The pond wanted to start the day by admiring the cash in the paw techniques of the Murdochians, celebrated at the ABC here ...and here ... and elsewhere by the Fairfaxians here...
30 million smackeroos in the paw, and not a document in sight ...
By golly, the pond could sense the Caterists weeping tears of envy ...and no doubt the lizards of Oz will be enraged at this outrageous example of a pandering boondoggle ... and if you click your heels three times, you might end up in Kansas ...
By golly, the pond could sense the Caterists weeping tears of envy ...and no doubt the lizards of Oz will be enraged at this outrageous example of a pandering boondoggle ... and if you click your heels three times, you might end up in Kansas ...
And so to the duty of the day. Each week it befalls the savvy Savva to explain Malware and his agonies to the nation, and each week it then falls to the pond to marvel at the Savva's skills ...
As usual, the reptile splash is hopelessly misleading, suggesting ruptures and riffs and alienation and despair ...
Never be buddies? Oh surely not, surely they're team players ...
The google splash is much more to the point, suggesting that Barners and the mutton Dutton are pining for Malware and pinning their hopes on him ...
The google splash is much more to the point, suggesting that Barners and the mutton Dutton are pining for Malware and pinning their hopes on him ...
It sounded like another first class missive, direct from Malware's desk ... and how essential is that in these troubled times, with the reptiles raging at recent moves to turn the mutton Dutton into a latter-day all-powerful, monstrous Beria ...
Well the onion muncher had spoken out against the move in his usual way, so naturally the bromancer had a case, while it seems that the matter is so dire and chilling, the Terrorists felt the need to put it cheek by jowl with the ABC's shocking war on Xianity ...
Talk about promises to keep and miles to go before she sleeps, and so Savva trudged off to see the woods fill up with snow, the only other sound the sweep of Barner's rake tackling all the flake ...
The pond reached for a hankie. It could sense it wasn't in the presence of The Odd Couple or even the latest hideous dud version of the Lone Ranger, but more a Sirkian weepie of the Imitation of Life kind ...though perhaps the title for The Tarnished Angels is more evocative of the various dramas set to unfold, the confessions, the suffering ...
You see over at the Terror, they were agog at the way that Barners had revealed the depths of his emotional awareness and caring ...
Of course if you want the GQ interview raw and undiluted by reptile rippers, you could have headed off here, but the pond must return to the savvy Savva for more of the saga ...
By golly, the pond could feel a rousing huzzah rising like gorge in its throat, as Captain Turnbull led the team out on to No 1 oval (a paddock!?), with Barners trotting behind, and the cry 'coal or death' as those bastards from West Tamworth threatened to ruin it all for the mighty City ...
Sorry, the pond drifted off into senility for a moment, which often happens when the savvy Savva produces an acid flashback ...
How tragic that Malware should be accused of caving in to the right - what a spine he has - and how good it is there is such rich harmony between him and his vice-captain after their blue out the back of Maguires ...
Um, if you want Barners' keys, why not try under the flower pot, as the pond heads back to the savvy Savva for one last try at understanding this odd couple ...
You see, it's all been a dreadful mistake, these rich misunderstandings of Malware's new super ministry, and the nation's saviour, the mutton Dutton.
The savvy Savva has been explaining the move for months, and Malware has been discussing it for months, and it's certainly not reckless ...
The savvy Savva has been explaining the move for months, and Malware has been discussing it for months, and it's certainly not reckless ...

Ah yes, just what Malware needed ... more of the mutton Dutton ravaging the countryside, while the onion muncher gets out, and returns to talking to himself about himself ...
More here with working links ...but singing of reckless, as the Savva does ...
Hear the captain blow his whistle
So long the onion muncher's been away
Malware misses their early morning wrestle
On No. 1 oval
Such a very happy way to start the day
He just loves that kind of behaviour
So, take up your guns
And be so reckless
Take up your guns
And be so ...
Feel like Scott of the Antarctic
Base camp too far away
Onions in such short supply
A Russian sub beneath the Arctic
No onion peeler handy
Burke and Wills and camels initials in the tree
Onions buried out of sight over the way
He just loves that kind of behaviour
So, take up your guns
And be so reckless
Take up your guns
And be so reckless
Or some such thing. The pond loves the smell of napalm and a new Sheriff of Nottingham in the morning to look after the interests of Sir Guy of Gisbourne, Point Piper and parts thereabouts ...
By golly, the flashbacks are kicking in hard this morning, but not so hard as this Rowe cartoon, with more excellent crusader Rowe here ...
turn the mutton Dutton into a latter-day all-powerful, monstrous Beria ...
ReplyDeleteWell if he is, then maybe Mal should be very careful; wasn't Beria credited with assassinating Stalin ? And would Barners turn out to be the Australian Khrushchev ?