Sunday, August 20, 2017

In which Miranda the Devine and Akker Dakker deal with religious symbols ...

(Above: while sequestered from the intertubes, the pond also missed its daily dose of Rowe, with more supplies here).

The pond missed many things in its short time in modem hell, what with peak stupid being cranked up to eleven almost every day, but still the resonances linger, and so the Sunday Terror provided a chance to catch up, thanks to the very best reptile minds seeking to ferret out the deeper significance of things, in particular religious symbols and coverings ...


Talk about an exemplary pairing - the Devine splashing on her essence of vitriole, while Akker Dakker spares a moment from the tuckshop for a yaroop garooah perspective ... 

Could there be any better way to achieve enlightenment when it comes to matters of garb and dress?

Not even a working modem.

But when it actually came to the Devine header, the pond began to feel a faint sense of alarm, the queasy sense of a boat in uneasy motion upon an uneasy ocean ...

Now the Devine has been here before ...

That was prompted by Bronnie's and Stephen Parry's suggestion that a burqa-wearer sit in the glassed-off section for schoolchildren in the federal parliament ...

And so to the current fuss ...

This began to sound eerily, alarmingly like the pond, right down to the illustration. 

The pond has many a time compared religious dressings, though it hasn't sought refuge in a doll when there are so many real-life examples of funny garb over the years ...

And the pond just loves seeing nuns with Liberace, or nuns with guns ...

But no matter how you dress it, the pond is alarmingly in the same tent as the Devine. 

As a devout secularist atheist determined to burn in hell for all eternity, or at least have ashes scattered in Tamworth, the pond would be happy to see the burqa banned, but it would have to be on a fair dibs basis ...

This would mean getting rid of all those stupid fish symbols on cars for starters, which frequently send the pond into a road rage even worse than when it sees a 'baby on board' sign, the pond fancying itself as something of a baby when it comes to avoiding a prang ...

And those stupid smirking Scientologists shoving money down the throats of already filthy rich cultists could be forced off the street ...

Oh all sorts of religious garb could go, including men wearing very silly hats ...and beards ...

But what would happen to the pond's witty, clever atheist T-shirts, which always attract attention and flattering secular comments in the King street Newtown promenade?

Being a barking mad fundamentalist Catholic, the Devine could recognise the issue, and could see the chance of gay-bashing being treated as some kind of manifestation of Daesh fundamentalism ...

Yes, there are important freedoms, including the freedom to be deluded and the freedom to be a bigot and a homophobe ...

It was an awkward experience, and so the pond turned to Akker Dakker for answers ...

Of course. Why didn't the pond think of it? 

Blame Labor and the greenies, and a burqa-clad woman, and make cheap jokes about the burqa-clad form ... after all, who knows if those mincing nancy boys are really men or women?

Ah trust Akker Dakker to deliver the goods.

Conflating and confusing forms of dress in which some see religious significance and a set of cultural values with vestments and sacred robes, as apparently the only form of religious garment allowed, is a masterstroke ... and likely to send off Greg Hunters to read up on the Burqa and its perceived religious significance ...

No doubt Akker Dakker is furious whenever he sees an anti-abortion sticker on some fundamentalist Xian vehicle and smashes the windscreen as payback ...

That's why following up his confusion about religious garb, symbols and messages with a tirade about Saudi Arabia proves the fat owl's genius.

Or irrationality. The pond understands that some think genius and irrationality are inextricably linked to produce the artistic imagination.

The pond was now hoping and expecting that the fat owl would unleash a rant about fundamentalist Daesh thinkers refusing to allow gay marriage, or accept climate science ...

Sadly the best that Akker Dakker could do was discover that many people don't like face coverings ...

It should go without saying that the pond doesn't have any time for facial coverings,  and hopes at some point it might get mentioned in Snopes regarding facial covering jokes ...

Never mind, slowly but surely, Akker Dakker works himself around to cheering on Pauline ...

Actually what they stood and cheered was the notion of religious freedom and a refusal to demonise delusional people who believe in meaningless gods, for who amongst us at some point hasn't believed in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny ... and who amongst us hasn't at some point been as stupidly bigoted and as ignorant as Akker Dakker?

Never mind, it's been a truly rich week, and the pond feels blessed to be back, with good old Barners, the Tamworth Kiwi the source of much fun ...

And now pure essence of Rowe. At last the pond can get back to taking shots straight into the eyeball, with more Rowe here ...


  1. Miranda: "As Tony Abbott has said, it's not the role of government to tell people what to wear."

    So how come that is exactly what governments - including Abbott's - do. Can i walk naked down the street, or has the government told me what i must wear ? Did women ever wear 'neck-to-knee' on the beach because that's what "government" told them they must wear ? And do men remember the not so little 'skirt' that used to be mandatory on men's cossies so that no trace of their genitals was visible ?

    And has Tony never heard of the Sumptuary Laws ?

    Oh sorry, I forgot - nothing wrong in the world was ever initiated or caused by "the Right". So once again it must have been the 'cultural Marxists' who infiltrated the American pilgrims and as far back as ancient Greece too.


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