ...

The pond almost gave up hope entirely ... it was too much, better just to fold up the tent for the day, and steal quietly back to bed ... but then came a glimmer of hope at the top of the digital page...



No, the pond wasn't going to scribble about whether the reptiles were going to save Gladys from herself, though that was clearly their mission, at least until the ironies and the incongruities got too much even for them ... but, lo, there was the bromancer coming to the pond's rescue, in the usual bromancer way ...

Before we get started, the pond should warn that it intends to use the bromancer as a flimsy excuse to run some other stories on the same theme ...


You can google them as you like, and there will be links ... but first to the bromancer ...

Uh huh ... shocking? What was shocking was the way that the NY Post behaved, low even by the incredibly low standards of reptile behaviour. Perhaps the pond might first turn to the NY Mag for a couple of gobbets ...



Well you'll have to go here for the hot links, but that last line stuck with the pond. 

Oh the humanity, the pond thought. It must suck, really suck, suck incredibly hard, to be a reptile, to be a pathetic propagandist knowing that you have to print lies sourced from notorious liars, and then have to whine and moan about being censored in public. Each day you get up and look in the mirror, and wonder if a career as an alcoholic bum on a bench in a public park might not have been a more honourable calling ...

It must deeply suck to be a bromancer, and be so complicit that you don't even think of yourself as a pathetic propagandist of the most sordid, gutter-trawling NY Post kind ... with the Murdochian so ingrained in you that not even a dose of wood alcohol would bleach the brain and produce a lick of common sense ... like, you know, like, you know, like, sucks ...

And so to another bromancer gobbet that set the pond going ...

The Post is a mainstream newspaper, bearing all the constraints of such an institution? It must truly suck to scribble such nonsense, and maintain you're not a deluded propagandist. Perhaps a dose of CNN, not usually a pond favourite, but when confronted by saucy mendacity, any port in a storm ...

Yes, there's more hot links here, but yes, apparently there's a 'there' there in the mind or the soul of the mendacious bromancer. 

And yes, the tale of the legally blind laptop repairman is a genuine hoot, and worth a piece all by itself, but fuck it take some audacity, some cheek, on the part of the bromancer to front up and deliver his usual line in Murdochian bullshit ... which perhaps explains why he only managed another short gobbet ...


He's not concerned with the substance? Of course he isn't, because he's a wretched suck, and doesn't even realise it. He doesn't even have the class to do a John Oliver  and want a shit cleanser named after himself ... (oh well done Danbury, you restored the pond's faith that some Americans have maintained a sensa huma).




But back to that bromancer bullshit about not being concerned with the substance. How about that NY Times piece, to be found here if you haven't used up your monthly views ... 

Again the NY Times isn't the pond's favourite source, but any port in a shit storm when you're looking for a way to get the Tamworth treatment works re-named the Greg Sheridan sewerage plant ...


Pay attention to the next line, because it's a real dooozy... and the reason why anyone would chose a half-baked, half-arsed Murdochian to do their Giuliani bidding ...


Shameless, completely shameless, and yet down under the bromancer doesn't have a vestige of shame ...


And meanwhile, the reptiles are busy trying to get the tech giants to subsidise their propaganda machine ... who'd have thought that the pond might have a shred of sympathy for mobs like Facebook - never used it, never will - but the reptiles suck so deeply that even that's possible ...

But wait, there's more, and it also doesn't feature a reptile scribbling reptilian thoughts, just a few more locally applied observations of the shit factory in operation. 

You see, last night Media Watch ran another story on the reptiles, and the pond must share at least some of it, because an interest in herpetological studies brings people together ...

It can be seen and read in full here ... but here's a couple of gobbets to go on with, as the pond picks it up mid-thought ...




What, say what? Conroy ended up as a paid contributor on Sky? Didn't he want to ban the intertubes? Oh there's some rich ironies at work there, but the pond couldn't go without a mention of reptile climate science denialism ...



And that's the best way to censor the reptiles. Put up a piece of sheer bromancer idiocy, and for once fill the pond full of stories about the wickedness of reptiles when they're naughty, stealing and eating the eggs of rare species, and otherwise fouling up and shitting in their nest, and without the decency to have their Surry Hills bunker proudly bearing the sign of a sewerage treatment plant ... though it goes without saying that even after treatment, you'd have to be wary about drinking the water ...

What else? Nothing, because the pond is done with the reptiles this day, sometimes their antics aren't amusing, they're simply tiresome and tedious, and so all that's left this day is the pleasure of an immortal Rowe, with more always available here ...


  1. "... across the way there was Shanners so far up Josh's bum, it was impossible to see daylight ..."

    Aha, DP ! The dark at the end of the tunnel !

  2. Over in the USA, there is not one journalist on duty to defend the Post story.

    The great news though, is that there is one woman who has been standing Boadicea-like for the scam. Yep, you guessed in a flash: it's our own (now their own) Mad Maddy!


