Please forgive the pond because part of the fun of the fair for reptile watchers is to see how the cute things repeat their tricks over and over again, like a kitten with a ball of wool ...
Anyone who wants to stroll down memory lane with prattling Polonius can head off to the pond here ... but the righteous, sanctimonious tone of that opening just about stands for the whole of it ...
The ABC's Peter Marsh, here, had the same fun with others after the Barners' affair erupted:
Marsh also did Labor, so anyone interested can head off to do the read, but inter alia, he also did One Nation:
Hubris ...
Oh it's rich stuff, and yet the pond said at the time that it was clear enough that the greenies had made a simple mistake and should accept the consequences ...
Now, by any fair-minded reckoning, it's equally clear that Barners made the same blue and should accept the consequences. Where's Polonius when we need his prattle?
In a way, it's easier for Barners, because he can re-contest the seat, but Tony Windsor's probably given him an attack of the vapours, though not so much as the vapours that have afflicted Malware and his government as they wonder where that extra vote might go.
In a way, it's easier for Barners, because he can re-contest the seat, but Tony Windsor's probably given him an attack of the vapours, though not so much as the vapours that have afflicted Malware and his government as they wonder where that extra vote might go.
Now for its lunch time treat, the pond would usually just run the Caterists - this day defending the banks, Malware and the rest of the usual, while abusing comrade Bill - and be done with it.
But what fun hubris is when the roosters come home to roost in Tamworth, and what joy it is to travel back in time to the comments section of the lizard Oz when the greenie bashers were in fully cry ...
No excuse, inexcusable, cry me a river?
It seemed so clear cut then. No doubt somewhere today in the lizard Oz pages, Sean is now yelling Cry Me a River at Barners, while Hayley is shouting Cry Me a River to Malcolm Roberts ...
On and on they ranted ...
What a laugh and what a hoot ...
A UN conspiracy of globalists? No, no, suddenly there's talk of a conspiracy with a foreign power, a dark devious conspiracy ...
A conspiracy of Kiwis? The NZ in ANZUS?
But Barners is a Kiwi.
We love the Kiwis!
What is this talk of a dastardly conspiracy involving devious foreign Kiwis?
A conspiracy of Kiwis? The NZ in ANZUS?
But Barners is a Kiwi.
We love the Kiwis!
What is this talk of a dastardly conspiracy involving devious foreign Kiwis?
The pond couldn't get enough of the hubris and the righteousness and the ironies, from a time not so long ago:
Can anyone see the comical irony?
Fuck it, and they couldn't even reference the Coen brothers properly, and who knows if Barners has ever worried about buying the TruCoat ...
Fuck it, and they couldn't even reference the Coen brothers properly, and who knows if Barners has ever worried about buying the TruCoat ...
Oh cry the pond a river of tears of laughter, one last burst of lizard Oz comments please ...
And now, speaking of stupid people and hoaxes, the pond confesses that by this point it had almost forgotten that today was Caterist day.
Almost. There he was as bold as brass ...
... and speaking of hubris and hypocrisy and cry the pond a river, how could the pond resist?
The Caterist idly talking about caring for workers' savings?
Almost. There he was as bold as brass ...
... and speaking of hubris and hypocrisy and cry the pond a river, how could the pond resist?
The Caterist idly talking about caring for workers' savings?

Of course it had to come, it's a pond ritual, and the pond, deeply conservative, loves its rituals ...
And what better moment to perform the ritual than when the Caterists berate union hacks for supplementing their salaries, when apparently the silly hacks haven't realised the very best way to supplement their salaries...

Government cash in the paw!
There you go, union hacks, that's how it's done, that's how to supplement your salary, and now you can read the rest of the Caterist piece, and learn, and be enlightened ...

Around this point some might be wondering how the Caterists can keep a straight face while defending the long-suffering banks, these responsible and disciplined listed companies, mercilessly having their mistakes punished ... a ritual slashing of bonuses which sees the head honcho on struggle street, barely getting by on $5.506 million for the 2016-2017 financial year ... while your average worker made out like a banking bandit ...
Shocking, this screen-scraping, but what can you do?
Meanwhile, the pond must remember its promise not to argue with the reptiles, but simply to absorb their lessons and achieve enlightenment.
How else to understand the way that the Caterists devined that this was the very best time to defend the big banks ...and attack comrade Bill, who for all the apparent confusion, is not actually in charge of the government ... at the precise moment when the CBA's nakedly outrageous behaviour has been revealed for all the world to see, to add to the outrageous behaviour the big four have been indulging in for years ...

Indeed, indeed, bring on a royal commission.
Let it look into superannuation and its assorted scandals, and let it look into the big banks, and perhaps, if it's got a moment to spare, it might help the pond understand just why the federal government is handing out grants to the Menzies Research Centre ...
You see, if the greenies have to cry a river, so should Barners, and if superannuation and unions should cry a river, so should the banks and the Caterists ...
And now, speaking of hubris and hypocrisy, it seems that the Donald finally realised his ratings were suffering outside the neo-Nazi movement, but if Rowe is to be believed, he's still doing well with the pointy heads, with more pointed Rowe here ...
Goosebumps: "It is no wonder that under pressure in 2015 to reform their governance practices by appointing independent directors, Labor and industry funds lobbied and succeeded -- in maintaining the status quo."
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Now Tones Yabbott was PM from 18th Sep 2013 until 15 Sep 2015 and Malfeasance Trumble has been PM since then. So just who did "Labor and industry funds" lobby ? And how, and why, did their lobbying "succeed" ? Has the LNP and its lackeys been remiss ? Did Biil and the boys get away with bad things right under their noses ?
And why is Goosebumps the Unctuous suppressing this information ? And why is he inserting long dashes -- where they make no sense ?
Christine*...Global virtue signalling? Is that when everyone in the world simultaneously pokes each other in the right eye? Or is that the left eye?
ReplyDeleteSo little time and so much to learn.
Rowe's Nazi jackboots and the golden bed slippers are a nice highlight to the historical carnality.
All to no avail, DP. Those commenters would have forgotten what they wrote shortly after posting.