A single nasty poster?
Oh wait, comparing gays to the SS is just a jolly jape amongst chums ...
Never mind, the pond's tradition of ignoring the Bolter continues ...
The pond suspects the Bolter only wrote the column so he could show off the poster in question and maintain a stream of invective, hurled at teh gays and anyone associated with teh gays, including wet Nick, and never mind his noble work peddling coffin nails to the masses ...
The pond suspects the Bolter only wrote the column so he could show off the poster in question and maintain a stream of invective, hurled at teh gays and anyone associated with teh gays, including wet Nick, and never mind his noble work peddling coffin nails to the masses ...
Well the pond isn't going to show off the poster - though it always allows room for Bill Leak, peddler of hate - and instead thought some good news might be worth celebrating ...
Not that the pond much cares, having just installed a Chromecast in the kitchen to stay in touch with alternative media sources ...
Still any slap in the face for the Murdochians is worth a sip on the old carrot juice ... now let's see how craven the Tories are when it comes to the Sky bid ...
Meanwhile, it wasn't just the Bolter getting agitated in his bat-crazy, unhinged way about Nick and the poster - to borrow a few modest terms used by the Bolter to stimulate reasoned, rational debate.
As usual, the Bolter was bludging his blog posting from the lizards of Oz, and they were up in arms reporting on the cruel fate of a fundie Xian at the hands of their ABC ...
As usual, the Bolter was bludging his blog posting from the lizards of Oz, and they were up in arms reporting on the cruel fate of a fundie Xian at the hands of their ABC ...
Is it any wonder that the pond followed the Bolter's lead, and did the same?
Yes, the sooky Christians are bunging on a do. At any other time, if anyone else carried on like this sort of pork chop, the reptiles would be shouting at them to harden the fuck up ...
Instead there was much murmuring and lamentation at the wickedness of the ABC ...
The sadness in all this of course was that for years, fear of the hate, the bigotry and the homophobia prevented Thorpe from coming out, despite the persistent rumours.
Anyone wanting to do a Greg Hunt can find talk of sexuality and depression, and links to this sort of dissembling back in 2006:
Anyone wanting to do a Greg Hunt can find talk of sexuality and depression, and links to this sort of dissembling back in 2006:
Just 20 and with no media training, he showed his mettle by the way he parried nasty questions about his sexual orientation.
"I'm a little bit different to what most people would consider being an Australian male," he said. "That doesn't make me gay. I mean I'm straight. "I have interests in things most people don't label as being part of the macho male thing."
With extraordinary ease, he simultaneously managed to preserve his privacy, maintain his dignity and not offend either the gay or straight communities. (here at L'Age).
If you're a sports personality, there's a good reason to fear the lash of the bigoted homophobia that runs deep in certain sections of the community - count the number of out players in the AFL or boofhead thugby league - where the best that might be hoped for is an intolerant 'don't ask, don't tell' attitude ...
Confronted with a little robust gotcha questioning, the namby pamby weak-kneed sooky Xians tend to go to water.
They relish the snide observation, and are quite cheerful about offering eternal damnation in hell, but it seems a few questions from an ABC interviewer is a form of apocalyptic abomination that's beyond them ... they can't cope and run off crying out to big government ...

It was a simple enough question, and it exposed hypocrisy, and that was the real crime ...
But speaking of people still being unable to come out, what to make of this twitter war currently doing the rounds?
A lot of damage has been done to the psyche and the soul, not just of individuals but of the country, thanks to the fundamentalist bigots at work in religion, including but not limited to Xians, as Islamics and fundamentalist Jews are much the same, and then there's the valiant media, with the Bolter and the Murdochian lizards of Oz also playing their part over the years...
So many warped and unhappy people, spreading the warping and the bitterness wherever and however they can ... dressing up their abuse as to PC thinking ... so the dog botherer can head out into the world and talk of "love" as a kind of abusive word, as in the "love" media ...
Well, that leaves the "hate" media, and the unanswerable question ... "WWJT" about this sort of hate machine?
"... the fundamentalist bigots at work in religion, including but not limited to Xians, as Islamics and fundamentalist Jews are much the same ..."
ReplyDeletePlus Hindus and even Buddhists, it seems. Especially those who follow the Dalai Lama.
And that just about covers it for 'major' religions, totalling about 5176 million nominal adherents. Then there is Chinese Traditional (about 394 million according to Wiki).
Lastly there's all those Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheists (about 1100 million) and who knows what they think. Apart from thee and me, that is.