Malware has just been snapped strutting the stage with some of the world's most important political leaders, at the heights of their dizzying careers, and with only eyes and ears for him ...
But that hasn't stopped the mealy-mouthed knockers, doom and neigh sayers back home indulging in ritual Malware bashing ... with petulant Peta front and centre in this day's Terror ...

Forget the onion muncher?!
This seems a strange injunction, because the one thing that the onion muncher doesn't want is to be forgotten ... indeed, the onion muncher each day makes sure that he and his fervent climate denialism can't be forgotten ...

Now the pond mocks the eastern suburbs as much as the average loon, but it's hard to imagine that all of the flats in Bondi Junction are full of the indulgent rich ... (there's a pdf of the electoral map here).
Even worse, beyond the usual Peta whiff of sour vinegary grapes, there's more than a hint of class warfare.
Badmouth Toorak as a haven for rich toffs, and the Bolter and the HUN would be up in arms.
Indeed in Sydney, the Terror takes a very severe attitude to class warfare ...
Never mind, it's on with petulant Peta as she launches a classic class-war scare campaign against the wicked Malware ...

It doesn't take much decoding to work out the climate denialism at the heart of petulant Peta's piece, matched by the Terror's trotting out of the usual image of dangerous greenie activists doing their dastardly worse ...

There's also more of coulda, woulda, shoulda, as petulant Peta seems to be saying that she and the onion muncher got it wrong, and really should have been open and honest about their climate denialism these past fifteen years ...
Strange, wasn't there going to be five hundred bucks off power bills, and a land of milk and honey and knighthoods as a result of their time in power?

How long will petulant Peta, the onion muncher and the rest of the Murdochian climate denialist mob keep trotting out guff about dinkum Oz coal?
How many times will the pond have to read about deep scepticism about "climate theology" ... when in reality petulant Peta has about the same knowledge of science as the onion muncher eating flesh and blood, and chanting around the transubstantive altar in the dark cave of bloody-minded, festering ignorance.
How long have you got? Set aside a hundred years or so, but also spare a moment for a joke about Malware as an agile innovator, with more Pope here (and time enough for him to return from whatever other papal business he's been doing).

Meanwhile, Akker Dakker has been busy in the Terror this day too, though he's moved his metaphors from toff bashing to turkey stuffing ...

Oh and the pond thought it should honour that 'harden the fuck up' contribution from the empathetic Miranda the Devine before moving on to snorting a little of the white powder with Piers ...

Well that's it. The fat owl of the remove has spoken ... though funnily enough the Terror has been down the turkey path before ...
And by golly that's not a bad match for the illustration accompanying the fat owl of the remove's story ...

Ah Godwin, he never gets old, not when celebrating a Labor-lite socialist pinko silver bullet pervert...
Now there's nothing in the fat owl's rant that requires exposition or expansion, while about the only thing that could be worse than showing the dastardly greenie activist agenda at this moment would be a snap linking Malware with former Chairman Rudd and "born to run" Swannie ...

No doubt Akker Dakker intended his question to spur on the reader, but anyone with half a clue about Akker Dakker knows it's a rhetorical device. The only way the downward spiral of this spin cycle could be reversed is if Malware crashes and burns like a stuffed turkey in an Xmas hamper ...
Besides, the pond already had a cartoon to hand which provided the answer ...

Oh dear, that's unfair. What Akker Dakker was working himself up to saying was either metaphysical or a thugby league coach in action:
Think the onion muncher, feel the onion muncher ...
Be the onion muncher ...

Frankly you'd have to be a bit of a sucker to follow Akker Dakker's suggestions ... the moderates in control in NSW are terrified that with a bit of branch stacking ("branch building" if you will), they might have to deal with dozens of onion munchers racing about running the party, and making Genghis Khan seem like a genuinely moderate Liberal candidate ... (The Conversation here).
Like every other aspect of Liberal government, be it useful genuine internal reform or climate science, it's become part of the proxy war ..
How long will the war go on? How long have you got?
The pond suggests setting aside a hundred years or so. Here's Joe Aston in the AFR back in October 2016 ...
... which just leaves room for a cartoon about that other theological war ...
We really seem to have a Greek chorus of reptiles going here. Certainly, the Pet Pet has learned the script by heart.
ReplyDeleteAs to the "thousand coal fired power plants" trope (such a lovely round number), I like to compare this report of 2012: "More than 1,000 new coal plants planned worldwide, figures show" [ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/nov/20/coal-plants-world-resources-institute ]
with this report of 2016: "Plans for coal-fired power plants drop by almost half in 2016" [ http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-39342818 ]
Ah, those 'alternate facts' and 'fake news' items are everywhere one looks.
Note to Petulant Peta:
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of complete and utterly useless deadshits you deniers are.
"Global warming, which became climate change when things didn't go quite to plan". What the ??!! Work with me here Peta. Back in 1988 an organisation called the "Intergovernmental Panel on CLIMATE CHANGE" was formed ... note the last two words in the name. If you could be bothered googling it you'd find the term was first used formally in 1956 by a physicist, Gilbert Plass. That's 60 years ago Pet.
So ... when did you think Global Warming didn't 'go to plan' and the 'Left' had to start saying climate change ? Nah, bugger it, on second thoughts Peta, don't bother answering ... your research skills are demonstrably as weak as piss so best to stay silent rather than be thought a fool ... oh, wait.
No, no Bagga, the key point is actually the bit at the end of that sentence by Pet Pet, viz: "[Global warming]...is the battering ram for the Left to gain political ascendancy around the world."
DeleteSee, the reptiles have had to give up their beloved 'Monckton Plot' about "global warming" being a United Nations design to establish a New World Order and One World Government - basically because it eventually became obvious that Monckton was a nut case - and so now we're back to old familiar ground where it's all a devious plan to establish "Left" dominance around the world. Though I think that Moorice and Dame Slap still believe Monckton in their heart of hearts.
So, Pet Pet has to start on the "Left's plan for world ascendancy" conspiracy theory. I'm waiting with bated (and baited) breath to see which reptile is next to push the new orthodoxy.
After all, Calaphas and the Pharisees were all rabid "Lefties" you know, and Pontius Pilate was just the feckless Malcolm Turnbull of that era.
Yep, think you nailed it Bleen.
DeleteMy money's on Polonious to step up to the plate on this one. The silly old fool (shouldn't go in too hard, I am one myself) has a unique skill in being able to effortlessly delude himself at every turn. The man's argued for decades that the Left is sledgehammering away at Western Civilisation so yeah taking the step up to Battering Ram would be a no brainer for the Socialists. Probably being workshopped in the CFMEU Command Bunker as we speak.
The ascendancy of the Left's commie Caliphate will soon follow.