The pond was extremely reluctant to do an update this meditative Sunday...
It was just the usual bunch of Terrorists ... Akker Dakker, the Devine and petulant Peta, as unholy a triptych as any transubstantive trinitarian might imagine ... and none of them had the wit or imagination of our Gracie's call for the return of Petey boy ...
To update would send our Gracie's land above the faraway tree off into the digital back catalogue void, and what a loss and a shame that would be ...
Never mind, the faraway tree's mechanism is remorseless, life and lands keep revolving, and so it's time for other bizarre spectacles ...
Not the least of these is the way that Akker Dakker, in full homophobic fundamentalist Daesh mode, always seems to revert to a lifelong socialist for his talking points.
What is it with Akker Dakker's infatuation with George Orwell? Is it simply a desire to run up the bill for the Godwin's Law swear jar? Is there some deep dark affinity with Marxist thinking?
Is Akker Dakker himself a covert lifelong socialist, under deep cover at the Terror?
Oh dear, our Gracie has every reason to be worried.
'Bring back Petey boy' is a flickering candle in the wind up against Akker Dakker's incandescent Orwellian rage about teh gaez.
The fat owl of the remove is in splendid form, and that poignant plea to think of the little children moved the pond to tears, knowing it wouldn't have to worry about those naughty little recalcitrant poofter kids (and as for the satanic left-handed amongst us, let them go to hell too).
'Bring back Petey boy' is a flickering candle in the wind up against Akker Dakker's incandescent Orwellian rage about teh gaez.
The fat owl of the remove is in splendid form, and that poignant plea to think of the little children moved the pond to tears, knowing it wouldn't have to worry about those naughty little recalcitrant poofter kids (and as for the satanic left-handed amongst us, let them go to hell too).
As for 2 + 2 = 5, the pond almost didn't have the heart to tell the fat owl that Moir had already discovered that 1 + 1 = 3
And with the maths lesson out of the way, it was time to return to worrying about the children with Akker Dakker ... because there's nothing more pleasing to see than a moaning, whining bully berating and bullying others for being bullies ...
Truth? Um, that's Akker Dakker truth, which can be a little loose and slipshod in the Daesh fundamentalist way where minority bashing is a way of life ...
Let us revert to the socialist who sees all ...
Let us revert to the socialist who sees all ...
Put it another way ... if you want a picture of the future, imagine an Akker Dakker boot stamping on a gay face ... forever ...
Or another way ...
But for now it's back to the hate fest hysteria ...
What a relief.
It turns out that Akker Dakker is only there to sell Foxtel and the dark vision of Jane Campion ... does he know he's the unwitting stooge for a woman known to make very dubious and suspect films? Does Foxtel itself know? Is that a subversive feminist channel? Do people pay to imbibe feminism?
Why it's almost as wonderful as discovering Akker Dakker's a covert socialist working under deep cover ...
But time and the faraway tree press on, and now it's time for a dose of the Devine ... and this time the hate fest is devoted to Clinton.
The election is long over, more voted for her than the Donald (at least in the real world), the Donald is proven to be a fraud and an epic failure, so what else is left for the Devine, given that howling at the moon can only happen every so often, than to blame it all, once more and yet again, on Clinton ...
The election is long over, more voted for her than the Donald (at least in the real world), the Donald is proven to be a fraud and an epic failure, so what else is left for the Devine, given that howling at the moon can only happen every so often, than to blame it all, once more and yet again, on Clinton ...

It takes a truly perverse capacity to deny what everyone else saw in that debate and which was much commented on at the time, but never doubt the capacity of the Devine for the perverse.
It's like the irony fest of a clueless scold scolding Clinton for being a clueless scold ...
But at least it allows the pond to recycle an old cartoon ...
Speaking of bloated orange messes with a profound narcissist streak, the Devine amazingly manages to blame everyone for the Donald's current reign on everyone ... except the Donald.
It would be a remarkable feat for anyone living in a reality-based world... but not for the Devine or the Donald himself ...
Sure the Devine mentions a few errors, but she knows the real unprincipled villains ...

Some might be amazed that the Devine is a Bannon and Gorka lover, and probably shares the same nationalist supremacist tendencies.
But not the pond, we've been splashing on essence of Devine vitriole for years ...

