Naturally the Terrorists were furious in their tree killer edition...
Any attempt to match the Israeli army with girlie soldiers must cease and desist, or we'll end up with girlie economics and girlie budgets, and they possibly had a point given the heap of trouble Netanyahu currently finds himself in ...
Any attempt to match the Israeli army with girlie soldiers must cease and desist, or we'll end up with girlie economics and girlie budgets, and they possibly had a point given the heap of trouble Netanyahu currently finds himself in ...
The Terrorists were also full of it in the digital edition ...
Oh the shame of it, the emasculation of it, the castration by harpies and witches of it ... just as we're standing by to go to war with North Korea ...
But luckily the onion muncher, giving up precious time away from his family feud, and his battle against the sissification of Australia, was on hand in the Terror to put the country on a war footing with a sizzling missile strategy ...
But luckily the onion muncher, giving up precious time away from his family feud, and his battle against the sissification of Australia, was on hand in the Terror to put the country on a war footing with a sizzling missile strategy ...
It took an incredible strength of will, almost a triumph of the will, for the pond to ignore these distractions and heed the siren song of Sharri ...
After all, endless hours of pleasure might be spent celebrating the way that the onion muncher probably knows as much about missile defence as he does about the copper-clad NBN as the best way into the digital future ...
After all, endless hours of pleasure might be spent celebrating the way that the onion muncher probably knows as much about missile defence as he does about the copper-clad NBN as the best way into the digital future ...
But that's for others, including those who might want to head off to the Graudian here to read ...
The US system appeared to have clear superiority and it was initially claimed that it had shot down 41 of 42 missiles fired by Iraq. But the claim was later scaled back and eventually it was acknowledged that only a few missiles had been hit. Recent tests of interceptors have provided little comfort – with success rates of around 50% on average.
The Pentagon celebrated in May when it destroyed a mock warhead over the Pacific. US vice-admiral Jim Syring, director of the Pentagon agency responsible for missile defence, described it as an “incredible achievement”. But overall the performance has been spotty. Since the newest intercept system was introduced in 2004 and deemed to be combat ready, only four of nine intercept attempts have been successful. It is not a matter of malfunctions in the early days. Of the five tests since 2010, only two have been successful.
And so on and so forth.
In this case, the best form of defence is to build missiles that attack, so the pond is standing by for the onion muncher's demand that we build copper-clad missiles capable of sending copper-clad nukes to North Korea ... to support Malware supporting the Donald in his nuking madness
In this case, the best form of defence is to build missiles that attack, so the pond is standing by for the onion muncher's demand that we build copper-clad missiles capable of sending copper-clad nukes to North Korea ... to support Malware supporting the Donald in his nuking madness
But enough of this, because on a Friday afternoon, the pond has of late taken a particular delight in lolling about and relaxing with the sharp-sighted Sharri ...

Oh no, the pond has already done the current civil war at length, but it seems that the reptiles can't get enough of the fussing and feuding ... and what better way to carry on the war than mock the wretched sissies who didn't have the courage to stand on their principles (though at Tamworth High, the tradition was to stand on its principals) ...

Those pathetic wets going to water ... why couldn't they be more like the onion muncher, fanatically devoted to negativity ...
But around this point, the pond must note a failing in the Terror presentation.
Somehow for some reason, the rag decided that a couple of anonymous suits (faces pointedly omitted), arms entwined with obligatory rose, was more important than appealing to the discerning elderly gentleman reader ...
The pond must deplore this tendency, maintain vigilance and rectify it whenever possible ...
There, much better, the sort of stylish pond visual presentation gentlemen readers can rely on ...
And so to the bad news for Freedom Boy, as Sharri casts a hex on him ...

Furious at his broken vow!
You simply can't trust these shady, shifty, devious gays ...
Fancy daring to become an activist for gay marriage ... which as everyone knows is a dire threat to traditional marriage ...
Oh okay the pond couldn't resist inserting that stock shot of a traditional marriage before we return to dumping on the naughty Freedom Boy ... in the name of petulant Peta, who let it be said, is a wonderful human being, and was largely responsible for one of the great Prime Ministerships and has an astonishing command of detail and a remarkable authority ... and how soon can the country return to that golden era of knighthoods?

Dazzling. What a role model she is for everyone ...we all need to reshape our image at some point ...
Oh okay, it's back to the rocket science, and after dumping on Freedom Boy, it suddenly occurs to sweet Sharri that in the recent past, petulant Peta has had a few sharp words for Malware, and this might be something of a problem ...
But luckily Malware has now ended the marriage dispute, except insofar as it affects Freedom Boy and those other wretched renegade quislings, and the entire country for the next couple of months ...

And that's why the pond reads Sharri ... while all the other reptiles are still in the trenches, there she is announcing that Malware has ended the marriage dispute, and is taking the attack to Labor and there will be peace in our time, especially if petulant Peta heads to cabinet to get Malware into shape ...
Talk about the pure undiluted, undilated pleasure of political analysis without a hint of internal contradiction or any sign of self-awareness and irony ...
Not even a hint of irony when it comes to the mightiest parliamentary performer, a veritable raging and roaring lion, head and shoulders above every other MP, no one even comes close to this lion of the hill, ready to tear apart his enemies ...
Oh look how the lion is smiling in pleased anticipation ...

In other news, Turnbull slams Shorten?
Well yes, and other news, the sun has risen, and will possibly set, and in other Sharri news, Malware is an amazing human bean, with fire in his belly and eloquent and skilful command of language ...worthy of study by all students of the art ...
... and what joy that at last he's mastered the art of nattering negativity ...
Why he could do it with his eyes close ...

Yes, lock him up, lock him up, that's the way to run a democracy ...
Of course in other countries Malware might have found himself locked up for delivering corrupting copper and multi nodal folly around the country, consigning the country to expensive fix-ups for decades, conducted by his private sector mates, but that's another story ...
And now as the pond started with talk of missile defence, it feels right to end it with Rowe having a laugh about the way we're all going to die, thanks to the Donald and the supportive Malware going all in, with more Rowe fun here ...
Oh dear -
ReplyDeleteBubble always manages to get that bit of up-sell in, doesn't she. Every bit helps.
"We're continuing our assessment of the cost structure at News Australia... it is clear more work needs to be done, particularly given our reliance on print in that market," she said.
"In relation to the Australian newspapers, we haven't given out the number, we did say that they delivered $40 million in last financial year, we would expect it to be at least that in the coming year, albeit we did also mention they'll be reinvesting in growth."
From Amanda Meade's Grauniad column:
The Sky News Australia boss, Angelos Frangopoulos, has raised the stakes in the Murdoch empire’s latest war on the ABC by suggesting the government give the commercial media a chance to pitch for Aunty’s $1.4bn in annual funding.
Ol' Rupe must be going all socialista.