(Above: so many immortal Popes, with fresher Popes here, but not fresh enough. Come back Pope!)
The pond usually tries to preserve a light tone, but every so often, the Klan of reptiles manages to get the pond's goat, and no more so than when the reptiles start to have anxiety attacks about the speed of the NBN ...
The pond is having its own anxiety attack, as the looming day of the NBN's arrival in Camperdown draws near.
It'll still be the same old useless HFC, but as a result of the NBN taking the cables over, any fools who were silly enough to be using ADSL will now be forced on to the wretched fibre, and the odds are that the service will deteriorate ...
Changing re-sellers will do nothing to fix the situation ... and so the pond, like others in the street, will be caught between a rock and a hard place, with the useless, unfixable copper abandoned, and the useless, wretched HFC made the substitute for a proper fibre connection.
All this was foreseen long ago, and prophesied, and ignored by the reptiles anxious to protect Foxtel and old media ...
Why does this particular Murdochian Klansman seriously piss off the pond so?
Well you can bet your bottom dollar Malware will cop mention as to why the NBN is fucked, but the man who made him do it - the onion muncher - never gets a guernsey, and all the naysayers at News Corp who helped fuck it up are certain to get off scot free ...
The pond has been banging on about this since heaven knows when ... look back to 27th August 2009 when that addle-brained, cocaine-whacked Akker Dakker was blathering on about the ugliness of cables, and the pond wrote it up ...
There are some still functioning links to Akker Dakker in that post, but he wasn't the only one.
All the reptiles were at it, Miranda the Devine, the Bolter, and the lizards of Oz, and rarely would a day go by when the reptiles didn't launch an attack on the notion of FTTH ... and moan about why anyone thought high speed broadband mattered, or what was wrong with FTTN or won't someone think of ugly cables or much other monstrous dissembling shyte too exhausting for the pond to think about or recount yet again here ...
The pond kept writing it all up, but it's only comfort was the incredible work of infallible cartoonist Pope, pillorying and puncturing these pathetic, fellow travelling, lickspittle failures ...
And now the reptiles have the cheek to moan about how the NBN doesn't seem to be working ...
Say what? It's becoming apparent that the NBN has some serious flaws and there will be a huge challenge ahead.
It's becoming apparent, you fucking dodo? Where were you way back when?
Well fuck all that, and particularly fuck all the right wing ratbags in News Corp who have ended up costing Australian taxpayers billions by encouraging a second rate, half-arsed structure that will be worth two and sixpence when they finally get around to trying to privatise it ...
Yes, it was you reptiles, you who orchestrated the campaign to produce this monstrous fuck-up, and now you want to moan about how it's fucked?
What is all this "previously revealed by The Australian" shit?
Suddenly you're in to revelations about how fucked it is? What about all your revelations about how unnecessary it was, and how FTTN would be fine, or perhaps a string and sealing wax connection would do the job?
As previously revealed many times by the pond, the Murdochian reptiles have encouraged, nay insisted, that this debacle roll out in the form we now see ...
This desolation alley is their work, and yet they don't seek to claim it, instead hurling insults at all the other cackling geese involved in this gigantic folly?
Well fuck them, and particularly fuck their bold as brass righteous effrontery, more front than bloody Myers in their cheeky inability to front up and take credit for their dire, shameless work ...
And a spokesperson for the Murdochians and the reptiles of News Corp has now spoken to Australians and apologised for the broken, lousy, inferior, soon to be obsolete NBN they insisted be installed country-wide?
In your dreams ...
The pond isn't in the business of "it told you so", and even if it wanted to be, usually it hasn't been around long enough for its dire predictions to come to pass ...
But in the case of the NBN, it did tell the reptiles so, and it has come to pass ...
The HFC is a young NBN access technology?
It's as old as the fucking hills, though the hills are a damn sight more useful ...
But the pond doesn't blame the cackling geese who have carried out the onion munching Malware follies ...
The pond blames the facilitators, the enablers, the wastrels and Murdochian ratbags who have, through word and deed, cost this country billions and set it back decades ...
If they keep writing about how the NBN is a waste of money, the pond might take to mentioning each day how spending money on the Murdochians is worse than a waste of money ... it's rewarding the luddites for fucking the NBN, and so the country ...
There's more than just tax avoidance and getting useless films financed by the taxpayers at work here ... and instead of sitting down to watch the wretched Alien Covenant, the pond is back on fury road ...
Bugger - Ludlam was on your side regarding broadband
Soon we will just have hillbillies with no clue about technology
I dunno, DP, I reckon Malfeasance would have found a way to stuff the NBN up with or without any directives from an Onion Muncher. We just don't seem to have any kind of professional and competent government at any level - Federal down to local - in Australia. Way too many careerists and grifters.
ReplyDeleteThis could be significantly ameliorated by a professional and competent Public Service, but no relief there: the days of "Nugget" Coombs and his like are long gone. To have any kind of meritocracy, you've got to have just a teensy bit merit to start with.
So, "don't get angry, get even" they say. But even with who, how ?
"Don't agonise, organise" they say. But who to organise to do what ?
So down and down the slippery slope we slide ...
Sadly GB, the way that the NBN works, the problem isn't just get even or get organised, there's not even a way to just avoid ...the monopoly structure herds all the sheep on to the one set of cables, with consequent deterioration in performance, and no way to avoid it ...the literature promises 40 up and a 100 down ... well, we'll see about that ...
DeleteWhile I have much sympathy for your trials and tribulations, DP, it is tempered by the sense of dread I have for when it's my turn to be sucked into "the monopoly structure".
Delete[sigh] when I think that just under two years ago was when Telstra forced me to stop using dialup and convert to ADSL ... but don't call me a luddite, I could never aspire to Ned Ludd's level of social activism.