    1. Well that is a complete and total surprise, isn't it. And being so happy and enthusiastic about doing such things is why she was sent to America in the first place, yeah ?

    2. If only the pond had thought of "Miranda Subslime" back in the days when it actually covered the Devine ...a tidy link, VC ...

  3. So, the Bromancer says: "A million stories about Trump have been printed in mainstream media...".

    Hmm, now I'm presuming the Bro means since Trump became president, and if so, then Trump has been president for 1368 days (3.74 years) and in that time has copped "A million stories" which means 1,000,000/1368 = 731 stories per day !

    You know, I think the Bromancer is confusing the 731 stories tweeted daily by Trump with stories actually "printed" about Trump.

    And oh, all of the stories censored by the Murdoch press - just a very few of which were mentioned on the ABC's Media Watch. Now that is anti-democratic censorship of the worst possible kind. And you wouldn't expect a chap who could expound that "God Is Good For You" could bear false witness so frequently and enthusiastically. Except that Greggy is a Catholic lad, and as everybody knows, the Catholic faith reckons that it's only your neighbours that you must not bear false witness about. Everybody else is just fair game all the time about anything.

  4. Now here's a real blast from the past. I'd completely forgotten about this lot, hadn't you ?


  5. Hi Dorothy,

    How right you are about the reptiles befouling the nest. In the case of Col Allan literally, as this old piece from Crikey reminds us;



    1. "he’s potentially the first editor in history who has been indulged with cash losses of more than $1 billion."

      Yep, that's a first class Murdochrat.

    2. Hi GB,

      It’s a strange paradox, Murdochs’ rags keep losing money and Rupert keeps getting richer.

      Is their sole purpose now just to control the behaviour of the political class and give Murdoch ever greater bargaining power for his other operations and profits.

      In other words - Extortion and Blackmail.


    3. "control the behaviour" - yep, that probably is all that's left to Roopie now. I wonder how Jerry Hall is feeling nowadays. From the top down that's all that the entire Murdoch empire has been about - and to what end with what result ?

      Well I suppose some millions of Americans believe in Fox News, but they are at the dying out end of the generations, and the new folks in the game just don't entirely believe the old bullshvt:
      Power failure: why have young people fallen out of love with democracy?

  6. Since there is no history for the reptiles this is probably not worth noting


    As for Sheridan, does he think an unsubstantiated piece of gossip about Hunter Biden somehow outweighs the dump truck full corruption that is the Trump family? We shouldn't forget that people actually die due to the incompetence and calculated cruelty of these idiots.


    1. "Growing case numbers ... have prompted a rethink."

      Or just maybe, a first think ? D'you reckon Tegnell might try talking to Nabarro

    2. As predictable as the result was I reckon the same approach applied here would have been much worse.

      The gig economy, insecure work, underpaid workers with several jobs, and substandard welfare entitlements all lead to poor decision making. I can understand why a casual worker, for instance, might turn up if they had mild symptoms that might or might not be Covid. If you are in secure work with sick-leave entitlements it's much easier to make the right decision.

  7. If anybody has about 1 3/4 hours free:


  8. One wonders if Sheridan would be so gloves off if myspace wasn't the polished turd that rupe the rube purchased for a couple a billion.

  9. “What else? Nothing, because the pond is done with the reptiles this day, sometimes their antics aren't amusing, they're simply tiresome and tedious.”
    It’s true DP....some days the reptile crapola makes you wonder what the fuck is going on down in the bunker.
    I seriously do wonder about Sheridans mental health, as the closer the US election gets, the more absurd he gets.
    When he wrote his latest book ...Why God is Good For You, he was subliminally condemning the mental health of his God. The man is a fucking pinhead. CA.

  10. You'd have to be pretty wet behind the ears to believe the prevailing US media orthodoxies on either side these days. Are the HB emails genuine? No other question is of interest, frankly. A reliable answer to that question is unlikely to come from CNN, Fox, MSNBC, the NY Times or even the Washington Post. It might never come, but it's still a better question than whether or not the NY Post is a gutter rag or Rudy Giuliani is a weasel or a stoat. Dismissing it as unsubstantiated gossip is merely lazy. If the next POTUS is as corrupt as the present one, that's important to know, even for us out here on the fringes of empire. Judging by what we already know about the Bidens, it's not looking good.

    1. There's at least one line of thinking that says it wasn't from an abandoned laptop, but from a hack of Hunter Biden's phone. How really probable that is I don't know.

      But given who's responsible for it - Bannon and Giulani mainly - I'd agree that dismissing it as "unsubstantiated gossip" is lazy when it's obviously a bunch of lies. I mean, can you point convincingly to the very most recent times when Bannon and/or Guliani actually told anything even remotely like "the truth" ? Include Trump in that too.

      Besides, an email ? Do they think they're going to repeat the attack against Hillary's emails this time around but dragging in Biden's son instead ?

    2. Hunter Biden’s Phone Being Hacked Is the Most Likely Pathway For the Information Giuliani Is Peddling


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