And so to a couple more recycled cartoons ...
And now to the holy ghost in the triptych of Terrorists ...
Of late the Terrorists have been holding back petulant Peta, and putting Akker Dakker and the Devine front and centre ...
Dedicated Peta followers have to trek inside to discover the invisible one ...

Are even the reptiles tiring of burqa bashing?
This would seem a shame, especially as it was Peta's refusal to run that led to our Gracie's desperate plea for Petey boy to return.
Petulant Peta seems more at ease doing a Clockwork Orange on members of a religious cult ... though strangely the pond is still waiting for that header "The Catholic and Anglican churches are about the control and subjugation of complimentary women ... oh and you also score promises of pie in the sky in the sweet bye and bye ..."

There might be some a little startled to discover that petulant Peta is at heart a Hansonite, but not the pond ... it goes with the breed ...
As for the rest, it's just more of the same old shit about the Islamics getting a free mark while the Xians are persecuted ...
It never occurs to the likes of petulant Peta to ask a fundamental question in the land of the alleged fair go ...
If the garments of one set of cultists are banned, then are we going to do fair dibs, go French and full-frontal secularist and ban all signs of other cultists at work in the general community?
The pond doesn't mind, but until that's clarified, the pond senses that petulant Peta is being as gutless in this matter as she was in the affair which has resulted in our Gracie calling for the return of Petey boy ...

Ah the old Wahhabist rag ... and those damned Saudi Arabians. Who would do business with that wicked culture and support the oppression of women?
Well don't tell it to the pond, go shout at the hand ...
And so to the final gobbet, though it has to be said that the pond finds those images more terrifying than the one petulant Peta uses to arouse shock, horror and anger ...

Oh fuckety fuck, so little confidence in Australia that in a few years, the caliphate will be established and daughters or granddaughters will be wondering around in full-length black?
But once upon a time being cloaked in black was reckoned to be full-on sexy gear, especially with guns ...
Well it's been an exceptionally long and tedious trudge through the triptych of Terrorists, and the pond is desperately hoping that no one has forgotten our Gracie's poignant plea for Petey boy to come back and save us all from comrade Bill ... and gorgeous George.
So much for Petey boy to do ... reverse any gay marriage proposal if that survey comes out the wrong way, import Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka as domestic and foreign policy advisors, and ban those bloody burkas and give what for to any other irritating minority ... except of course the reptile commentariat.
And with that a couple of closing cartoons ...
Hmmm. I think somebody left Akker Dakker off the distribution list for the latest Catholic Boys' Daily rewrite of history. Dakker says: "...a nihilistic cult determined to teach our children that the great advances of the Enlightenment were either false or never existed ..."
ReplyDeleteOops. What then to say to the Bromancer when he declares: "... a consensus emerged that liberalism was a reaction against Christianity produced by the Enlightenment rejecting Christianity. Siedentop demolishes this view and demonstrates how liberalism grew directly out of the precepts and practices of Christianity itself."
Wau, he "demolishes" it ! Now kindly correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that sound just a teensy bit like the Bro is stating that the great advances of the Enlightenment were false or never existed ?
Not only, but also that it is all down to the 'Middle Ages' that were not a time of "darkness, but of scholarship and human development"
Now sure, anybody who thinks that the Middle Ages were a time of darkness is just a tad ignorant (they've never heard of Charlemagne for starters), but really "the great advances of the Enlightenment" actually did come from the Enlightenment, not from some Middle Ages popism.
:)³, though the pond does think it a teensy weensy optimistic of you GB to think that either Akker Dakker or the bromancer would have the capacity for logic and coherent argument ...
DeleteI just can't seem to get over that illusion, can I. No matter how often they prove your point.
DeleteBut I have to say that the Many Faces of a Dutton illustration reminded me, in a small way by comparison, of course - of Ron Tandberg's 'Two Faces of Malcolm Fraser' cartoon. Very effective too.
Pet Peta: " cannot control their sexual urges when they see a woman's lips, her cheeks or smile"
ReplyDeleteAnd her erotic ankles too: "1890s: Ankles - The Victorians may have raised necklines, but they were also adamantly against flaunting a bit of leg. Women wore stockings and very long skirts year-round to prevent even a sliver of ankle from peeking out. The legs of wooden tables were even covered because they too closely resembled a female's appendages."
"Thank you for not provoking my uncontrollable lust."
DP - thought you might like this. Our Gracie could be a bit naughty!