With the arrival of Dame Slap on a Saturday, the pond's schedule has become very crowded.
There's simply no time to indulge in usual reptile pleasures, even when as surely as Al Gore releases another film, the Lomborg will respond with his own patented brand of manufactured concern and ostentatious obfuscation ...
And what about our Gracie?
Sheesh, that sounds so bloody weird the pond might be compelled to take a look ...
The pond loves it when Lomborg talks dirty, or talks of realistic, sensible strategies, which seem to involve diminishing the risks to a trifle and the actions required to a piffle, but the pond finds it even more kinky when Dame Slap purports to be a liberal, embarked on something she calls the liberal project.
This is the way it goes in the world, with war meaning peace, and arch right-wing conspiracy theorists and Donald lovers suddenly parading as liberals ... when in fact what they want to do is kvetch ...
The pond loves the notion of kvetching ...
... and sure enough there's plenty of kvetching, and bugger all sounding liberal with a small 'l'...

There it is, in all its bizarreness, the notion of Dame Slap as a liberal ...
What on earth does she make of being cheek by jowl this day with Troy?
Never mind, we know the real point of the Dame Slap exercise:
So it's on with the kvetching ... and what a litany of kvetch it is ...

It really is a hoot, this notion that somehow Dame Slap is part of a liberal movement - presumably the lizard Oz is some kind of rag for small 'l' liberals ...
But we all know what it's really about, and how Dame Slap transforms herself like a Morris...
Okay liberals, get on with the kvetching ...

Labelling people as Stalinists is going to bring them together? Calling Troy a Stalinist will produce harmony amongst the reptiles?
This is liberalism with a small 'l' at work?
Oy vey, and now the pond simply must interrupt proceedings with a Rowe, with more Rowe here ...

That spurting red in the Rowe might be thought a little exaggerated but in the old days they loved a bit of the crimson gore ...
And so Rowe joins a long line of pieta worshippers ...

But surely this pieta is the most Peta of all ...
That interlude was designed to blow away the plodders, so that the stayers would have their reward ... a taste of the dog botherer ...

The pond loves it when a minor war criminal, one who assisted the federal government of the day in their Iraq folly, talks of making better history ...
It's probably not very likely he's talking about this ...
Never mind, let's move on from when helping commit war crimes was a government job, and just a career, to the time when writing columns for the lizard Oz about making better history became a passion ...

Oh sheesh, it's the same old same old ...
And what a surprise, the old kvetch was a bit like the Iraq war, so we need some new kvetching ...

Amazing really, how it's always all the fault of Labor and the greenies, and nothing to do with the poisoned chalice the onion muncher devised for Malware, which Malware drank from wholeheartedly because he left his spine somewhere in an op shop and never could find it again ...
That's the problem with making better history, when the remembrance of the old history is so fucked, clueless and one-sided, as if Comrade Bill somehow tranced Malware and forced him to settle on the third-best option of a postal survey ...
Just who is governing the country? Can't be the New Zealanders, they've had gay marriage since August 2013, and they signed the Treaty of Waitangi back in February 1840, and way back when they settled on Māori seats...
Perhaps we should give the Kiwis ago, as opposed to listening to a partisan player kvetching about partisan players ...
Well the good news is that we're almost at the end of an epic bout of kvetching, almost as arduous as a full day's farnarkeling ...

Yep, go tell that to the Iraqis given the job of making better history ... after the war criminals moved on to their real passion...
Meanwhile, Rowe prepared a delicious repast which suggests that perhaps the Kiwis are the answer for any impending food crisis.
Just remember to bring an appropriate red and head off to Rowe here for another quaffing session ...
Just remember to bring an appropriate red and head off to Rowe here for another quaffing session ...

Sometimes there is just nothing worth saying even about the spoutings of Dame Slap and The Great Kenny-Kvetch.
ReplyDeleteThough I do like DoggyB's idea of "making better history" - and we have the instruction manual for how to do that already provided by Eric Blair. The very recipe that the Bromancer used (in conjunction with Larry Siedentop) just yesterday.