Credit where credit is due, and the pond honours the work of valiant Lloydie, given a splash in the tree killer edition and top of the page - or even the world - in the digital edition ...
And the pond honours the Terrorist's Tuesday attempt to provide the pond with distractions, as it continues deep in mourning for the Mooch gone missing, with only crossing the floor and the Caterists offered up as alternative sources of fun ...

It's pleasing to see that the arm-breaker's work is never done, and after his exemplary military service and sacrifice for his country - well there's no medal for battling taxi drivers and breaking their arms, but it's a noble duty all the same - how joyous that he should head out to break a few TG arms ...
Yes, if anyone's in a position to talk about weakened Western nations, it's someone bludging for life on a handsome parliamentary pension ...
Yes, if anyone's in a position to talk about weakened Western nations, it's someone bludging for life on a handsome parliamentary pension ...
And there was sweet Marcus, thoroughly alarmed, but truth to tell, the pond has been alert and alarmed for a long time ...how was it possible to try and deny Australia's terror threat after that epic dust up in Broken Hill?

And then there's Trove, where searching for Battle of Broken Hill produces a splendid array of hits ...
Okay, that's just by way of an extended tease...
Anyone who noted the header would have realised that the pond was going to pay heed to Moorice, unless they're in the habit of skipping any email heading of the Russian - Clinton kind before heading off to a meeting...
Anyone who noted the header would have realised that the pond was going to pay heed to Moorice, unless they're in the habit of skipping any email heading of the Russian - Clinton kind before heading off to a meeting...
It should go without saying that the pond was going to devote itself to the latest offering from one of the world's greatest climate scientists ...

Now please don't ask the pond to list Moorice's many scientific credentials, just read and absorb the lesson for the day ...

Oh okay, and given the way that Moorice berates crony capitalists, the pond will admit that Moorice knows whereof he scribbles ... see this short CV at Macquarie University here ...
The pond knew there was a reason it disliked Macquarie - but please, pay heed to the many, many scientific honours that have adorned Moorice's tremendous, illustrious career in science ... the CV positively groans under news of all his astonishing work ...
The pond knew there was a reason it disliked Macquarie - but please, pay heed to the many, many scientific honours that have adorned Moorice's tremendous, illustrious career in science ... the CV positively groans under news of all his astonishing work ...
The pond had another reason for introducing this bit of star-studded scientific CV padding.
You see, the second Moorice gobbet is distressingly short.
You see, the second Moorice gobbet is distressingly short.
Oh sure, it establishes a gigantic world conspiracy, no doubt funded by the United Nations as a way of introducing world government by Christmas ...

... but as the pond remembered while sitting down recently on a sentimental journey to re-watch Annie Hall, it was all over much too quickly.
Despite Allen's later disgrace, it's still a funny show, albeit one now with a remarkable period sheen to it, of lost times and lost tribes, and it began with a joke now aged, hoary and much repeated ...
Despite Allen's later disgrace, it's still a funny show, albeit one now with a remarkable period sheen to it, of lost times and lost tribes, and it began with a joke now aged, hoary and much repeated ...
There's an old joke. Uh, two elderly
women are at a Catskills mountain
resort, and one of 'em says: "Boy, the
food at this place is really terrible."
The other one says, "Yeah, I know, and
such ... small portions." Well, that's
essentially how I feel about life. Full
of loneliness and misery and suffering
and unhappiness, and it's all over much
too quickly.
And the same could be said of Moorice. Full of conspiracies and rage and shouting at clouds and climate scientists and much unhappiness, and yet it's all over much too quickly ...
There's another joke too ...
The other important
joke for me is one that's, uh, usually
attributed to Groucho Marx, but I think
it appears originally in Freud's wit and
its relation to the unconscious. And it
goes like this - I'm paraphrasing: Uh ...
"I would never wanna belong to any club
that would have someone like me for a
member." That's the key joke of my adult
life in terms of my relationships with
women. Tsch, you know, lately the
strangest things have been going
through my mind, 'cause I turned forty,
tsch, and I guess I'm going through a
life crisis or something, I don't know.
I, uh ... and I'm not worried about aging.
I'm not one o' those characters, you know.
Although I'm balding slightly on top, that's
about the worst you can say about me. I,
uh, I think I'm gonna get better as I get
older, you know? I think I'm gonna be the-
the balding virile type, you know, as
opposed to say the, uh, distinguished
gray, for instance, you know? 'Less I'm
neither o' those two. Unless I'm one o'
those guys with saliva dribbling out of
his mouth who wanders into a cafeteria
with a shopping bag screaming about
Wait for it, it's a slow build to that guy with saliva dribbling out of his mouth, wandering into the lizard Oz with a shopping bag screaming about international conspiracies and socialism ...
And so to the pond cartoon for the day ...
The pond has already noted this bizarre natural phenomenon, observed in South Australia recently, featuring a remarkable, motley gathering of crow eaters ...
The pond has already noted this bizarre natural phenomenon, observed in South Australia recently, featuring a remarkable, motley gathering of crow eaters ...

It came to the attention of Rowe, who sagely noted that there was something in the water that explained the phenomenon, with more sage Rowe available here ...
And now, with the pond still deep in mourning, it's simply unable to let go the Mooch - 2.738m hits and rising testify to the Mooch's star pulling power. Oh how he'll be missed ...
Well the Queen song has been done to death, but there's an equally great Mooch song by Cab Calloway.
A pond favourite and not just because of the Blues Brothers. Check out some of the many other times he did it too ...
Apparently he started doing it in 1930! Just love the YouTube logarithms and the old content ...
Well, the only take out I got from Moorice is that he has obviously worn out more trousers than any other Australian....a board room marathon man par excellence, and that he may well be still heavily invested in coal......and maybe a little bit panicked.
ReplyDeleteHow else can you explain that notion that nigh on everyone in the world is being played for the fool......except Moorice. The guy is a walking ticket dispensary!
Trump's 5.30am. tweet of "No WH chaos!" will go down in the annals of US history for fucking ever. I can't imagine all the bureaucrats, journalists and civilians being awakened by that one.
America needs a new pair of socks.....and possibly underpants immediately, and as for Australia, if that S.A. photo says anything, it is that windmills and water can only make you very miserable and I am looking forward to Moorice putting everything into perspective in the near future. Cheers.
I do wonder what drives some of these old bastards because they will be dead before the effects of global warming is more pronounced.
ReplyDeleteThe pity is that he will be long gone unless he is going to outlast Murdoch who is likely to survive like Methuselah.
In answer to the question of whether he was a climate change denier Newman replied: "I am an agnostic and I have always been an agnostic and I will remain and agnostic until I've found compelling evidence on one side or the other that will move me.".
ReplyDeleteHe isn't really a climate change agnostic. He's a climate change atheist without balls.
Talk about how loons of a feather stick together in their toxic misinformation swamp!
ReplyDeleteMorano is an all American loon
Check out his profile on the americanloons.blogspot
Check out some of the outfits that endorse his movie - such as the uber rightwing WorldNet Daily
Desmogblog has some good stuff on him too.
Thanks for the tip on the Americanloons site - quite informative indeed.