The pond realises that the reptiles frequently bang on about the same things like a bush chorus in Dad and Dave ... or even a bush symphony ...
It's hard to do an arrangement of the standard tunes to produce anything other than the standard noise.
The bromancer is one of the best in the band, but the pond is always getting distracted ... after all there's nothing like a colonial assassination to set the Fenian heart racing ...

Dammit, that talk of the reptiles taking a bigger view is a bit of unseemly, unfortunate forelock tugging.
What, Islamics v. Christians in a final epic battle for the soul of western civilisation and Christendom and Santa Claus? There must be some other motivation, right?

Uh huh, he's flogging a book, and he was off doing it in Fairfax some thirteen days ago, pitching the story to Carolyn Webb in 'The Duke is shot!' The day a royal was gunned down in Sydney ...
Well good luck to him and the book, but that creepy crawling to the reptiles, and the notion that modern life is shallow - up against what the pond's Irish and German ancestors experienced during the days of good Queen Victoria - made the pond despatch Mr Harris forthwith to the history sin bin ...
And then there was the temptation of the Bolter, outraged at the fate of the Pellists and Christianity, all thanks to the wretches at the ABC ...

Now the pond rarely does the Bolter ... as an alleged agnostic, he regularly sounds like he's a big fan of the Latin mass, and all the rest of the fundamentalist nonsense, and any minute now the pond expects him to turn and announce his conversion to Rome, Pellist sub-division ...

Indeed, indeed, way off in the United States ...
What need to pay attention to events way off in the United States, when it would be better for all to pay attention to the thoughts of those way off in Rome, celebrating ancient camel herders and fisher folk way back when... way off in Palestine ...
The pond feels much the same about the way the way off Dutch sent the Bolter to way off Australia ... what do they care of the plague they visited on the way off land?
And how remarkable that the Victorian police, in a truly extraordinary and elaborate conspiracy and sting, should have beguiled Pell back to Australia - in a way the Royal Commission could never manage - so that the Catholic church could be traduced by the ABC ...
With that opening mix of paranoia and fear and loathing, the pond knew that there was no choice but to turn to the bromancer, especially as the donnybrook continues with the mutton Dutton, former chairman Rudd and the onion muncher all in vigorous battle this day.
Forget the mellifluous French horns. They might be tricky to keep tuned, but the pond immediately thought of trombones, and perhaps a pompous Dutton tuba, and the bromancer as a shrieking trumpet ...

Indeed, indeed, why the onion muncher was fiercely opposed to the idea as recently as the 7th June 2017, as recorded in Abbott supports calls for super terror agency:

Oh it's all the fun of the fair in the bush symphony, and the pond was reminded of the bizarre sight of a young Frank Zappa, with no hair and neat suit, doing Varese and musical bicycles with Steve Allen way back in 1963, here ...
But enough of this talk of John Cage and Stockhausen, it's back to the shrieking trumpet ..

It's all jolly good stuff, but wouldn't it be simpler if the trumpet shrieked "if Malware's for it, then the trumpet and the onion muncher is agin it ..."

Indeed, indeed, it's much better to have the consistency and coherence of the onion muncher, an exemplar to all ...
And so, with that bromancer tune still playing in the noggin, the pond decided to rock back to the Bolter, fiercely defending evangelicals and angry Anglicans and no doubt exceptionally happy with the idea of complimentary women ...
The pond rarely pays attention to the Bolter, in much the same way that it takes a special skill to get a concerto for bass drums to provide a lot of variation (though the pond has a soft spot for Bartok's Music for strings, percussion and celesta - catch it in a noisy old Solti recording here).

Now the Bolter is adept at a bit of bashing of women and blacks and Islamics, and he was in fine form this day ...

... but if Baird is so wrong, where's the Bolter's evidence for his own claim that "Christianity actually saves women from abuse?"
If that's the case, why was domestic abuse so widely accepted and indulged in, even in the days when Xianity ruled the roost?
Faith makes people civil? So Xian nations produced a couple of world wars because ....?
What a stupid man he is, and seemingly without any recollection of actual, as opposed to deluded history ...
Every time the pond reads the Bolter, he manages to make fundamentalist bigots sound like rational folks from the indulgent centre ... you know, like this ...
And so to the Pope of the day, which requires a pivot, but does speak of demonic forces and exorcisms - the pond is tempted each day to do an exorcism on the reptiles and the Bolter - and better still invokes Goya ... with more papal evocations here ...
Naturally, the Bolter missed a very similar piece by the ABC about domestic abuse in Islam because it happened to be in the left hand side of his vision.
ReplyDeleteAnd this, I think, might be the one you're referring to:
Hmmm. According to the ABC, Barners (the antipodean Khrushchev ?) said this: "If you want to beat up your wife, you can't become a citizen of this nation. It's as simple as that."
Clearly, there just can't be any wife beating at all going on amongst Australian citizens, can there. I wonder what's happened to all those locally born guys who just can't become Australian citizens. Are they all being sent to Nauru and Manus ?